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Posts posted by ADoyle90815

  1. I think this film won't do well at the box office, even in "sinful, liberal" Hollywood and other areas with a large gay population. Those who might be interested in that film for being "anti-Mormon" are also those who supported Prop 8 and other laws, so they're not likely to see it.

  2. Porn can be just as addictive as alcohol and other substances, so you do have a right to be concerned, especially if there is a family history of alcoholism or other addiction. Even families who have been LDS for generations might have a genetic tendency for addiction, as there might have been ancestors who were alcoholics. I divorced my ex-husband because not only was he abusive, he was also addicted to sex, and porn was just a symptom of his addiction. I have no proof of adultery, but I did make sure to get tested for every STD just in case there was, but every test was negative.

  3. One MUST try to understand the other person before casting a judgment on them. If you want to walk a mile in their shoes, you need to first take yours off. Your statement shows that you're trying to view the world in their eyes, but keeping your own lenses on too.

    Jews feel that they've been under attack. For generations. For centuries. Now, when they hear about a ritual for the dead by some other religious group... they may feel that there's no rest for them and that their salvation (as they know it) is at risk, let alone those who have DIED FOR THEIR FAITH and wore their faith on their sleeve (literally).

    How would you feel if you knew the pioneers who traveled to Salt Lake with Brigham Young were being baptized into the "David Koresh" cult? (Yes, I'm using a cult as a reference as that's what SOME people think of us.) Do you think they could've respected their choices in this life and leave them alone? That's what some people think about us... until they can be taught about what we're doing is presenting the deceased with a GIFT and a CHOICE. When presented in that way, and that the Lord they know would NEVER impose a faith upon us, it is understood in a better and more correct light.

    Well said! Jewish people have been persecuted for centuries longer than the LDS church was, and to many of them, proxy work for Holocaust victims is the worst thing for them, since their religion is why they were murdered in the first place.

    I'm not LDS, but I understand why people do temple work for those who have died, as it's part of the religion, just as a Catholic would have masses done on behalf of someone who has died. I don't believe in the LDS church, so if I found out that my ancestors had their temple work done, I wouldn't be upset at all.

    For those who don't know about David Koresh, here you go:

    David Koresh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  4. I think religious freedom is still going to be protected in the US, as it's part of the First Amendment. There can never be a federal religion as the founders didn't want that to happen. When it comes to prayer, while Christianity is a majority religion with diverse sects, including the LDS church, there is a minority of people here who practice a different religion and even rarer, no religion might be practiced. Personally, I would fight to the death to protect religious freedom, as I strongly support letting others worship how and when they please, and that no religion is forced on others.

  5. I've only been through Zion National Park once as a kid, when my family was driving across country to visit family, and we just drove through the park. The only thing I would suggest is to bring plenty of food and water, not soda(colas included) since you could get dehydrated from the soda.

  6. i have to disagree with your assessment of malcolm x's murder. it is my undrestanding that malcolm x, after traveling to Mecca on pilgramage, began to discover the difference between the Black Muslim movement here in america and the true faith. malcolm x was murdered by people in his own organization for critisizing their role and interprtation of being a muslim.

    That's also my understanding, that Malcom X had a change of heart when he went on his pilgrimage, as he saw that Muslims were from different races.

  7. I think with the bandanna, the student wearing that could have been violating the dress code, as in many school districts, all bandannas are banned, regardless of what design they are as it can be considered gang attire. Cinco de Mayo isn't even a national holiday in Mexico, it's a regional holiday that is celebrated more in the US, but as an excuse to eat Mexican food and drink margaritas.

    I do think those students should have been allowed to wear their shirts, as it was their right to do so. The Supreme Court even said once that "a student's First Amendment rights do not end at the schoolhouse door."

  8. I've been on a women's forum, and it seemed at times to have a monthly PMS cycle of its own where a nasty flame war would start over something. It was originally for LDS women, but there were topics for crafts, which is why I actually joined that board for a little while.

  9. My mom was a middle school teacher, so she would get home right around the time my brother and I did, or shortly after we did, unless there was something like band practice for me after school. My dad worked maybe about 10 minutes away, so he was home in the evenings as well. Both of my parents were involved with the parent booster club for the band, and the PTA. My mom only began teaching when my brother and I were both in school, as she was home before then. One of the reasons why she became a teacher was that she would get home not too long after we were done with school.

