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Posts posted by zippy_do46

  1. We are painting the rooms in our home. We do not plan to resale this home. ( the kids will just have to deal with it) I am going to paint my bedroom teal. My daughter is about to have a heart-attack. So in a few hours I am going to go buy that paint, before she talks her Dad out of it. What is it? They can cover their rooms in posters, names, and :confused:, art and when mom decides to paint the whole room teal, I am having a Senior moment and should think about it. ;) Thanks just had to get this off my mind before I go to the store and buy paint. It will be teal.:D

    What color would you paint your bedroom? (will this question make this post a legal thread?) :huh::lol: instead an insane rant at 6:00 in the morning while waiting for the store to open.

  2. I agree anatess, the manuals and the materials provided with them are made to use if you have nothing else to teach with. Lines drawing provided are used for easier copy. I would feel safe in using any pictures of Christ from them. I remember when I was in the stake Primary several years ago this subject was brought up. We were told by the First PP not to use outside material (pictures of Christ) from any other source other then the ones produced by the Church.

    :) Welcome Proximity4

  3. What one believes boils down to the person. Everyone finds his or hers belief or non-belief. We can not change anyone but ourselves. We as LDS can spread the Gospel as we see it and believe, but it up to the person to accept. We can show them the way and how, but then they must ask their Heavenly Father if what is shown is true.

    Just as she has the right to believe the way she does, you have that right also. I agree with the others though. This is a life change. This may be what she sees. If you are use to going out and drinking with friends and dancing the night away I would say this would change in your life as you get closer to the Gospel. This might be a life style change she is not ready for. This Gospel does change you. I believe the change takes place within. Even those who leave the Church know this. Why would they fight so hard against something that is untrue? Why do we have so many people on the rolls of the Church who refuse to take their names from those rolls with a simple letter saying I do not believe. There are some people who believe, but can not live the Gospel for whatever reason. I have seen several on here including myself confess this. Several of us found the way back knowing that the Gospel was true and we had to come back.

    If you choose the Gospel you will have a hard road to follow. The choice is yours. What does the Spirit tell you?

  4. Which do you prefer and which part of the country (if from USA) do you hail from? North, South, East, West? South

    1. Jello--side dish or dessert?dessert

    2. Soda, pop, or coke?Soda

    3. Mac and cheese--side dish or main dish? Both

    4. Biscuits and gravy--tear up the biscuit and eat with spoon or split biscuit and eat with knife/fork?

    split biscuit and eat with a fork, unless you are under the age of 5 then I tear up the biscuit and give them a fork

    5. Grits--sweet or savory?savory

    6. Bathroom tissue--over or under?doesn't matter

    7. Green onions or scallions?green onions

    8. Pecan: pecahn or peecan?pecahn

  5. :) Just remember nothing is going to happen overnight. Some things will work and some things will not. When I received this calling I knew Heavenly Father had a sense of humor. I do not read music, but love to sing. :) Check with your Church Library. They had a tape then on teaching children the songs. They might have something along the same line now to teach you how. :) We still laugh at my attempts to learn how to lead music. Just have fun!

  6. And know in your condition you do not need to be so worried. Stop it. Know your Father in Heaven loves you and has set up ways for you to get help. Pray to your Heavenly Father and then listen. Take comfort in the Spirit and know some of the panic you are feeling is hormons. There will be a way. I will say a prayer for you twisted_fairytales.

  7. Thanks Prisonchaplain,

    I would suggest that the Golden Rule would be a good start after Love for our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

    ""A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; As I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."

    (John 13:34-35)

    If we stop and think how we want to be treated before we say or do something I believe this would make a strong group even with our diffrences in belief. :)

  8. "

    So, let us say that, in the spirit of cooperation, we wanted to create an LDS-evangelical cooperative fellowship. Not so much a new church or denomination, but rather a parachurch organization, not officially, but encouraged by both sides' officials.

    Why would we need such a organization to cooperate in situation where we are helping our fellow man?

