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Posts posted by zippy_do46

  1. How much is too much? My family was blessed when a dear brother in our Stake went by and gave our 3 month early preemies a blessings . He was on vacation in Louisana and this is where the doctors sent the twins. At the time I had a stake calling in the Primary. I know with all my heart that because I was doing what my Heavenly Father wanted me to do: my family was blessed. Also this seemed to be the time my daughter's life started turning toward the Church again.

    You know sometimes the best example to our families is showing them that our calling is serving our Heavenly Father. That this is important also. They are watching how you serve. Are we serving time or serving?

  2. Traveler, what if you had to teach a group how to start up a system. In your instruction you have a red button that has to be pushed. What if the red button needs to be pushed by a color-blind person? Would you have to change your method to teach him? Your job would be to teach the people who you have to know this. He must learn so you teach that the red button is now the 3rd one from the right instead of using a color. As a teacher you make the adjustment. Now you have to teach 20 others in 30 min. Oh, you also have 3 students who do not speak English and another who is a special needs.

    Motivation is not the only solution. Not all students learn the same way. Some students may want to learn but can not learn the way that is demanded. Time is a factor because certain subjects have to be taught at certain times. Some subjects have to be taught in order. If any one part is missed then the student is behind.

    I do believe that in some cases there is a lack of motivation by one or the other or both. I am just saying this is not always the case. Nor is teaching so simple anymore. Our Leadership who may never have taught in a class room is deciding how things are done based on studies.

    :) Now, Traveler I know you are a good teacher. But studies show you need to take a test every couple of years to make sure you keep up with your subject matter. If you don't (motivation) you can not consult. Oh, and traveler these people you teach have to have a test to see if you are doing your job. You can not grade the test to see where they lack. Someone else will and tell you in numbers where you went wrong. The kicker is now a study says this test is not a good one. So they will have to take another test and you have to go back to school to learn how to give a test the way someone tells you to. All of this, to push the red button. :)

    PS I hope you do not take this wrong. I am just mad because we are losing so many good teachers. Our children are the ones that will suffer. I believe there is no simple answer.

  3. Curtishouse, why would a man use part of the bible to say that he believes and then not believe in God. The verse that you quoted is from the Bible and the Bible is the word of God. Supporting this belief is scripture. James 1:5-6 Talks about lacking wisdom ask God in Faith. Matt.6:26-30 talks about the belief of God by looking at the world around you and know what you see comes through your Heavenly Father.

    Also there is another scripture that talks about reading the scriptures will help you believe. (John 2:22)

    Hebrew 11:1 tell us Faith is to hope for things which are not seen, but which are true. If you want to believe in God blind faith is what you must have.

    Your wish to have faith in something you can not see can only be proven if you believe in the scriptures. Do you believe in the scriptures? A word of God.

    I knew God was. I do not remember how old I was. I am a convert to the Church. I always felt there was more. I knew Jesus came to this earth as part of our salvation. I did not know why He felt He had to come. The Plan of Salvation gave me the answer.

  4. I have so tried not saying anything but I just have to. There is no one thing that is the problem. My daughter is a teacher. She is a good teacher. She was nominated 2 times for teacher of the year. She loves teaching. I have seen her work 12 to16 hour days to make up for all the problems that teachers have to deal with. This was not just grading papers.

    Tutoring problems, parents, special needs, abuse, what they can say and what they can not say, what they can teach and the constant changes in teaching materials and teaching methods are just a few of the problems.

    The other day she had one of her students come to her and tell her that another student has exposed himself to her. Can you imagine what she and the student had to go through? Oh, and my daughter still had to teach.

    These studies change a lot of students and teachers alike. The problem is they do not always apply across the country. We are taking the individual out of teaching. Let’s group all the children together and teach them one way. Let’s give them a test and if the students do not pass, let’s blame the teacher.

    I could just cry for teachers and all those children that do not learn the way someone’s study says they should.

