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Posts posted by ninjormon

  1. As far as parralells in our day I see alot, Political Machinations,

    pride cycle (laviousness/recession/depression) Obamas starting up the workforce again like Roosevelt. I think I see a trend with the gadianton robbers surrounding us as they did the nephites, kind of scary, Ive thought of the BoM as a playbook for our day as well as the rest but I know we are supposed to try our best to be peaceful (hard for a ninja) Has anyone else ever felt this or can they acknowledge my thoughts or is it anxiety/anxiousness?

  2. The first time I read the BoM it took a couple months, the next time I read the BoM in five days, it took about 10 hours a day with only breaks to pray, eat, and work out. Since then I've just been studying so I cant say that I have read the whole thing since then but I havent tried so I guess Im on my third too, right now Im trying to read the Bible more, being the only LDS in my family I try to teach them according to what they know, Does anyone have anything totally ground breaking?

  3. As far as the telestial kingdom and suicide, i'll explain, the telestial kingdom is reserved for all those that did not try to live righteously but still accept Christ and baptism whether through immersion or proxy, baptism for the dead will go on throughout the millenium. The telestial kingdom is reserved for killers, liars, adulterors, and such. So therefore even a person worthy of entering the celestial kingdom by not enduring to the end and rather taking the easy way out they fall. At work a man said it looks like its time to get ready to die for what you believe in, my reply was that's the easy way out, living for what you believe is hard. He was stunned but it is true. The purpose of God is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, this should be our goal as well, Peter said but I dont remember the scripture, since I have been saved I must now work to save others. (paraphrased) It is our work to try to help these people to recieve eternal life not just to live forever.

    The only thing that I have a problem understanding being a convert is I was always taught that damnation was being seperated from God. People that go to the telestial kingdom are dammed in progress, so damned is damned right? Heavenly Father will not go to the telestial kingdom so there is still seperation, can someone explain this to me?

    As far as the Priesthood Blessings you may not be a great orator at first but that is not the reason for the blessings. Through time in service you will get to know and understand how to feel/hear the Spirit more strongly and know the persons needs and purpose beyond what they may understand at the time. Think about the person, type of blessing, and situation before the blessing but dont think so hard you start to plan the blessing out. Take your time but dont try to use a lot of words just because it sounds good. The rest will fall into place. Eventually you will develop more gifts, the best way is to practice by doing. Just like you are not expected to know everything in order to join the Church your faith is enough and you will grow.

  4. A friend and coworker of mine is buddist, he tells me about who the real budda is in china, cambodia, vietnam....and how they are different in some places but that budda is not the fat guy we see but was a skinny guy, born of an angel father and fairy mother, he had multiple lives, each time he had to try to be perfect, give every thing away if someone asked and always peaceful, and how through generations the stories changed and thats why there are different versions now. I explained its the same thing with christianity and how most modern day churches came from the catholic church and why our Church is what we know it to be. The more I speak to him and he tells me about budda and monks I believe that budda is Christ and the monks are not much different than us elders aside from religion. That he visited asia long ago just as he visited the nephites. I also believe that there are or may be ancient writings from that time. Are there any other buddist or former buddist now LDS that think this? or friends of buddist? or just any takes on it?

  5. Basically heaven is heaven no matter what kingdom you are in, the terrestrial glory is what I think most christians think of when thinking of heaven, we think of it as the celestial kingdom, no one wants to go to the telestial kingdom and isnt something we shoot for.

    The earth will return to paridisical glory and house the celestial kingdom, where exactly the terrestrial/telestial kingdom will be geographically or logistically I dont know but it will be part of the kingdom. The glory it has will basically be light that is shined from the celestial kingdom. I dont remember the scripture but in the bible it says that the glory of God will light the kingdom. Think how the moon reflects the light, kinda like that but spiritually.

    Anyone that accepts Christ in the spirit world and chooses to abide by the laws set forth in the kingdom of heaven will be allowed to the telestial kingdom as long as they did not do certain things with a certain mindset or spirit here. Men can teach children that certain things are correct to the point that they believe that they are doing the right thing, then they do nthinkable things, but they basically get a second chance as long as they choose to do what is right for the rest of eternity, we dont choose who gets that chance or not obviously.

