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Everything posted by delio32

  1. Welcome, I am new to the site as well. I can agree with Truegrits, if you see something you are interested in, join the conversation.
  2. Welcome and thanks for coming to the site. I am new to the site as well and from everything I have been reading here, it seems like a great place to learn and discuss. Again, Welcome!!
  3. Welcome to the site and the church!!!
  4. delio32


    Welcome, hope your time here is fun!!
  5. I think this video - LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley Witnesses the Divinely Inspired US Constitution - Uploaded by AwakeAndAriseOr shows how we as Latter Day Saints feel about the United States and should strike a little fear in us.
  6. We went through this 5 years ago, probably had over 100 DVD's. We sold them at a yard sale, I went through the same thoughts while selling them. We needed the money too, so selling was the way we went.
  7. I believe that Helaman was the prophet at the time of Captain Moroni and that Moroni was a holy man but not a prophet.
  8. No, haven't grabbed hold yet. I am taking steps by being on this site and others, which has actually had me opening the scriptures many times today looking for answers, so this is definitely a place I need to be. I have also just went from a Blackberry to a Windows Mobile phone so I could download Yanceyware again, and I have, so there are steps in the right direction. I will be on here often and most of the day since I live on a computer 24/7 it seems. I also just downloaded a new Google sidebar that has RSS feeds and new posts show up that i am subscribed to. I didn't know it was going to do that so that was a pleasant surprise. I will keep everyone posted on how I am doing, thanks for your words!!
  9. Ok, I have been posting for 3 days now I believe or at least reading, I guess it is time to introduce myself. My name is Del so that is why I chose Delio, my favorite number is 32 and that is where that comes from. My family and I live in Katy, Texas about 25 miles west of Houston. I am a Sr. Systems Engineer for a web hosting company called The Planet. I manage the Cisco VOIP system we have. I have been in IT since 1995 when I started as a phone technician on a AT&T System 75 PBX for the Utah Air National Guard. I went on a mission in 1987 to the Florida Tallahassee Mission and served in: Florida, Alabama, Georgia and Mississppi. I have been in and out of the church since, or active and inactive. I am currently inactive and have joined this site to help with reactivation. I have had extreme tragedies in the last year, and I let go of the "Rod" during this time. I have been questioning everything the last few months including if there is a God. It hurts to say that, but the tragedy I have been through has caused me extreme suffering, at least from my perspective. I went through a horrible divorce 7 years ago which brought me back to the church at that time and made me stronger. I thought it made me strong enough to withstand anything, but I was wrong. I have let the trial I am facing now beat me down so low it is unimaginable I would guess. I am lost and looking for help. I am sure I will share more of my trial with all and look at this as some sort of therapy as well. I hope to get to meet many people here and share feelings and gain a stronger understanding of the Gospel
  10. I think I understand what the LDS view of the U.S. (promised land). I am interested in other views or what other Christian religions think? I am not a historian, but a lowly IT systems engineer and I don't really study history other then what I have learned in school and church. My understanding is people left Europe to start a new life and world. When they got here they wanted freedom from European Monarchies. What I have been taught or what I think I have been taught is the underlying reasons were to have freedom to worship Christ as they wanted? Now, back to my original question. Do other Christian religions believe that this land was created for this purpose. Do they believe the founding fathers were inspired of God?
  11. Of course we would welcome them and I think it would be a great idea for them to come. They could then see that the Spirit is in our church just as it is in their own. I don't believe that missionaries should be out trying to teach the Gospel at other churches. If a member has a person to teach, the mission president will say go teach. I think little good comes from spending hours at a members house, which usually ends up happening. I also believe the mission president would be just as happy with the missionaries going door to door on Sunday's instead of visiting members. I believe they are being asked to be out where there are opportunities to teach. If the missionaries want to teach the members how to discuss the gospel with their friends, set up a fireside and invite many members. Again, I believe this is more about how a missionary spends his/her time, then going to another church.
  12. This is totally a weird post, like 2 people talking and ignoring everyone else. Jeswitts doesn't seem to be bothered by falisrm but others are taking offense? For me this has been really insightful, thanks for the open conversations and insight into what we as Latter Day Saints seem to only gossip about.
  13. Well I see you have your thoughts on this but I personally wouldn't tell missionaries to disregard what their president asked them to do. Obviously the mission president feels the missionaries are spending to much time at members houses on Sunday's. When i was in the "belt" we couldn't eat at a members house unless they had someone to teach. We didn't go hungry, food was brought to our place. I just don't see anything wrong with missionaries at other churches. The Spirit is there, they may actually learn some things about how others feel about the Lord. I do know I was never afraid of the people that attended other churches regularly, it was the people that belonged to a church but didn't bother to go and learn what the Lord taught in the Bible.
  14. The only time on my mission in Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and Georgia i went to other churches is when I was asked by members of the other churches. We did wear our badges and many if not all of the members of these churches came and greeted us. If this is true "I was told that our mission president thinks it's a 'good oppurtunity' to 'spread the gospel'" and he prayed and received inspiration about it, it came from God and from the leadership of these Missionaries. They need to check themselves if they are questioning authority, it is not a democracy. Sure a he is only a person and can make mistakes but if he is truly praying about it and has nothing but the work of The Lord in mind then it is from God for these missionaries. After reading all the posts, I can again say I never had negative comments from members of other religions in their services. I went to Revivals, Bible Study, Religious classes at universities, Pentecostal services, Baptist services and more all with my tag on. When on a mission you are a representative of the Lord, you don't take your tag off for any reason. Where in the Bible or Book of Mormon do Missionaries/Prophets sneak into somewhere to learn or perform covert operations? When does The Lord ask this of anyone? This is my first post here and I'm sorry if I am a little fired up here. This is not a question of whether this is a good idea or not. This is a question of if you believe in the Priesthood and that your leaders have authority to give you instructions from The Lord.