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Posts posted by ninjormon

  1. I think that if this sroty is true that the reasons why would be that 1) the young men doing this cannot find a worthy girl to partake, 2) are ashamed so they try to keep it private, 3) the lack of places to buy 4)the reason that the number is high is because even though they arent the only ones watching they might be the only ones paying, remember this counts subcriptions, most others dont pay for it, they steal, definitely better than spreading std's and other disease but still very addictive

  2. I play video games, at one point I sold them all becasue I knew I was playing too much and decided not to buy another system until I knew I could control my habit. I bought one a couple weeks ago and set a few conditions on my gameplay.

    1. I will not play unless I have worked out/studied that day.

    2. I won't play if there is something else for me to do.

    3. I will stop playing if my wife or daughters need me to do something.

  3. When using a knife as a weapon theres no way to tell if you will just injure the person or kill them, the smallest nick to a major artery and the person can bleed out or in a struggle theres no way to tell where its going to end up. In close distances a blade is more deadly than a gun.

    Correction dead is dead so it's not more deadly but rather a more effective weapon.

  4. The reality is, most of the time, police do not have to use deadly force to ensure safety and the capture of criminals. They have several less than deadly force techniques they can use first.

    1. Physical Presence. If a bad guy believes someone is home, they are less likely to break in.

    2. non-deadly weapons. Tasers, pepper spray, mace, baseball bat, baton, etc.

    3. less than deadly weapons. Knives, dogs, salt shot, etc.

    4. deadly weapons. Guns.

    #3 knives are most definitely a deadly weapon, i had a call one time from a security guard while I was working as a field supervisor, it was a homeless shelter and long story short the man was shot in the chest twice by a cop and all he was holding a pair of sissors. In Texas we were taught during training that anyone with something shiny in thier hand and within twenty feet of you gets shot no matter man woman or child. It takes 1 second to go 20 feet and stab/kill with a knife, even by an old man on crutches, it takes 1.5 seconds to unholster a gun when you are expecting it, not to get on target, cock it, or including reaction time.

  5. The reason that the military, especially security forces (air force police) are seriously thinking of switching back to the .45 is that anything less has trouble going through windshields.

    Perimiter control, 6-8 foot fence dug 2 feet deep with barbed wire on top, good lighting, no trees within 20 feet of the perimiter and a couple of dogs is a good start. One bullet proof vest and one gun is better than two guns.

  6. I have a .38 revolver on my coffee table, a .22 semi auto pistol on my dinner table, a .45 on my nightstand, and 3 longguns in the closet

    now you need one in the bathroom, question, what if your in the bathroom and someone comes in the front door? now you dont have one and they have one of the ones on the table?

  7. Kids and weapons-my daughters are 2 and 1 1/2, they know daddy carries a gun to work to shoot the bad guys, they know that daddys guns, knives, swords, nunhucks, shurikens.... are dangerous, their biggest problem now is knowing who the good and bad guys are. So they as toddlers have a decent concept of what they are for. They understand death and injuries as best as they can comprehend at thier age. Everything is still kept out of thier reach.

    For FunkyTown though the nitro is powerful, if you miss or have both multiple enemies and broken wrist you are putting yourself in a good situation to be a victim, maybe if we mount it directly in front of the front door? Glock is making a .50 cal for production soon, when I saw that I was drooling, 10,000 rounds through it, dropped multiple times, dirt in it and still fires.

  8. Topic of weapons, hmmm let me gather my thoughts, ok ready,

    Guns-Its in the constitution that we not only can but should (open for interpitation) carry firearms, the constitution being inspired. So if God told these men to put it in the constitution I say he is telling us to carry. (open for interpitation) I personally keep a glock .40 under my pillow or on my hip every where I go, I have others and plan on buying many more. I have heard of missionaries (on current missions) carrying in Atlanta, who knows where else. Read Mosiah Hancocks (LDS pioneer) diary, he and others carried thier rifles into the temple, and Brigham Young knew of it/okayed it. I say guns are great BUT, we that hold them should not depend on them. While able to we need to prepare to protect ourself physically as well (hand to hand). Remember guns are great but there are a few problems, reloading time, distance, jamming, availablity and rediness of ammunition. A knife/sword is more effective in situations under 20 feet and dont run out of ammo. The government can take our guns from us at any time if we give them enough power to. So it is important to have other types as well. Future wars will be fought with information instead of wars. So what you say and do and keeping your identity secure is important as well.

  9. 4. We were driving and my daughter said "Look daddy the sky is following us".

    5. She learned the word rubber band before band-aid so now she calls them rubberband-aids. "Daddy put a rubber band-aid on my blood".

    6. We saw a man with really long hair, my daughter said look at the girl, he turned around and had a long beard, she said "look at the boy girl".

