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Posts posted by ADoyle90815

  1. I have an aunt who died recently, and she did keep her "maiden" name when she married my uncle because it was the name she had been using professionally. Most women in my family tend to take on the husband's last name after they marry because it's tradition to do so. Nobody in my family is LDS, but it's still tradition for a woman to take on her husband's last name after marriage. Now, it's not as easy to change your last name as easily as it was, since the DMV and other agencies such as Social Security require a marriage license first before they'll even consider processing the paperwork.

  2. I'm a gamer geek myself, and when I've done the LARP thing, there has always been a rule against weapons of any kind, and physical fighting. In fact, I've known several gamers who are still LDS and very devout about their beliefs, and they are able to enjoy a gaming session. As long as one doesn't let their gaming life interfere with their regular life, then it's harmless. If someone doesn't remember that it's all fiction, then it can become a problem, such as if one tries to cast spells.

  3. In my area, people still go trick-or-treating and they will be going this Sunday as that's the actual date of Halloween. Parents even take their children to different neighborhoods, so as much as half of the kids aren't even from the neighborhood. Even the parents who live in the neighborhood walk with their children.

    As far as schools go, I don't know if they still allow kids to wear costumes, as the public school district has required uniforms for many years. My guess is that they aren't allowed to wear costumes because of the uniform policy.

  4. I think it could be mental illness since normal teens who don't like being made to go to church by their parents don't burn down their church. Most teens who don't like going to church just go along with their parents while they're still living at home, as they understand "my house, my rules." For some of them, they wait until they move on their own, and end up quitting their childhood church. Some go to a different denomination, and others quit organized religion altogether unless it's for a family funeral or other obligation.

  5. For me, the worst book was Twilight, sorry. I didn't even finish it and I refuse to read the rest of the series or watch any of the movies. I prefer the classic vampire stories, where the vampires do not sparkle. Yes, I've read Bram Stoker's Dracula, and I enjoyed it. I read for fun, and like Thomas Jefferson, "I cannot live without books." My parents always had full bookcases, and now I do as well, it's not something to be ashamed about.

  6. It's not just homosexuals or people thought to be homosexual even if they're not who get bullied, it's anyone who is "different." That also includes those with autism and other disabilities. That father who confronted his daughter's bullies on that bus did so because she was bulled because of her cerebal palsy. I think that all bullying, regardless of the reason, needs to be stopped, and the zero tolerance thing should apply to bullies, not the victims as it often does when the victim decides to fight back.

  7. As I tend to think that people are born gay, I think that in conservative, religious homes and communities, someone who is born that way is less likely to admit their sexuality. Suicide has always been an epidemic in those who are born gay, especially if they were raised in a church (LDS or other Christian denomination) that teaches that homosexuality is a sin. If people want to believe that homosexuality is a sin, that's within their rights, but they should still treat people born homosexual with compassion and Christ-like love.

  8. In my area, trick-or-treating happens whenever Halloween is, even if that's on a Sunday. The LDS community is a minority here, so not only do holiday celebrations take place no matter what day of the week they are, most businesses are open and full on Sundays. When I go to Costco, I go in the middle of the week because Sundays are the busiest day there.

  9. I hate to say it, but I don't know why a transgendered person would want to join the LDS church, or a true hermaphodite for that matter. After all, the issue with transgendered is that their brains were wired differently, and no amount of therapy helps. For those who get the surgery, it's the only option other than suicide that helps. What those people need is real compassion, not judgment.

    For the record, I was born heterosexual, and a female and I'm still a female.

  10. I've never seen a Christian or Muslim faith who didn't believe one was not going to Heaven unless they believed as they did. I've seen some individuals of faiths say they didn't believe all children were going to hell and that it was up to God but was about it. If you're an atheists, agnostic or differing faith, everyone thinks you're screwed unless you come to their way of thinking. The funny part is the majority of Christian faiths consider everyone but LDS and Jehovah Witnesses as Christian more or less but apparently not Christian enough to go to heaven if they don't see things according to their own differing opinions.

    That's not the case at all, most Christian churches also view the LDS as a Christian church, and even accept a LDS baptism as being valid. The exception to that is the Catholic church, as they consider their baptism as the only valid one, so all converts have to be baptized, just as when someone joins the LDS church.

  11. Not all homosexuals are promiscuous, in fact many are in long-term relationships with a single person, and in states where it's legal, many gay couples get married. Meanwhile, there are straight people who manage to sleep with 1932140032491742139 people, yet they don't get as harshly judged.

    As for the pie chart thing, I love my French silk pie I make on occasion, and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving. To me, it isn't Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie.

  12. I don't see what's wrong with having food safety laws, especially when it comes to the conditions of farms. I'm even willing to pay a little extra to ensure that the eggs or meat came from farms that ensured they were safe. If that makes me a bleeding heart liberal socialist animal hugger food snob, then so be it. There's also something called common sense, which means that if you really want to be safe, then you wouldn't eat something with raw or undercooked eggs in it. The only PETA I belong to is People Enjoying Tasty Animals.

  13. I know people who were laid off a year and a half ago, and they still haven't found a job. Even though I'm under 50, it still took me a year to find another job after I got laid off, as that's how bad the job market was and still is now. Before I got my current job, I was at a job fair at a hotel near Disneyland, and the line was so long, there were journalists from newspapers and TV taking pictures of the line.

  14. If I lived near DC, I probably would attend, but since I'm on the west coast, I can't afford the round trip airfare and other expenses right now. Besides, I have to be home the next day to pass out candy, as most children go trick-or-treating on Halloween, regardless of what day of the week it falls on. After all, our 4th of July fireworks took place on the 4th itself, even though it was a Sunday this year.