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Posts posted by ninjormon

  1. I was raised in the Bible belt, (the south) we went to different churches, none of them taught the same thing as the other, each had thier own preacher and for the most part went along with whatever he said to be true, the most bizare was the speaking in tounges, when they baptised me as a child they pulled me out of the water and told me to repeat certain words over and over, when I got tounge tied they shook me violently saying almost there, almost there. The preachers that did "speak in tounges" said the same mumbo jumbo over and over.

  2. I think in 2003 President Monson gave a talk and said that there was a deacon in his ward long ago that would rather swim or surf than go to Church, He would find him every week and ane time went into the water after him while wearing his suit, after the kid realized that someone cared he finally went. That may be all this kid needs, he could feel unwanted at home or not understand that people care, give him some one on one time, even if its on a basketball court.

  3. this is off topic (sorry!!!! :rolleyes:), but how, exactly, does one get one's EYE poked OUT? wouldn't it be easier to get it poked in? or at least gouged out? i've always wondered about that saying....

    (sorry for the gross imagery!)

    I think in order for it to be poked out it would have to be from the inside, or from a massige blow from the rear

  4. I agree with Joseph Smith knowing much more than he possibly could have taught. Listen to the way he spoke to other people (individual pioneer journals) even in depictions of him in the movies, he always gave people just enough information most the time, I think Christ spoke the same way on purpose. If Christ would have spoke as freely as he wouldve wanted the people would not have been able to crucify him.

  5. Remember even if we had a complete map of the events during the times of the Nephites the great upheavels and earthquakes that could have shifted much of the land around. I did read in a pioneet journal that Joseph Smith said that Zarahemla was opposite of Novou, wheter that is opposite of the city or the country I dont know

  6. I have a co worker/ friend and the more he tells me about budda the more I think that he is Christ himself as he came and taught the Nephites just in asia instead of america, thats why there are different variations of what is taught in buddism from country to country because it was passed down by word of mouth, He also says that monks speak a more ancient language that regualr people

  7. I have had a couple experiences that stand out to me as far as being confronted or taught by angels. I truly believe that one day after a good month of studying and fasting that I was taught by the three nephites. I wont give any particulars on the lessons but heres how it went, I was in the chapel late one night for a meeting with the Bishop, my daughter (2yr old) went around the corner of the wall, the whole chapel besides the part where we were was dark, (and locked) I turned the corner and saw my daughter standing next to someone that was kneeling next to her, there was another standing at the far end of the capel in the back and the other was around a corner that I could not see, as soon as I turned the corner he ran before I could see who his face, (my daughter cried for him to come back) the other two ran as well, they ran faster than I could have imagined and moved all at once as if on command but there were no words uttered, they ran out the back door, one came back and stopped and stared at me, I felt scared at first as we locked eyes then comforted as I felt we were communicaing without words, I then went into the Bishops office where my wife and the second counselor waited in the hallway, they said they heard running on the roof then saw the three I spoke of jump off and continue running without missing a step, I did some research on them and found a few passages that helped me learn more about what thier purpose is and where and who they show themselves to as well as how they communicate (by the spirit, so there doesnt always have to be words)

    There are many other situations that happen in our daily life that we know could have only happened with the help of Christ or Heavenly Father.

    I do meditation and prayer, meditation is used for specific thoughts like foressening situations in combat or on patrol and different ways to react so that when it happens you react better because you have already been there, prayer is always to Heavenly Father obviously.

    Mediums are real, but the spirits that seek them not them seeking the spirts are unclean spirits, this is taught in Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R Mckonkey (probably mispelled)

    For the spirits that follow people around, I have heard of Priesthood holders having spirits come to them and asking for help and the Elder giving them a blessing to depart in peace to the spirit world