    My SIL was laid off from her teaching position because of budget cuts, but that suits her just fine as she gets to stay home with my niece. She does work as a tutor in the evenings and Saturdays when my brother is home. He's not "babysitting," he's being a father. I'm sorry, but I hate when people say that the father is "babysitting" when they are doing their job as a parent.

  10. I would also say that the Twilight series is as close to horror as you're going to get, in this case, the horror is bad writing. Sorry, but I couldn't get past the bad writing so I quit the first book and refuse to read the rest, or see any of the movies.

  11. I'm not bound by any church rules as to what movies I chose to watch, since I'm an adult who is capable of making up my own mind as to what I feel is appropriate. I don't like extremely violent movies, so I see something else instead. I still have no desire to see "The Passion of the Christ" because it's too violent for my taste, even though it is about Christ.

  12. I would think God is more understanding and forgiving that we realize, especially when people are infertile, or are carriers of some genetic disorder that could be passed on to children. Many couples in those situations decide to adopt, and others are happy being aunts and uncles to their siblings' children. If that couple is struggling with their disabilities, it's understandable that they don't want to risk passing it on to their children. I think it might even be more difficult for special needs couples to adopt a child, since if given a choice, birth mothers might chose a couple who isn't disabled. It's sad, but there's still a stigma when it comes to developmental disabilities, just look at how many Down syndrome babies are aborted, even if the test was a false positive.

  13. I'm an independent voter, but I know there are many Democrats in California who think that something needs to be done about illegal immigration as it's a serious problem. One thing I think that needs to happen is that companies who hire illegal immigrants should have stiffer punishments. There are people who are Latino, but their families have lived in the area since before the Mexican/American war, and remained in the area when the current border was drawn up at the end of that war, and it's likely that they speak English, not Spanish.

  14. My mom will be retiring at the end of this school year as a teacher, and from what she's seen, one factor in student achievement is if they have parents that actually care about their child's education, and provide support. If children are given the message that their education is a priority, and that college is expected after high school, they're more likely to do better than those whose parents don't care.

    I do think the test to become a teacher is too easy, since any high school student could probably pass it. My brother has a teaching credential, and he said that the state exam was actually easier than the SAT was, and that if someone couldn't pass it, they didn't belong in college to begin with, let alone teaching. He ended up getting a job working in the county and is actually making more money than he would have if he got a teaching job. At least with the county, he has a job since people who got hired around the time he got his credential have been laid off, or are being laid off in June.

  15. Ultimately, it's your choice, but I do think that 18 is a bit young to consider marriage, as people do change and mature over time. There is such a thing as marrying too young, since many couples that married at 18 have gotten divorced, even LDS couples. While there are couples who did marry at 18 who are still together, it doesn't mean that you will be as fortunate as those couples.

  16. If people are that offended by South Park, or anything else done by the creators such as that musical on Broadway, they don't have to see it. Those who threaten freedom of speech through threats of violence aren't true followers of their particular religion. People who fly planes or drive rental trucks full of explosives into buildings are evil, and being led by Satan, not their religion at all. That's true for those who murder innocent doctors because of what those doctors do for a living.

  17. It might seem as if things are going downhill fast, but that mentality has existed as long as there were younger generations. Also, with the worldwide media, we hear about earthquakes and other disasters in the world as they happen, while in previous generations, unless a disaster happened locally. People also thought that volcanoes and other disasters happened because they angered a deity somehow. Then, with bringing in slaves from Africa, people still think that someone who isn't white couldn't have possibly been born in America, even though they were born in a US state to an American citizen.

  18. What's scary is that there are people who hate the occupant of the White House so much, that the Secret Service has had to put more agents into protecting him, instead of tracking counterfitters. It's scary that another Oklahoma City bombing can happen, done by so-called Christian terrorists.

  19. I think that being stuck with an abusive person for eternity is my idea of hell, but that's just me. There's no shame in divorcing someone who is abusive, as it's better than being murdered by him. I seriously recommend that you get counseling with someone who specializes in abuse recovery, as that will help you to realize that you do NOT deserve to be in an abusive marriage, and that it's NOT your fault. I found that therapy helped me to rebuild my self-esteem after leaving my abusive ex-husband. Also, it's best to get away from him before there are any children, as you can make a complete break from him, and not see or hear from him again. I consider myself blessed that I didn't have any children when I left my ex-husband, as I don't have anything to do with him anymore.