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Posts posted by ninjormon

  1. I do ninjutsu, kenpo karate, MMA, and want to get into brazilian juijutsu. I had a blackbelt jujutsu friend that I was sparring with, hes much smaller, he jumped, spun, back heel kicked me across my chest and by time we hit the ground I was already in an armbar. I dont know of any classes in my area though, so im looking into an hapkido class at the rec-center. Diferences between hapkido and aikido? I've heard that aikido lacks some of the more dynamic parts of martial arts, true/untrue?

    I make my own shurikens (ninja stars), get pieces of metal, metal shears, a hammer, and a sharpening rock, and you have "ninja stars", electrical outlet covers come in different thicknesses, thicker ones have good weight, saw blades can be good too but either way you need really strong hands. Some people say that they are "fake" but if they can go through wood theyre okay with me.

  2. Your buddhist right? Im sure you meditate right? well you know the feeling you get when everything around you feels in place and you are at peace? well thats kinda how it feels when you know the holy ghost is with you, whether it is in your decisions, thoughts, and actions. Now think of how long it takes during meditation to reach "total enlightenment" now imagine that you can always have that, thats what it is like when you join the Church and you live correctly but its even better because you can actually be directed like the metaphorical flashlight littlewyvern is talking about, combine that with the metephorical map of the scriptures and with some searching you can find whatever it is you truly treasure

  3. As an investegator I had some opposition from my parents, my dad didn't want any mormons in the house so I had to take the talks with the missionaries outside on the steps of the apartments, my mom told me it was a cult. 5 years later and now my parents are taking the disussions. It took me a long time of teaching and then after pushing really hard for about a year I backed off and just started doing my thing, they told me that they saw a huge change in me. Personally I think that ultimately like most decisions in life you have to do it for yourself then good things will happen and you will learn more about yourself and the world around you giving you great perspective on future situations that will arise.

  4. Beck is interesting to listen to now and then. Sometimes he seems inspired, other times he seems to travel down the road of semi-paranoid conspiracy theories (i.e. trilateral commision, CFR, etc. all being in cahoots to dominate the world). He's a net positive, but I find his more mature competion over at the E.I.B. Network easier to digest.

    As far as him being a paranoid, its because its true, I am too. PC, are you catholic? The catholic church plays a big part of the global conspiracy he refers to. Hes also right about revolution and depression,

    YouTube - O'Reilly, Glenn Beck on Revolution and Depression; R&D. And the Fairness Doctrine

    This is how the illuminati types have grown thier empire so far already

  5. Have any of you ever heard that we as LDS dont get cremated because it would make the work for Christ more difficult to resurect us? Follow me on this one, I also believe in there being one global government coming about and being governed by very evil men, I think that it would be good for this to temporarily happen because if Christ is to reign at the head of a global government wouldnt it be good for that government to already be in place?

  6. I believe that this country was founded on correct principals for all men, though they did not include everybody at the time they wrote it. The concepts are correct when applied correctly. There is a promise that the Priesthood (Church) will always be here and guided by the right person, that same promise is not given for the government. The men at the time may have been correct for that time but that does not mean that there will always be good men with good intentions in office.

    As far as diesm goes, I think that it is partialy correct, I think that the courses of the earth have to play out, just as our lives have to. Just like somepeople think "if God knows whats gonna happen from the begining why do we still have to be here" As this goes I think that the purpose of this country being founded is not the sole purpose of its existence. I believe that the country has to go through major crisis and major changes in order for its purpose to be fully realized. Including possibly joining other countries and being governed by the same constitution in order for the work of the Gospel to go foward.

  7. As far as the border being armed from what i understand that the majority of the weapons are comming from america into mexico. Because we do not check cars going into mexico it is easy to cross into mexico with weapons.

    I wasnt talking about the citizens being armed I was talking about the governments. On our side of the border every twenty miles or so on the main roads we have a couple sherrifs with pistols, and the only thing asked is "are you an american citizen". All someone has to do is say yes to get across. On the mexican side there are soldiers with machine guns or fully automatic weapons.