  8. First of all remember not who wrote the Bible but who translated and put it together. The people that took the collective writtings and decided what to include/what to leave out, and what to change did this for not the reason of better understanding God but controlling the people. The wording of some of the scriptures are up for debate (in the begining, in the begining of what this world, this universe?) and im sure you can add this one in the mix too, also remember that the prophets and apostles in the Bible wrote according to thier knowledge of thier language and were not perfect themselves and that is why some of these things are left open. Christ never said he was God or the Father infact he refered to Heavenly Father numerous times, during the baptism of Christ; Heavenly Father was in heaven, Holy Spirit in the form of a dove and Christ in the water, showing them in three different places. Since Christ numerous times refered to Heavenly Father one must think he either 1had a father in heaven, 2 was a liar, 3 was crazy, Christ having a more perfect knowledge of how to use and control his words would not have said these things if they were not true, being Christ he could not lie, so that makes the words in red true, those that debate these things are not just anti LDS but anti Christ, if they dont understand that Christ used analogies and spoke in ways that were not so direct at times cannot realize that he himself was trying to word these things to make people try to see a deeper meaning thatn they could at that/this time coprehend. If they want to debate scripture and they want to refute undeniable logic about certain scriptures they are just trying to test your faith becasue thiers is already lost. Someone who asks sincerely would not do this, they would ask questions to understand more and you can actually see thier train of thought, dont de derailed.

  9. Cant say for sure about David, he may have had his own experiences.

    As far as trees and Christ go, since we try to be like Christ, if Christ is the tree and the tree has fruit and fruit has seeds, we should try to be like the tree; be as strong as possible and bear good fruit for ourself by teaching our children and doing missionary work; planting seeds, then we can have an orchard of goodness

  10. I can deal with almost all of the things listed here so far, my pet peeves are the young men and young women. Not just sacrament but all the time. I live in Mesa a place that is pretty saturated with LDS. The kids see each other at school then come to Church to talk about who is with who, who is doing what, who is....I heard them talking about the footbal score for an NFL game that took place right before church showing that they werent being revernt at home or at church. The majority of the young men also are really sloppy. They have long hair and baggy pants, (when in young mens I told the boys that if they could see another youngmens underwear they had permission to give him a wedgie) They have no regard for really old or really young people in the hallways and run over children regularly. The young women have to drag and lock themselves in a room because something they heard from school is so important they have to talk NOW.

  11. Overall just remember that money is a tool, just like a shovel, you can use it to build a mountain and see from above or you can dig a hole that you cannot escape. The secret to being/becoming rich is to spend money on things that you need, then you will have money for things that you want.

  12. Right Hemi lift where you stand. The problem is they want this country for themselves. BoM or D+C I dont remember where says that the lamanites will rule the americas if the people dont stay righteous, guess what we are there. This country is RIPE. I see the same things happening in pakistan and afghanistan, south america, once the people want change it can happen, but there has to be a weeding out process first. (more personal opinions......more ..... more ... more im not saying....) and Im ready for it. Once this happens the world will start to better prepare for Christ return, once change catches on it can be very rapid.

  13. I have to add some personal experience here, at the beginning of this year I had recieved a settlement from a case, at the same time we recieved our income tax money. My family (wife 2daughters) moved from Texas to Arizona (we hate it here) I paid rent in advance and bought a truck cash not having a vehicle (ownership is the best) We had all of our needs met for the forseeable future. I wanted to use the rest of the money left to build a future, go to school and supplement or income, my wife wanted to take a vactaion to visit family and do some other things. Needlessly to say I wanted to make her happy so instead of following through with my plan we bacame too comfortable and too laxed. Now I have to work a few days of overtime a week just to get by. All the little things taht you dont think add up really can, its better to be prepared than be comfortable.

  14. I think you might be talking about me and my kids, j/k we were home cause the kids were home sick yesterday. Week after week I try to get my daughter to sit still, my wife gives her activities to do before she even gets bored. My daughter then wants to run around becasue she is used to my wife letting her do what she wants and not making her ever focus on a single task. Then my daughter with her little high heels runs in the cultural hall, shes loud enough for everyone to hear. I am embarrased but do my best to try to contain her. Sometimes she is better than others. This problem starts at home. Some cases its both parents sometimes it is jst the one that stays home while the other works. Personally I try my best to keep her in control but the only way to get her to try is for me to try. But everyone should know when the noise limit is exceeded

  15. We waste more resources than just money on things we dont need or crap we dont use. We waste time and energy. We waste natural rescources. Some of us can barely help ourselves and need help from others. We can start by seperating wants from needs, we can live like marines in combat if you want to be ultra efficient. (you know a pair of boots, a rifle, and can of pork and beans) I think it would be another good step to start recycling. Just remember its good to have balance.


    here since I cannot speak for the Church as a whole or say why God made it this way, look at the Missouri Termination Order and ask why? It was for a couple reasons, one the people of local governments felt threatened, mormons were "different", and they were opposed to slavery, this started wars. This is a fight that needed to be wanted by the slaves themselves. Though slavery was abolished through the civil war, negative treatment still occured until black people wanted to fight for themselves, this was the civl rights movement. A man cannot serve two masters, until black people in america recieved thier basic human rights recognized by the government how can they walk freely? How could they go and do the Lords work if they would be killed and fought even harder for it? Just like dictators in other countries we cannot remove him and put in democracy until the people themselves want it. We can fight, we can destroy, but that doesnt build anything, willpower does.

