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Posts posted by ADoyle90815

  1. The issue with extracts is that you use such a small amount, such as a teaspoon that the alcohol is no longer an issue. Extracts aren't meant to be drunk, so if someone were to drink it, they have bigger problems than violating a religious dietary law. Now, if one were using wine in a sauce or making a beer batter, then the alcohol won't completely cook out, so if that's an issue, there are substitutions that would work. In that case, someone should be careful about eating out as many restaurants cook with alcohol.

  2. I also think those pageants are creepy, especially since my niece is the same age as that girl whose mom put her in that Madonna cone bra, and there's no way I would want to imagine my niece wearing something like that. While I personally don't see anything wrong with bare shoulder joints, I think children should be allowed to be children, and not be sexualized at such a young age.

  3. Don't give in to those Westboro clowns. They want confrontation. They want to fight. They want you to stop them so they can take you to court and try to win money. As dastardly as they are we can't play their game.

    I agree, it's best to just ignore them.

  4. I was taught to tip at least 15% and as much as 20% because servers don't get paid that much and rely on their tips. Not only do I tip the hairdresser, I tried to give the person at Target a tip for helping me load a table I just bought into my car, but they're not allowed to take tips. It's just how I was raised, just as I'm the type to respond to RSVP's and write hand written thank you notes.

  5. I never went to a co-ed sleepover, unless I counted staying at my grandparents' house overnight, but we still slept in separate beds or sleeping bags. My cousins were at least 8 years younger than me, and all boys on my dad's side of the family. Even then, I only had 3 cousins as not all of my uncles had children or got married.

  6. I would like to see this, too.

    At the risk of being controversial, I do not support abstinence-only sex ed. The fact is that while many kids are abstinent, others aren't, and they might as well be prepared. I prefer the idea that kids are being wiser and using other contraceptives, being aware that pregnancy is a possibility. I have a very good friend who growing up was told by her mother "I don't want you having sex, I do not approve of you having sex, but if you are going to do it, tell me, so I can at least make sure you're protected." Might not work in all cases, but my friend remained chaste until her Salt Lake temple wedding two months ago.

    I feel the same way, that abstinence-only sex education doesn't work for all teens. I think one reason why the teen pregnancy rate has dropped is that more teens are aware that pregnancy can happen, so they take precautions. Also, birth control pills might be used to treat painful and heavy periods, so many parents let their daughters get them for those reasons.

  7. It's sad, as from the pictures I saw from that site, it was a beautiful building. I wouldn't be so quick to call it arson, as someone in the building before the fire reported smelling something like a "hot glue gun that was on." Also, there was a film crew from BYU in the building and they had lights and other electrical equipment with them. Not all fires that happen in LDS buildings are arson, and my guess is that it's only a minority. A few years ago, a local Episcopal church had its hall burn down, and the cause of that fire was a grease fire. The sanctuary(chapel) was saved.

  8. I think your wife should look into WIC, as she recently gave birth, and you have a baby. One thing about that other job that I could guess a bishop would have issues with is if you started working on Sundays, and you quit going to church because it was a scheduling conflict. I think you could ditch the cable as it's mostly trash anyway, and keep the internet as it's what you use for school and job searching.

  9. Don't let anyone pressure you into joining if you're not completely ready, and if she expects you to convert and you have no desire to, end the relationship as it will save both of you pain later on. If you do decide to convert, it should only be because you believe it's the right thing to do, and not to please anyone. The missionaries are known for pressuring people to schedule a baptism before they're ready, so you should let them know that you're not ready to make such a commitment so soon. In my opinion, the converts who are more likely to stay in the church are the ones who didn't rush into baptism, as they made sure they were ready to make the lifestyle changes needed. Other churches require several months to a year of classes before they'll accept someone as a member, and even then, they won't let someone join because of someone else, it has to be because the individual wants to join.

    As for coffee houses, they also sell hot chocolate and sometimes cider, so she might be willing to go there.

  10. They can never just leave the church alone ever. I think it's fair to say, that we need to pick our battles carefully. Don't go to anti mormon websites and try to convince them, it just won't work. In fact, I don't think interaction with anti-mormons is very productive, since the majority of them won't want to have anything to do with the church. Why try to reel them in? Hearts can become much too hard. There is the off chance that they come to to christ. I met a guy who was a member on my mission who used to be a hardcore anti. Although he was never a member and went apostate, he was just a hostile protestant. Its definitely an exception, not a rule. I think the best thing we can do rather than contend with Anti Mormons, is to focus our efforts on being disciples of Christ, and sharing the gospel with those who are prepared to hear it. Sharing with those who are humble and willing to repent, that they can come to Christ, is the goal of the church. Our time is much more valuable, spent in this endeavor.

    That's not necessarily true of all who leave the LDS church, as I've met people who are former LDS, but you wouldn't know it as they have actually left the church alone after they had their names removed from the records. Often, someone like that has family who are still active, and they even go to a baptism of a family member to support them. They also show up for pictures outside the temple after a wedding without complaining about missing the actual ceremony.

  11. One thing I've seen with studies is that the majority of abusers, including those that abuse boys tend to be males who are heterosexual, often they're married to a woman. I still find it hard to believe that this study claimed that there were no allegations of abuse, as it's not always the parents who abuse children, often it's someone else known to the child, such as another family member, coach, babysitter, family friend, etc. The point is, while someone might not be abused by lesbian parents, they could be abused by someone else.

  12. Wait, are you saying that we can drink coffee or tea that is decaffeinated?

    And I would like to see the reference on needing to drink 10 gallons of water for every can of soda to obtain balance.

    Exactly, as there is such a thing as drinking too much water, and it's deadly.

  13. I think finding a therapist would be a good idea, especially one that specializes in recovering from abuse, including emotional abuse. If you prefer a therapist who is also LDS, your bishop can give you a referral. There might even be support groups for parents raising children with special needs, it might be something to look into.

  14. I go to a late night service at church on Christmas Eve, or if I chose to, I could go to church on Christmas Day in the morning if I felt like it. When we were growing up, we got to get our stockings first, but had to wait for our parents to be up before we opened gifts. After breakfast, we went to our grandparents' house for dinner and to open more gifts.