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Everything posted by myway

  1. Hi, Are all new members required to attend the Temple and recieve the Endowment? Thanks
  2. This is a good question, one I have been faced with as well. I have been reading the BOM for a bit. I have faces a lot of flak from my wife and family over it. I am reminded by my son on an almost daily basis that "I ain't no Mormon!", (he means well). Just when I think that I put it away, it comes back. I cannot help it. It is fascinating. But something keeps drawing me to learn more about the Church.
  3. I Have been following Kerry Shirts (The Backyard Professor), on youtube. He is an LDS Scholar and digs into a lot of subjects about the BOM. I really like him. He is currently doing a series on the whole Gods belief. Much of the researched documentation and scholarship on the subject would no doubt would put many a Evangelical on the defense. I wonder if the Evangelical Church would consider it a sin or blasphemy researching such material. If you get the chance check out the Youtube post by the Backyard Professor. WOW to say the least.
  4. Good point. I am kind of curious though. By asking the questions of the Bible, by trying to unlock the mysteries of it, or finding out those parts that most do not understand, or finding the interpretations of those parts. I kind of wonder if the regular Church views that as sin?
  5. Sounds familiar. I too had a problem with the trinity being taught as it were in a lot of Evangelical Churches. The explaination seemed so vague and I had the same questions that you had about it. I have a memory from when I was a young boy. I was so young. My Father took me to a Church. I do not remember what denomination it was. It was his first time going there as well. I do not recall ever going to a Church before. I remember that it was around the Holiday season though. At one point in the Church service they had a magician perform some magic tricks for us kids. He explained about the death, burial, and ressurection of Jesus. This was done by demonstration using a handkerchief and a magic box. It was fascinating to a kid like me. There was one thing I distinctly remember though. I did not ponder God, or Jesus at that age. It never really ocurred to me. When I did begin to wonder about this at that time, watching that magic show, I just instictively knew that God and Jesus were two seperate individuals.... like I already knew this naturally. I can't explain how, I just knew. I often wonder about that. A child knows that Jesus is the son of God. Seperate beings. Without question, instinctively. Yet a child has to be taught, or prodded into the way of the Evangelical belief of the Trinity. I do not think that the different doctrines are truly paramount in the "Big picture". But the Evangelical Church uses this doctrine to levy charges against the LDS Church to prop up they're argument that the LDS Church, as well as a few other faiths are False.
  6. There are all kinds of opinions out there. I was amazed the other day when I was told that I did not believe in Jesus. I said "Yes, I do", "Well, not the same Jesus, or the right Jesus then". This is the kind of rhetoric that goes on nowadays. So many people expounding what they're specific Church teaches, each claiming to be 'the one' Many Churches seem more enclined to attack other Christian Churches. They would rather attack another faith rather than go out and attempt to talk to an atheist about God. All Churches have something about them that someone is not going to agree with, but to label LDS as worshipping a false God is ridiculous. The same questions of faith endure. Eternal slavation? Predestination? Speaking in tongues? all the way down to what a person chooses to wear in Church. A little over the top isn't it. My Father belong to one of the "Super Churches" down South. It is of a Baptist denomination. But I cannot help but to wonder if Jesus came back today , what would he think? Are these super churches any semblence of Christ original Church? I don't know. But do I think Baptist are going to hell over it? No, not at all. What I really enjoy is when you are told that you believe in a false God, or Jesus, by a person who attends that big Church that teaches that great new doctrine called the Doctrine of prosperity. They all line up like rats at the feeder bar for prosperity. Rather than worship God as our creator and Heavenly Father, they are more concerned wether or not God allows them to drive a Cadillac. You have to love that! Just be happy in knowing that you worship your loving Heavenly Father. Let those naysayers take a number and stand in line.
  7. I think this is a good and healthy approach to the whole idea, Good post MormonMama
  8. Hello, I too struggle with this. I am investigating the Church and have been for about a year. I try and stick primarily with what is truly doctrine in the Church. I have been on Youtube a whole lot. I have read a lot of the LDS information, but along with that, the anti crowd sneaks in it's jabs and punches as well. From what I understand, the idea of becoming Gods and Godesses is not doctrinal, but speculative. As the Adam/God theory, as is the God was once a mortal man theory as well. From what I gather these are just that, theories, or even just passing thoughts by previous LDS leaders. There in lays the problem, especially for those who are investigating the Church. The anti crowd gets a hold of these speculations, and then builds they're arguments upon them to use them to tear the LDS Church apart. For a regular Evangelical person investigating the LDS Church, these speculations go against everything they have ever believed. A thought comes to my mind. To tell the truth, I do not want to be a God,..ever. I just want to be with the Lord God when I pass from this world. I have no desire to be a God, (I am far too lazy! LOL), but it is very important for these issues to be addressed by the Church, especially on Youtube. Youtube has become one of the most popular sites for Investigators. I hope the true information gets out there.