  6. Feeling the spirit is different for everyone, most feel peacefullness others feel fire. Some feel power and some feel still. You have to actually try to feel the spirit. If you do things contrary to that it will be that much harder. I had been doing things and hanging around the wrong friends and I felt not only could I not feel/hear the spirit but that my prayers werent being heard either. It was like there was a complete lack of communication on both sides. It took me over a week of fasting, praying, and study to get what I wanted, but once it came the fire in me was stronger than ever. It felt like what I would imagine Jacob felt wrestling with an angel. I could feel the struggle. Keep fighting and trying. Just as important as trying to feel the spirit you have to guard yourself against other influences. You can become dessensitized. This is the point where you cant feel the spirit and then you have to fight harder than ever before to get it back. Each time you have to fight this fight it gets harder and harder. Its much better to fight a little every day and safeguard yourself than not fight and lose altogether. And when you pray, prepare to pray first, think about every good and bad thing in your life, think about what you truly want, think about what you want for those around you and how you can be a part of that for them, pray till you cry, then keep praying till you cant stop crying, this is a good start. It might not happen overnight but do this and you wont want to stop or miss a day. If you ever get to the point where you dont feel like praying or something tells you not to, you are in trouble and it means you need to pray.

  7. Bananas, penut butter, and turkey are foods that help

    Work out, stretch, chase some kids, youll wear yourself out and want to sleep

    I was raised pentecostal and they always said read the scriptures, the devil doesnt want you to so after a couple chapters he leaves you alone

  8. Make sure you work on resistance training, muscles move the body and you cant burn fat without them, cardio is important, it heats up your core temperature and burns fat for about 4 hours after you stop, stretching keeps you from being injured, if all else fails volunteer in the nursery but beware you may end up with a calling

  9. Lakers look good but I think the Suns ae being built for the playoffs. Though the Jazz dismantled the Suns last week. The Spurs will be in propper form later in the season, theyre still the ones to beat.

  10. The best thing that Ive seen is get a sports group together, play different sports every week so its not a competition. Switch up the days too, some people work nights so they cant participate, others are busy saturday mornings. Saturday mornings are good because if everyone is there and someone needs help with something (moving) youve already got help. The hour or two after young mens is good too, the kids get an extra hour or two to hang out and see thier dads have fun. Some people dont like sports but they all love food, food gets expensive for large gatherings but its worth it.

  11. For the meat and sugar question, this is a mental thing, if you need more protien you can eat beans and nuts, for sugar its just not good in large qantities, I work overnight too, 4 or 5 12 hourshifts a week,

    my solution for both protein and sugar cravings are

    1 chocolate or strawberry nesquick, you get both sugar and protein/calcium at the same time and its easy to control servings

    2 trail mix, easy and on the go, you crave both needs at the same time

    you can dink just as much milk and eat as much trail mix as you want

  12. Diet and exercise are good for fighting being tired. I personally eat things like rice and beans because of the instant and lasting energy they give. If you feel tired or groggy, you can always splash cool water on your face (not the cologne) or my personal favorites do some flips or jumping jacks, run up and down the stairs just get your blood flowing. Dont forget to drink water either it helps with blood flow and helps with digesting the food and actually break down the food for energy. Powerbar used to have a warning on the label that in order for it to work you had to drink water for that purpose.

  13. Yes you are taking it personal, rather think of if you tell him not to take the discussions. Taking the discussions are good for anyone that shows intrest. You can sit in the discussions with him, if he asks questions that lead to other questions and he has a train of thought that is investigative for the purpose of learning he is sincere, if he asks contrary questions he is not. He may mask this well for the sake of your daughter though. My little brother was baptised only for the reason for getting married to a mormon girl. The maraige did not last long. I took the discssions in the parking lot of my parents apartment building and the missionaries knew a member family that lived in the same apartments. I took the discussions there and was baptised. Later on I found out that the annoying little girl that was there was actually not 14 but 18, she hunted me down,(i didnt know this till she told me) now we are married. My father in law was totally opposed to us dating, this lead to big problems early in my wifes and my relationship but hurt the relationship she had with her father even more, weve been working on mending this since. I encourage you to encourage him to take the lessons, but talk to your daughter as openly and honestly upfront. Let her know how important it is to get married but that there are other important experiences to go through as well. For him he sounds young, if I wasnt so focused on the girls when I was first baptised I would have gone on a mission. Now I wish I had waited. He still has many great opportnities for him so try seeing what your daughter sees in him too. It is not a waste of anyones time

  14. The telestial kingdom will be part of the literal kingdom of heaven, encompassed by the glory of the celestial and terrestrial kingdoms, it will be a lesser glory but it will have a degree of glory. The people that end up there will have been taught and learned either in this life or in the spirit world and accept the principals of the gospel and live right, there they will have an understanding that they lack in this life. There will be order and they will work together. They will know many things that are unkown to us right now, they will have a full understanding of grace and the goodness of God that they lacked here. I dont know exactly where it will be but the state will be better than where we are now to the point that it is much more lovely and desirable than anything on earth but we know that there is still something better.