  10. 1. Just Sunday in nursery we had a lesson on the Holy Ghost, my daughter had a hard time saying it and keeps saying the silly ghost, Im trying to break it but still funny.

    2. My family is moving to Midvale later this week, Friday we had the missionaries and a couple of friends over for dinner, My friend taught my daughter to say Utard instead of Utah so now whenever someone asks where we are moving she says Utard, Im also trying to break this one or else I will be really embarrased when she offends someone.

    3. We had a meeting with the Bishop a couple weeks ago and when we went into his office the all the lights in the building were on. While we were in there one of the counselers turned the lights off (it was kinda late) some kids were running up and down the halls and my 2 yr old started yelling, "Everyone be quiet Jesus is sleeping"

  11. I came from a similar atmosphere, I say take what you know and build on to it. Learn more about how to teach them using the Bible but don't go all in all the time. Let them know why you are joining/joined, that you still have many of the same beliefs as them, that you love them and are still on the same side. Then keep learning as much as possible and interacting with them as normal but try to be a good example. I was baptized just over 5 yrs ago and just last week my mom and dad started taking the discussions with the missionaries. The best way is like fishing to put it out there and then wait for bites. They will ask you questions so be prepared by studying and over the course of a couple weeks or years they will have a change of heart and if not theres always another way.

  12. Cold turkey is best. When I first met the missionaries I smoked cigarettes and marijuana daily, not daily more like hourly, and drank daily. When I met the missionaries and took the lessons I just had to choose which one was more important to me. I grew up in diffrerent churches and when I heard of the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS I recognized it as where I wanted to be immediately, from then on I don't know why but I didn't have any problems. I was baptised and once I was confirmed it was easy, I knew where I stood and why. Good luck, if you really want to it won't be difficult.

  13. For starters remember a year supply is what you can survive on, not what you would regularly eat, kinda like a diet. Rice, beans, and milk will keep you full and strong for cheap. If your barely getting by then you should be able to qualify for government assistance. My wife and I built up our storage while on food stamps. We bought out the shelf of rice and beans and pretty much lived on that for a month but learned to like it.

  14. Whenever having any animals its important to remember that they are animals and either have purpose for you or not, cows and goats for milk and meat, chickens for eggs meat, I have a dog, he barks when soemone tries to get in the house/yard, if it were not for this purpose we would not have him but while he is here we will love him, if your looking for something becasue its cute and cuddly get a teddy bear, if your looking for attention/care/love get a companion or spend time with the one you already have

  15. We had sex ed in 5th grade. Do they not do this anymore?

    We didnt have anything close to it till much later on, and most of the time its a controvertial issue at PTA meetings on who should teach the children and with little opposition its stricken from the curriculum

  16. We have some reason or motivating factor that leads us to making a choice (using our agency). When the reason and the choice are together a decision is made we obtain the given outcome.

    If there is no reason to make the choice, then it isn’t made. This isn’t rocket science

    Got it not only find time but a reason, and if the reason isn't sufficient find another one, and if not....keep looking for a reason unless theres a better reason not to

  17. Sounds kind of fun to me.:) Not so much the $50 bucks though.:( Personally, unless you are really seeking spiritual enlightenment, then it's probably harmless....just entertainment.

    So Bytor and CB do you think that using a ouija board is just entertainment? or what about standing in a bathroom with the lights off chanting bloody mary? Trying these activities is not just fun, they can be dangerous. We are taught that righteous spirits will not answer to mediums and that if a spirit is actually contacted that it is basically evil and can try to trick or manipulate you.

  18. The bible says that no man cometh to the Father but by me. God would not be a just God if he did not give all men an opportunity to learn the Gospel and recieve baptism. There are many people that do not get to even hear about the Gospel let alone recieve the ordinances thereof. I think that this is going to be a major ordinance done throughout the millenium in connecting the entire family together. Think of it as a cycle, we chose to come down to earth and one by one we did, and we have to all go back together so we are all either working or waiting for our chance until the cycle is complete for this earth. So since no man cometh to the Father but by me we all need the chance to recieve or not recieve baptism.

  19. I think it is important for kids these days to know younger whats going on, my five year old niece last week started asking me questions about babys, where they come from, how do they get out of the stomach, etc, shes only five, I think you can/should start answering questions as soon as the kids start asking. If they are asking there is a reason why. I found out it is helpful to start backwards, from baby to pregnancy to conception depending on the childs ability to handle the subject matter. My two year old knows that she came out of my wifes belly and thats as much as she can comprehend right now. I think purposely shielding and being overprotective can hurt a child as much as it can help them. I personally didn't know anything about baby making till I was about 16 or 17 and everything I learned I learned at school, it's more important for girls to know than boys at an early age.