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Everything posted by X_Girl

  1. I agree with you completely. Why is it that they say we have to do this or that to my daughter in church, so that we can be together again.
  2. The whole three kingdom thing, I just don’t get. It’s only in the Celestial kingdom that you get your family, correct? If I understand you all correctly, to get to the Celestial kingdom you have to have been married in the temple, correct? To get to the temple, you have to obey the Mormon rules. I have been through the discussions, I have tried to go to church, but the whole LDS thing is not for me or my husband. We have a strong, loving marriage, I know that I can walk into a room filled with women, and know for a fact that I am the most well treated wife there. My husband is an amazing man and father. We both know Jesus as our Savior, we teach our children to love and obey His teachings, but we have no desire to do home teaching, teach primary, and go to priesthood or relief society. We will never be married in a temple. So as your description goes, we will not be together in Heaven. We could go to the temple, we chose not to. So what will we spend our eternity doing, making Bonbon for the people in the Celestial Heaven? Jesus will say to us “If it would have just been Mt. Dew and not coffee your husband drank, you could be together.” I just don’t get the three heavens.
  3. But it was illegal to begin with. That is what I have such a problem with, if Joseph Smith felt back then that God's law was to be followed above man's law, why is it not true today? Or is it that other branches of the original Mormon Church, ones that read the BOM, but still practice polygamy, following the true path of Joseph Smith?
  4. ....If Joseph Smith and Brigham Young taught that you where to have more then one wife to get into the Celestial Kingdom, why is it so frowned upon by the church today? I mean when we got the discussions, we where told that a prophet would never be aloud to lead the followers astray. So who which is correct, the beginning prophets and their talks, or today's prophets and their talks? Here is an example: I have an Uncle that is LDS, he was married to his first wife in the temple for all time and eternity, and they had children. Sadly she died at age 45. He still being pretty young married another woman (who had never been married before) in that same temple for all time and eternity, and they have children? The church has records of both marriages. So tell me, which wife will he be with? What will happen with the second wife and her children, if that is not what the church believes?
  5. So I started a thread, to ask one of the many questions about the things I have learned from non-members and from the internet. It turned into something very weird, and childish. Is that how most of the questions are going to go? There are big differences between the church that the missionaries teach to day, and the church Joseph Smith started. Heck, there are many difference in the church I went to when I was twelve, and the one that my daughter took the discussions for. I thought asking these questions on a Mormon friendly board, I might get different answers then what I have found from ex-Mormons, internet, church history, etc... I have hard questions, but will they all end with the thread getting closed? Which everyone ignored the basic of my question, which was "what do you believe is true on ______ subject? Or maybe this type of question is not wanted here?
  6. So that is were the stories of God coming down in his physical body for a night, came from? So does the church disagree with Brigham Young today?
  7. Yes, but that wasn't my question, was it?
  8. How do Mormons believe Jesus Christ was conceived? I've seen and read a lot by non-member, but there is nothing from the church about it, that have been about to find.
  9. My parents are from Utah, and have always been members, but we lived in Texas the first 14 years of my life. When I was 8, they decided to go again, and I went too because I had to. When I was 14 we moved to Utah. When I was 16, I told them I didn't really like going and would like to stop. In my adult life I have tried it, but always thought there where two many question left unanswered. Any way my daughter had a friend that was always inviting her to stuff at the church, and I would let her go, because it's a good place. Then the missionaries came and gave us the discussions, and there where some differences than what I was taught year before. So my husband (he is what is called a "jack Mormon") and I talked and decided to look into Joseph Smith and the church from all different avenues, and found out all kinds of stuff. I guess I still looking...
  10. Easy, because every town mentioned in the Bible you can still visit today.
  11. Hello, I'm X. I am not LDS, but my parents are. I just wanted to see what you all chat about.