  8. First of all the war is not just south of the border. It is going on probably on the very street that you live on, maybe even the same block if not in your house.(those of you with teens) The violence spilled over from this is purposefull and direct. I have seen this war from both side from the street and leadership levels. Don't think for one second that the majority of the people effected are illegal. There is a plan in place to destroy you as an american and make you pay for it in the process and this is just one of the machinations in place to do it. I could fill up an entire page on this but will suffice with

    D+C 38:28 And again, I say unto you that the enemy in the secret chambers seeketh your lives.38:29 Ye hear of wars in far countries, and you say that there will soon be great wars in far countries, but ye know not the hearts of men in your own land

    Some people say that this scripture/prophecy has passed but Im telling you it is still applicable.

    Legalizing marijuana would be bad, I think that the best way would be to STOP DOING DRUGS. The money will dissapear from the same hands that want you dead. Drug test for federal aid (food stamps, housing...) The reason that the american dollar is worth less (worthless) is because it is all either going overseas/next door or literally being smoked up. I dont remember where in D+C or JS papers but it says that the lamanites will gain power over this country if the people are not righteous, the takeover is happening now through finances and through murderous means. The Book of Mormon has many paralells for this day, rise and fall (pride cycle) i.e. resession/depression/revolution/success/ressession......For those that have seen the paralells of the Gadianton Robbers I think that you/we are right, it is in plain sight for those of us that can see.

    For those talking about policing the border there is a political reason why it hasn't happened yet. Our government along with mexican, canadian, and private businesses dont want it policed. And for those of you that haven't been to the border recently the mexican side is better armed than ours is. (or at least where I have crossed)

  9. Unemployment rates: Indiana 9.2 Utah 4.6

    Look at it this way, you'll have a better chance of finding a new job in Utah than in Indiana, I moved to SLC last week, I arrived Saturday, I found an apartment on Monday and a job on Wednesday because I took Tuesday off to run errands and unpack for my wife. The way I see it 50% of the unemployeed are homeless/dont wanna work and the other 50% switching jobs/restarted school, I'd suggest moving before the next round of graduates hits the workforce.

  10. just as a side note...i had to check 4 places to find ANY ammo for my .38 AND my .45.....only one place had 9mm, so i bought what i could afford, just got my little supply going...i think its really gonna hit the fan soon

    I had these same feelings more than 6 months ago but in last conference President Monson told us that things were going to change but that it was going to be a gradual change so I took that as saying that there wasnt going to be an all out war anytime soon, good to stock up though, get it while you can, but just as important as your weapons is your RIGHT TO VOTE, to keep weapons and to keep serial numbers and limits off of ammo, and everything pertaining to related items. Not just the right to vote but to stay informed and get into the voting process. Get involved unless you wanna be like Willow and the other Brits, no offense brits.

  11. Having a shotgun, he will be dead or nearly dead with a stomach shot. With most handguns today, the mags are usually 10-shots or if you can sneak a 15-round version, at least you have that many times to hit the person.

    But you agree that a knife is still a deadly weapon right? that was the point I was trying to make, and I know about the 15 round mags, thats what I carry in my glock, plus two more, until I go full auto then I'll still keep it around

  12. Hi Lily, I am also a convert of 5 years, (actually 5 years 5 months and one day) I had some problems with temple work and temple ordinances/rituals so I went to some websites that told me what happened in them (or thier version of what happened) and I looked at some of the other anti sites, I looked and looked but none of them ever felt partially right, I knew that not only were they wrong but also that it was wrong for me to be looking, but it did make my convictions stronger. As far as the prophets being wrong, sometimes they speak as people and not as the prophet even though they are the prophet at the time. For the decisions of Church leaders I say that ultimately they are the right choice, even if we cannot understand why at the time.