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Posts posted by ninjormon

  1. What am I supposed to do on this one?

    My wife yells at the kids constantly. They have got so used to it that they just ignore her and so she gets louder and does it so frequently it is causing problems between the two of us.

    Now the kids are old enough to talk and all they do is yell. They are wild and at times uncontrollable and it seems that when they need to be quiet or reverent is when they are at thier worse.

  2. I work overnight and try to go to school and live during the day.

    My kids don't even notice that I'm gone at night because theyre already asleep but they do know Im always tired.

    Thing is that after a night, a day, and then another nightshift seems like thats when Im needed most. I can't function. I just want to sleep but if I let my eyes close I don't know what they're capable of.

    So what do you do if you've been at it for literally days and you need your rest?

  3. Quote:1

    Christ atonement covered all worlds created by Our Heavenly Father.


    Yes, even though it actually was Christ that created them, but by the power of Heavenly Father

    I have to say that I dont agree with this, Christ came to live on this earth and atone for the sins of those on this earth only. Other than sins (which we will be forgiven for) and the earth itself and everything that has dewlled on it (which will return to paradisical glory) what else would it cover?

  4. I never said that the sacrifice made by Christ isn't accepted, I said it was. Read it again, I missed a coma in there sorry.

    If there is never a possibility to fail why is there such a resistance? Surely satan and all others to ever oppose would have known that before.

  5. I understand how the plan is infinite in fullfilling all aspects of the law and eternal elements

    by an infinite being.

    But is that the only thing that makes it infinite?

    I agree with rameumptom is saying that it does not mean infinite in including all other creations

    but those placed on this earth within the creation cycle and will last forever, another

    characteristic of being infinite.

    That is the question that I was asking. If Christ atonement covers other earths. It does not

    it is accepted by others though as being a spotless infinite sacrifice.

    Since it does not include other earths and other cycles, my next question is were there saviours

    for other earths? Did Heavenly Father have to do this on his own planet? Will we have to

    do it on a future earth? Next question is if there are many many of these cycles can any of

    them fail? For example if Christ had given into tempation, He did have weakness and a human

    side, if this had been another person could they fail. My next question is what happens if they

    fail? With answers to these questions I am sure that in time I will have more.

  6. I have a question about the atonement being "infinite". The atonement is said to be infinite so that means it was either needed or accepted for every universe in existence. If there were other worlds to have been created, did they need an atonement. Did they all wait around for eternity for Christ to come or did they have thier own? If there were others have any of them ever failed? Is that possible? Does it being infinite mean that if one were to fail everything would cease to exist and the universes would start from scratch?

  7. I work overnight too, just so happens that I had to accept an overnight shift that requires me to work saturday and sunday nights, this makes it very difficult to make it so sacrament meeting, has anyone else had to deal with this? How did you make it? did you feel bad for missing eveyonce in a while? 2 weeks in a row?

  8. Last weekend we went to the mall and my 3 yr old daughter saw the easter bunny, he had huge 20 foot tall bodyguards (also bunnies) I told my wife look he has body guards and my daughter corrected me saying "No dad, they're bunnyguards".

    We have been trying to conserve energy by turning off all lights not neccesary, my wife went through the house and said there are too many lights on, my daughter said "yeah I know its a light-mare"

  9. What I don't get is how people can be so dumb to just dismiss this stuff and continue on with their lives as if everything is right with the government.

    Yeah I know, there is a lot to look at, but most people are "asleep" you cant look with your eyes closed. Ive beentrying ot wake people up but I think that they will catch on too late.

  10. Have you heard about the new report that the State of Missouri and Home Land Security got together and came up with for different State Highway Patrols could profile possible terrorists?

    Google "The Modern Militia Movement"

    When news of this got out they had to back down on this one.

    But this is the kind of thing that is in the works.

    You dont have to google it, I did the work for you, here is a link with the actual documents. I also posted it in the bumper sticker thread

    Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists

  11. Homeland Security will be in-charge for in-house chaos. FEMA is the agency who are building these tent cities or encampments.

    This is not true, watch this video, in a national emergency, it shows recent laws put into effect that allow FEMA to control, radio, TV, food, gas, electricity, travel, farms, movement, hospitals, schools, and can force you to be a slave (labor forces to work without pay) look up the executive orders, you can see that they are verified, EXECUTIVE=PRESIDENT, once FEMA is the boss congress cannot even try to overturn it for 6 months making the president a virtual dictator that controls everything in the country

    YouTube - FEMA takeover it is in the works!!!!

  12. We didn't vote for him but he is the boss.

    The problem with these conspiracy theories is there doesn't seem to be a specific target.

    If history has taught us anything it is that when the government oversteps its bounds it does so against a specific group (normally a minority) I.E. Christians, Jews, Tutsies, ethnic Albanians etc.

    Did you take an oath to the president or the constitution? Its an east question. He is not the boss. According to law in order to be president you have to be a natural born citizen, there are many military going to court to protest thier obligation to take orders from him. In addition the government and politicians are only in legitimate power as long as they operate within the scope of the constitution, they are exeedingly beyond that point.

    And yes there are minorites that will be prosecuted, I wont go into that and get kicked off the site, eventhough Im sure Im already pretty close, admin give me a warning if I get to close to touchy subjects.

  13. This is officer Jack Mclamb, he talks about red, blue, and yellow (or pink dots) and thier categorical purposes, the others are on FEMA death camps, keep calling me paranoid just dont take down the post, there are many sites and videos on this topic that even show incenerators and biodegradable air tight coffins

    Jack Mclamb

    YouTube - Brave Cop talks about 9 11 and FEMAs Red and Blue Dots

    FEMA concentration (death) camps

    YouTube - FEMA Concentration camps in USA with Google Earth - Google REX - 84

    YouTube - Google Earth FEMA Camps

    FEMA's scope of power

    YouTube - FEMA takeover it is in the works!!!!

  14. My interpretation of the Word of Wisdom is that it prohibits the consumption of anything upon which you could develop a dependency...coke, coffee, nicotine, water, air........

    I agree, caffeine messes with the nervous system in any form, it is scientifically proven that caffeine causes dependence, sleepless nights and restless days. It forms dependency and my biggest issue is that it weakens bones. Im sure that there are more reasons not to drink anything with caffeine.

  15. I have heard more new words in this one post than I have heard in a long time, what are rash guards? I opened this post to see what others thought because my wife and I have differing opinions, I always thought that the best thing was shorts and a shirt for men and women, maybe taking the shirts off and having a sports bra for women and no shirt for men, and my wife thinks its allright to wear tiny bikinis.

    Hordak the cleavage debate, Im with you, I dont know why showing off the chest but covering the stomach is modest, Ive even started seeing "soft tissue" at sacrament meeting.