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Status Replies posted by Vort

  1. Can someone tell me why the universe doesn't make exactly  what I want and sell it for less than $25 on Amazon? :banghead:

    1. Vort


      That's why the universe made you, zil. Your calling is to make exactly what you want and sell it on Amazon for less than $25.

  2. Quote

    Congratulations! You've increased your rank to Advanced Member!

    Woohoo! I'm twice the person zil ever was! ;)

    1. Vort


      We expect twice the posting volume.

  3. Lovely day in Nashville, TN, so how can it possibly be that Saturday is going to be a HIGH of 32 degrees? What the heck?!? Oh well, I'll enjoy the nice weather while I've got it!

    1. Vort


      32 degrees Celsius. That's about 90 degrees Fahrenheit. 😊

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Hey Vort - I see you've still got the Icelandic girl up.

    My son and his wife just came back from a week in Iceland. He's wanted to go for years, and now that he's passed his comps and is ready to do the dissertation, he thought it was the last time for a break like that for awhile.

    He said the women were tall. He ate horse. He soaked in a geothermal heated spa. Must be nice (except for eating horse). : )

    -- Dahlia

    1. Vort


      You know, I ate horse on my mission in Italy. Very tasty, like beef but much leaner.