    Teachers do not just teach anymore. They are too; busy doing all those things that every Tom, Dick, and Harry study says that they need to do.

    Any misspelled words or run on sentences are mine and mine alone. I had some good teachers but it has been a few years and I do not use the written language much. I just do what all our children do. I use spell check. My checkbook has a problem, too. The dog ate my calculator. Just Kidding :)

  5. angel333, Know your Father loves you. Stick to your rules. These rules were put in place to make for a reason. I so wish that I had done just that. In my case it was my daughter. My home became a house of anger, sadness, and something I was not proud of. I became something I was not proud of. Things only became diffrent when I gained control over my own life again. When you hear from him again, tell him that you love him, you just don't love the things he is doing. I know I am going to say something that might make no sense until you think it through. Forgive Him. Realize you can only control your own actions. The forgiveness is for you and your salvation. Do not let Satan gain one foot in the door with your sadness, and anger at what your son had done.

    In 3 Nephi 11:29-30 it tells you the Holy Spirit can not stay with you. Don't lose that Spirit. In the long run if you can keep yourself level then he has a place to come home to that is calm, and is a home delicated to serving Heavenly Father.

    There are happy beginnings in this kind of madness.

    This past Saturday my son-n-law baptised my 8 year old grandson.

  6. I have been there and in this church being shy is torture :) Having said that I would tell you," Do everything you can to step forward even if it is an inch at a time.

    Some things I did:

    Talked to my Relief Society President and tell her your problem.

    Step forward and serve others (often this is on a one-to-one basis)

    Listen, often I would hear a need that others did not (Ex. I would send some Nursing Home members lessons and comments that were made from others)

    Study and Pray - this lets you know where you come from and realize as a daughter of our Heavenly Father you have worth.

    My first calling was in the Nursery. This helped me because with the children I was not so shy. :)

    My shyness was so bad I went less active for a number of years. I pray that you do not let this happen to you. My mother told me I just needed to come back to the church I had always gone to before I was converted to the LDS Church. I knew that the gospel was true and I had to try to come back. This was the hardest thing I ever had to do. :) Thus began my journey of returning one step at a time. I did what I told you I did. A Primary President was listening to her Father in Heaven and called me as Nursery Leader. To be honest I do not know who she was. I was that shy. I came to church and went to the Nursery. I do not think I looked a parent in the eye the first year. :) Hang in there.

    Smile your Father in Heaven loves you. I agree with Roseslipper. A smile can be a beginning, because when you do this you hold your head up. Just doing this sometimes can give you the strengh to say hi!

  7. Sometimes when threads are posted on here, I can only see a answer at my level of understanding. Interesting is what the Bible Dictionary says in the King James used by the Church it says:

    "All true faith must be based upon correct knowledge or it cannot produce the desired results. Faith in Jesus Christ is the first principle of the gospel and is more then belief since true faith always moves its possessor to some kind of physical and mental action: it carries an assurance of the fulfillment of the thing hoped for. ...."

    It goes on to say that our Faith should grow like a seed even into a tree. This tells me we should seek and ask for understanding. Seeking in Faith the knowledge to make your decisions should not be stepping over the line and asking for a sign.

  8. Does anyone know if there is a time-limit on pictures from the "Friend" as far as copyright laws or is it space on Church site? I make a point of making any copies of pictures and activities that I think I might use in my Nursery Class. They have come in handy doing the lessons is stay with the "Church approved materials".

  9. Oh, Gwen did you get one of little Bears? lolol The Children actually made up stories about what happen to them. Lets just say out of the mouth of Babes! lol After some wild stories they decided that some little boy or girl needed our Primary Bear so bad that Primary Bear decided to stay...:)

  10. We did this in Primary. The form was a Bear :0) with a packback that had a travel log in it. We sent out several bears. Only one little bear came back to us. We heard from Primarys around the world. That little bear was passed from one person to another. Primary Bear's travel arrangements were direct. The person who was given our little pal made sure he was given to another who would keep him going. Remember I told you we sent out several bears. One made the journey and came back to us when the travel log was full. I always wondered what happen to those other bears. This was a great experience for those children.