    I know I am missing something? :confused:

    The way I see it, if I am working beside a man or woman helping I would not stop and ask this man or woman what they believe. We are both there because we feel the need to do our Heavenly Father's work? Why would we need rules to do this?

    I feel these rules would just show the diffrence instead of promoting united efforts. I hope that makes sense. :huh:

  9. "Enduring to the End" not an easy task. Sometimes good people make an choice that is hard for us to see. We wonder why with all the knowledge of the gospel they would choose to live without it. It happens. It does not mean that they are bad people, it might mean they just could not endure. The only thing you as a member can do is be a good example and endure to the end. Such examples helped "me" make the right choice after being less active for so long.

  10. Our First Aid kit has always been a tackle box full of the basic first aid stuff. After Rita we made a change. We put our supplies in a back pack with rollers. Our 72-hour kits are also in back packs with rollers. All can be bungy corded to a metal wheel cart if one person needs to handle it. My hubby's 89 year old mother lives with us so one of us will have to be with her.

    We bag everything in heavy duty freezer bags. The largest bag contains bandaids of every size. :0) I would add a basic first aid manual. Get the lastest because a few things have changed. If you have never taken a first aid course, I would take one.

    After reading these post though I think I will add a small bag to our 72- hour kits of bandaids and antibiotic ointment and a couple of ace bandages. I have a extra bag that I can slip meds into. We keep a week of meds in containers. These can be slipped into these bags. All other meds are kept in small canvas bags along with info about meds( doses, what they are precribed for, and etc. ), doctors, and surgeries.

  11. Do not pictures that are used by the Church of Christ have to be approved? We have a gallery of diffrent pictures that represent the "Life of Christ". I use these to tell my Nursery about Christ. We have the Parson's painting hanging in our Nursery. I tell the children we do not have a picture of Christ since he lived so long ago, but this is what the Church says we can use. Parson's picture is not hanging in the hall gallery.

    One of my 2 year old walking down the hall with his Dad pointed out a picture of Jesus being baptised by John the Baptist. The "little one" told he his Dad, "There he is!" The Dad asked his son who. He replied, "Jesus".

    Now I am NOT saying that the boy saw Jesus. I AM saying that, "That these pictures having been approved by the Church and used to teach the gospel do not have to be and are not perfect. Just think of all the diffrent pictures we use. It is how they are used. It is a beautiful picture. My non-member nephew who was leaving on a missionary trip in south Asia asked me how he could get one. As true in any art we see what we see and feel what we feel. We all have our talents. Parson has a talent and is using his talent and sharing it with us. Is he making money, I am sure he is. Is this picture approved for our use? Yes, it is. Ask any Primary teacher or Leadership and they will tell you an approved picture of Christ is very much used to teach the Gospel. This is the purpose of the picture. I say it is doing the job that the Church wanted it for. Does it fit all science leads of what Jesus should look like?

    No, but does it matter if it has been approved by the Leadership of our Church. I am sure they had their reasons for approving this picture.

    Having said that I will tell you that I love the picture. It has touched my heart since I first started using it in Primary. At times I can see diffrent things in it. I believe Parson's talent is great because he can do this. As an artist, I envy such talent.

  12. :0) The good thing is this same daughter does not let her children or her step children get away doing those things we use to struggle over. She knows all the tricks and tells them so. I shake my head sometimes with wonder. She is going to make it. She has a strong will. She has survived some bad choices and she is stronger for it.

  13. True Story people.... I had to tell you this one on myself... I had this problem so I went to a local class on parenting. Bought the books and decided I would try the methods listed when dealing with a teenager. I learn some ways they I could turn a bad conversation into a good one. It worked beautiful. :) Then suddenly we started having problems again....

    In one of our yelling discussions she told me that she knew what I had been doing because she found the books. She was not stupid and I could stop doing what I had learned.

    So if you do buy alot of parenting books....I would suggest you hide them :) if you are dealing with pre-teen or teenagers. :0)