  17. OK let me break this down, look at these questions from purely scientific, anatomically, common sense terms:

    As for meat, I know first hand that we as LDS eat a lot of meat, any time I serve at the Bishops Storehouse I get put in the meat freezer for some reason, ground beef and breakfast sausage goes the fastest, (can anyone back me up?) If you only eat meat you will become susceptible to meat poinsoning. Meat does not digest well if at all in the human body and has to be helped along through the digestive track, too much meat and it doesnt really go anywhere. Therefore you need more of the other stuff than meat. As far as having a large farm with a lot of meat/cattle, there are a lot of people, enough said.

    For caffiene, caffiene is proven to weaken the bones and cause calcium deficinecies. Caffiene is a drug, like any drug you become tolerant needing more for it to work. Caffiene causes bursts of energy but also heavy drops. Caffiene within 7-11 hours before bed can still cause restlessness and irritability from that loss of sleep. Any soft/hard drink also causes the liver and kidneys to work overtime.

    Smoking and drinking can lead long term lead to cancer, short term cause lack of energy, lead to other problems and drugs, and definitely bad decisions.

    Thus following the Word of Wisdom gives energy and longevity, or at least better enjoyment of the time we do have here. Not following the word of wisdom is a personal choice, more widespread in some areas than others but still an individal choice.

  18. Abortion is a touchy subject, I personally think that the only reason for one would be to protect the life of the mother.

    War, same thing, fight in protection. In martial arts and as law enforcement this is something I have to think about alot. Basically it comes down to this for me, I am attacked physically; I know that I have a purpose here on earth, I know what that purpose is. I know that the things I believe in are true and will not fight unless attacked or to prevent iminent attack. Therefore if the other person attacks me I fight not only for the protection of myself but furthering the cause of the Church just by being alive and working towards those goals for myself, my family, and community.

  19. Sometimes I feel irreverent but I laugh and talk with Heavenly Father like a friend. Others I pray till I cry, like curled up bawling. But most important prepare to pray, pray to prepare, pray often, till it becomes more than habit, till it becomes natural and you find yourself at work and not worrying about the pain in your back because the load is heavy because your immered in conversation with God. Pray for others as much as you pray for yourself. Remember to always look for the Spirit when praying, and expect to recieve an answer, tell Heavenly Father youre expecting one and then look as hard as you can to find it, chances are you might find your answers before you get off your knees.

  20. You are not worthless, just remember when you go through those periods that when you come out you have experiences unique to fit you, and you can help other people with the same problems. I had this same feeling of worthlessness before, try to focus on the good things the important things, remember that you have talents and skills unique to you. Remember that when you recognize what your weaknesses are you can make them strengths.

    Personal motto-Train hard, learn as much as you can, and perfect your talents, you never know when someone might need you.

  21. Wow, I have just recently started to understand the signifigance of breaking down individual scriptures for study and self application. What I got from this one is that we are on our mission just being here on earth. We have trails and are set back at times but we can accomplish all things that are set before us, God wont give us anything we cant handle, and we cannot go back to our Father until we have accomplished all of them. The challenges are different for each of us, sometimes we are Laman and Lemuel ready to give up, we can be like Nephi and not just press foward but help those less active to do so as well. And if they don't we do to fight by ourselves. Even if there was no one else would you press foward on your own? (like Moroni) We should have that dedication.

  22. Wow hemi you read a lot of books huh? did you read as much with babies/young children?

    I think one of the best ways to build the faith that is needed for great things is service. Fasting, studying, and prayer always work too. But to do missionary work, actually prepare to teach an individual that needs certain things, to search for answers for someone elses questions, fast, study, and pray for others for thier sake out of love, that stuff really works.