  11. I too believe the fullness of the gospel is there. I believe that the BOM reveals more and more as you study the words. Every time I read it I see something I did not see before. I also believe this is how it answers our needs.

    How often do we receive instruction from our prophets and suddenly words that we have read in the BOM are lifted up to something we did not see?

    How many times do we say "we just do not get it" and then when we study and pray and we get the answer?

    Why does Heavenly Father require that we be "worthy" to enter the Temple to receive and do ordinances that only be done there?

    Being "worthy" requires a certain amount of knowledge of the Gospel.

    I agree that as I progress I will learn more...

    EX: This site and the knowledge presented in these forums. Are we all at the same level of understanding? No, I learn something every time I come in here. :0) and some times I understand what some of you are saying. Some times I have no idea what you are saying. Then some where down the line of a thread I suddenly see what you are saying. :) Other times I figure I am just not ready and I re-visit the thread from time to time and do my own study to see if I understand.

    To be honest some things I just take on Faith. Just because I do not understand yet does not mean they are not true. I know the answer will be shown to me when I am ready.

  12. I just want to add that it should be illegal for college professors to assign research papers that are due at the end of March. This is the only time of the year that I actually care about NCAA basketball!!! I don't have time to do research about pufferfish (I may end up choosing a different topic)!!!

    :confused::lol: Why? oh Why?... Isn't that the fish that puffs up like a ball lolol :0)

    Has to be the temperature from the flu when I saw this post I was seeing a puffer fish being tossed around the gym....:lol:

  13. It has been my experience that "still small voice "puts me in positions where I am in the "front lines" for those that need me. I do not seek but suddenly there is a call for help and listening to that voice I am there. I have been on both sides. Once as Primary President and with a full board and all going well I knew the sister walking ahead of me was going to be my next counselor. I started crying. In my mind all was going fine. Heavenly Father was hearing another cry. One of my counselors needed to be released for personal reasons. She didn't want to let me or the Primary children down. Heavenly Father knew her heart though and knew she needed to be released. At the same time He knew this sister walking ahead of me would and could help me. I did not know her skills. The truth I don't think I ever saw her in Primary except to support her children. Oh, and when her sons were in my Nursery together.

    When I was called to the Nursery this time the Leadership did not know I had been in position a number of times. The Primary President told me she could not get me out of her head. Her concern was my health. I started out in the Nursery as an assignment. :0) later that dear brother told me He was sorry. He should have listened to what He was hearing. My blessing during "setting me apart" was that I would have what I need to take care of the "little ones". I have had the support even through a PP change. There has been times when I went to church because I knew my "little ones" needed me. I knew Heavenly Father would take care of the rest. I do believe those who hold callings are called of God.

    On the flipside I started out in this church as a very shy person. Really going inactive because I didn't think I could live the gospel even though I knew with all my heart it was true. In my struggles I accepted "callings" and tried to do them. Many times I would slowly stop coming. Did I gain from these callings? I say "yes" because Heavenly Father knew my heart. When I became PP I had several teachers who started this down side. I recognized for what it was. I started having some meetings and supporting these sisters. Interesting enough one went on to be a beautiful teacher. The other still struggled. ;0) But later she worked through her struggles and worked in leadership in another Ward.

    Only our Heavenly Father knows what it is in our hearts when we serve. Even those "callings" that some deemed the worst "callings" or those "callings" that you think you can not do.

    What is the true test? That you accept a "calling" from your Heavenly Father or you reject a "calling" from your Heavenly Father? Remember He knows your heart.

  14. PC if you were not where you are right now, would you be on this site... I believe sometimes we must go down paths to find the path that is right for us. Sometimes Heavenly Father uses us for the knowledge that we have gained traveling those paths. Sometimes when a person has traveled certain paths he can see the need in others faster. Does that make sense?