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Posts posted by Connie

  1. Anyway, :backtotopic:

    I read something in my hubby's philosophy book that goes right along with this. I wish i could type up the whole section, but it is rather long, so i'll just type up a few paragraphs (still long but hopefully you can bear with me).

    Introductory statement: Socrates equated virtue with knowledge and vice with ignorance.

    From the book: Philosophy: History and Problems by Samuel Stumpf

    "Because man has a desire for happiness, he chooses his acts with the hope that they will bring him happiness. Which acts, or what behavior, will produce happiness? Socrates knew that some forms of behavior appear to produce happiness, but in reality do not. For this reason, men frequently choose an act that may in itself be questionable but that they, nevertheless, think will bring them happiness. A thief may know that stealing as such is wrong, but he steals in the hope that it will bring him happiness. Similarly, men pursue power, physical pleasure, and property, which are the symbols of success and happiness, confusing these with the true ground of happiness.

    The equating of vice with ignorance is not so contrary to common sense after all, for the ignorance Socrates speaks of refers not to the act itself but to its ability to produce happiness. It is ignorance about one's soul, about what it takes to 'make the soul as good as possible.' Wrongdoing is, therefore, a consequence of an inaccurate estimate of modes of behavior. It is the inaccurate expectation that certain kinds of things or pleasures will produce happiness. Wrongdoing, then, is the product of ignorance simply because it is done with the hope that it will do what it cannot do. Ignorance consists in not knowing that certain behavior cannot produce happiness. It takes a true knowledge of human nature to know what it requires to be happy. It also takes a true knowledge of things and types of behavior to know whether they can fulfill the human requirements for happiness. And it requires knowledge to be able to distinguish between what appears to give happiness and what really does."

    I understand this to mean that one can "know" they are doing wrong, going against God, but still be "ignorant" that such CANNOT produce happiness.

    The 1/3 knew they were going against God's will. It was very deliberate on their part. They had lived in God's presence and knew His will. They somehow believed that they would win the war despite that.

    The 5 foolish virgins (as the virgins represent membership in the church) have been taught the commandements. They know what is right. They know they are not doing all they should be doing. But they believe that they can find happiness where it does not exist.

    Choice is so important! That's what the Plan was. God wants us to choose to love Him and return to Him, but He will not force it upon us. He wants us to choose it for ourselves.

  2. Thanks. I guess as it is I just don't care.

    Back to topic.

    I think it is so sad that you do not care, because God cares. You are His child, His son! He loves you with a love that is deeper than any mortal can love, and He wants you back. He wants you to be able to return to Him. He wants you to come home!


    I realize that was off topic but felt it needed to be said. :)

  3. I have a testimony. I choose to follow a different path for the sake of keeping our debts paid and our heads above the water. Since I follow a different path does that mean I have rejected the holy ghost? I have never actually said I deny the Holy Ghost.

    I think he was making the point that you probably have not and therefore are not "past saving."

  4. that they were going to be kicked out? how about the 5 foolish virgins, do you think they knew they were going to miss the Bridegroom?

    Because I suspect they thought they were all ok, and I also suspect they thought they were on the right side of things. I really doubt they thought they were evil.

    I also wonder if they thought WE were evil, I mean after all, under the plan WE selected, some people are sure going to everlasting destruction. I can see how they would think we were heartless.


    I think you are probably right. Although as some here have suggested, there are probably always going to be those who don't really care if they are evil or not.

  5. I think it's easier for moms to take their anger out on the kids because they can't really do anything back to them. Be angry at the person who deserves it, not your kids.

    When it comes to dealing with my kids, I found blogging very helpful. When they did something naughty, I would take a picture and think, "This will make a great blog later!" I always know that someone will get a great laugh out of it and I will too later. My friends were cracking-up when we had problems with our boys getting up to play at night and I threw the door open, took a picture of them, and they had that deer in the headlights expression on their faces. It was priceless. Right after I took the picture and saw how it turned out, I was already cracking-up. Try not to take things too seriously with them and do your best to deal with the real problem - your issues with your husband. And give yourself permission to cry because your anger comes from hurt. I hope you will find the help you're looking for.

    Wow! Thanks for this, MorningStar! You have reminded me that i need to do better at this in my life with my kids.

    See, this is why i love you! You are so wise and such a good example! :)

  6. I tend to agree with Connerific on this one about the type of person you choose (not about looks yet, I'll discuss that as well). My husband chose someone (me) who was totally opposite to his mother who is a man hater, martyr, lazy, disobedient wife (I could go on but I won't). Funnily enough, my mother is that same type of person, and I chose very early on in my childhood that I would not emulate my mother as it just wasn't working for her (being depressed and sad and had two failed marriages). So yes, it goes both ways I think, you choose someone totally like your parent (1. if they are awsome and you want someone just the same, or 2. because you have not been enlightened and you are blinded to your decisions because you have not been taught agency and you make the same mistakes as your parents in choices etc), or you choose someone who is totally opposite or very very different to your parent because you are enlightened and see that it ain't workin for them. And, you also make choices in your life to emulate your same sex parent, or be totally different to them.

    Now for looks. I have a different theory altogether on this one. As some have said before, how they make the observation that some couples look so much alike they could look like siblings etc. Here is my theory.... and I'll build up the theory with what I understand to be true.

    1. We are all Heavenly Father's children = we all have his likeness

    2. From going to the temple I have come to the understanding that we had some part to play in our own creation (as well as the creation of this earth).

    3. Adam and Eve are the first parents of all of us

    4. Eve was created from the rib of Adam... (I think that is very signifcant)

    So from those pieces of information, I believe that inside of us is the seed of life and ALL genes possible to man. I believe that humans have not come to that realisation because we also have the power to manifest what (because of our sub-conscious/spiritual powers) genes we see fit to manifest. Hence when a couple become one spiritually, they also start to physically show those signs as well, because they want to be one, and the same in image etc.

    What do you all think of that?

    So going on from that. I chose a husband who looks absolutley nothing like my father. And he chose someone who looked absolutley nothing like his mother, except we both chose each other because we were tall (I'm sure most tall women would understand my notion of wanting to find a taller man :) ). So, we have been married for 10 years, and although we didn't look that much alike when we were first sealed, nowadays, people are saying left right and centre how much we look alike. Very interesting.

    This is very interesting. I would say the same thing about my parents. They did not look much alike when they first married but have grown to look more alike.

    Your mother-in-law sounds an awful lot like mine. Really the only way we look alike is that we are both blonde and blue eyed, although i'm not as blonde as i used to be after having 4 kids. :(

  7. I have found, in my own limited experience, that a girl tends to want someone "just like daddy" or someone just the opposite. I belonged to the second category. The only way my father was a template for me was in finding someone who was the complete opposite, and i was lucky enough to find him. He looks nothing like my father, but after marriage i did notice some very minor similarities in personality. All in all, though, he is my father's opposite. And i'm not very much like hubby's mother except perhaps somewhat in looks. We have had people tell us how much we look alike, though. Even had someone ask if i was my hubby's sister, haha.