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Posts posted by FlaviusHambonius

  1. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

    The Beatles


    Lucy does not equal 'Sky'----How about 'Sky Pilot' by Eric Burton and The Animals.

    I demand a recount--Pam you have really got to stay on top of this or I will re-enter the game and dominate ( I keed, I keed ) :lol::lol:

  2. Monkey Brains (of course while the poor Monkey is still alive)-- Cows stomach lineing (Tripe) and Rocky Mountain Oysters (Well, we know what those are) should all be included in the WOW, although I do enjoy a little Minudo w/tripe on occassion w/squeezed lemon and onions and of course the side of Fava Beans and a fine Kiante wine.

    In China they cut snake into sections and serve it while it still wiggles. They also deep fry half of a fish while it is still alive for a few seconds, then serve it while the mouth and gills are moving--get it while it's fresh. I think these could be borderline inclusions of section 89.

    It has been said that a Habanjero pepper is a thousand times hotter than a Jalapeno pepper--I don't know if that's true, but sounds reasonable.

    I watched a macho teenager (video) once start chewing a whole fresh Habanjero pepper and seconds later he was screaming bloody murder--It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen--I don't know if he survived or not--it didn't say.

  3. Quote:

    I feel God's words coming to me: 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East.' And by God, I'm gonna do it."

    Actually, that was Dick Cheney speaking telepathically to the Prez---I think that 'God' was just a nickname that King George gave him.

  4. I hope that the Dhali Lhama would be the last person anyone would take advice from when dealing with a perp.

    I think the perp will be laughing in the back of his mind and at the same time thinking what an idiot this person is for merely shooting him in the leg--especially as the perp unloads his weapon of it's ammo into the chest of the victim.

    If people are going to own a handgun for protection against home invasion for example, you must shoot to kill-- because you probably won't get another chance.

    If you can't stomach the thought of shooting to kill to protect your domain-- well, you might want to invest in a couple of pit-bulls--and keep them in the house at nights.

    That would certainly be better than nothing.

  5. ok....yes, i'm buddhist....and yes, buddhists do not believe in violence....but i have a HUGE fascination with guns and knives. (do NOT tell my parents, LOL, they seriously would not be pleased.)

    for my birthday, i am thinking about getting myself a handgun. i am pretty much settled on a .9mm, although i am not at all settled on which maker.

    i am fond of glocks, but i don't know if i want to spend quite that much.

    recently i read about another gun....the cz 75 d compact .9mm. it is a czech-made gun, and seems to get great reviews (at about half the cost of a glock).

    does anyone have any experience with either? is it better to spend the extra money? do you have any recommendations?

    (p.s. calleigh duquesne is my hero....)

    A couple of years ago I read reviews on a Bersa 380 handgun, and the reviews raved about this thing. At the time they were selling for about $215-- but the reviewer said that they should be selling for $400 easily.

    I personally have not fired one, but I have a couple of freinds at work who have purchased them and love them and they are still selling in the low to mid $200 range I think.

    Some who like the bigger handguns will probably call them a pea-shooter, but for those who want a smaller compact weapon that conceals rather well, supposedly this is a great little gun.

  6. Do the names Steve Young, Danny Ainge, Dale Murphy ring a bell to anyone?

    How about Johnny Miller?

    If you don't know who they are, just tune in to one of the BYU broadcasting stations and you will be able to hear these stalwarts in the LDS faith give their testimonies about their faith in one of the re-broadcasts that they show so frequently--with the exception of Johnny Miller.

    In fact Young, Ainge and Murphy appear together for a fireside testimonial from a few years ago.

    Does anyone know how to contact these gentlemen and inform them that they have apparently been worshipping false gods all of those years.

    Steve Young enjoyed playing football on the sabbath. Dale Murphy enjoyed playing Baseball on the sabbath, and Danny Ainge enjoyed playing Basketball on the sabbath and making tons of money while doing it.

    Of course these three have retired. But Johnny Miller still provides commentary on many PGA tournaments---on the sabbath.

    But I suppose it's not really a sin to perform for a professional sports team on the sabbath, because it's their (or was) profession--right?

    Probably was even considered heroic by most LDS members because after all these guys were firm in the faith--don't you think?

    But if I was gathered with my family once in a blue moon to watch a Super Bowl, well by golly I suppose all the floodgates of hell will open up and wash me out to sea.

    Maybe we should worry more about comforting the downtrodden, feeding the poor, visiting the sick, uplift the brokenhearted.........and yes, on the sabbath.

    If I do these things, I suspect the Lord will forgive me if I slip up and watch something on the boob-tube on the sabbath.

    I'm sure he has forgiven Steve, Dale, Danny and Johnny.

  7. Perhaps you missed the part where people got the hint and started showing up on time and attendance began to climb while he was Bishop? Being on time is about showing respect to the Lord and to the other members.

    No, I didn't miss the point, I can read thank you very much.

    Most members I am sure make it a point to try and make it on time. The point I am making is what gives that former Bishop the right to lock the doors and not let anyone in, when he thinks the members are at fault because they happen to be a minute or two late.

    Does he own the chapel? Does he have authorization to do such a thing?

    Case in point:

    Say my family and me are driving to church in the middle of a snowstorm and we even leave early so we won't be late because of the storm. Because of the road hazards we slide off the road and I have to get out and shovel the snow to get unstuck and then we proceed on our way--we get to the church and rush into the building and are two or three minutes late---only to find that the doors to the chapel have been locked.

    There are a myriad of reasons and scenarios that could make people a couple of minutes late, once in a great while.

    So due to the fact that this military mentality Bishop is going to lock the doors on his people that are slightly late and deny those people the opportunity of taking the sacrament is total idiotic BS. Especially if Sacrament meeting is first on the block.

    No, I think it's much more disrespecful on the Bishops part of denying my family in partaking of sacred ordinances and also disrespectful to the Lord on his behalf. If say I was already in the chapel for instance and I see a single Mother coming in late with three kids, I as part of that congregation would not be offended or feel disrupted--I would think that I would say to myself that here comes a single Mother who had her hands full that particulair morning and did her best---should we lock her and her kids out?---but the way you make it sound is that it is disrespectful or disruptive to other members if perhaps someone comes walking in late.

    If he wants to set records in attendence, let him do it on the military side when as I said they have roll-call at headquarters.

    Frankly I have never heard of such a thing---close the doors yes----to lock members out, NO.

    Leave the machismo military attitude out of the Lords House. Especially if it's to bump up attendance or to give people the so-called hint as you call it, that's not his job---that's our job as individuals.