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Posts posted by zippy_do46

  1. I remember reading to use salt or sugar bags in between flour and cornmeal bags to help with moisture problems for short time storage in the pantry. This has worked great for me in our high humidity climate.

  2. Ok, here goes my wicked sense of humor that I seem to get at this time of year.

    "If You are Happy and You know it say, "Amen".

    "If You Chance to meet a frown, turn it upside down"

    As my grandmother use to say. "Happy is as happy does." I know often when I am unhappy in the church it starts with something I am not doing.

  3. I agree with iggy and a few others on the singing part. ;) my favorite is "I am a Child of God" Something about this song works wonders on babies. I used it in the nursery and with all of my Grandbabies. My son-n-law laugh the first few times I did this ...then my daughter called me and told me that she caught him singing on a "bad teething" night. ;)

  4. I was one of those people that let myself go. I did not decide to do this. It just happen. We just did not have the money for all those things. Hubby had to have a new pair of $100 work boots instead of me going to the beauty shop and getting a hair cut and color. Suddenly free education cost more then we thought. Paying taxes, health care, our home, our car, and 101 other things that seem more important then ME. Then there was time for me. It seem everyone had my time planned before I even come to my planning. Working and then coming home and being a full time, Mom added to this. It has always been hard to spend money on me. It has always been hard for me to take time for me. Then having no self-worth added to this thought. Somewhere along the line I suddenly realize what I had done. It has been a up hill battle since. I struggle with thinking about me and my needs. I think it is very easy for a woman to let her self go, under those conditions. I think really the problem comes when we think something will not give ... as we TRY to be all to everyone.

  5. I work at a used bookstore. We have talked about this at the store. Many have told me that they will be hold outs. They love their books. They love the feel of them. They like being able to turn back several pages and compare thoughts by flipping the pages. They love to share them with others. I have to laugh at one customer. She came into the store very excited about her son giving her a reader. She told me all about it as she went through the store gathering books to buy. She looked down and realize that she was gathering books to read. She looked at me and started laughing. She told me the reader did have its limits. She bought her books and I did not see her for awhile. She came in one day. "I'm back!" she said. I smiled and welcome her back to the store. She gathered her books and talked with the other customers and laught at comments made about certain characters. When she was checking out she told me with a twinkle in eyes. This is what that reader can not do. I laughed and told her that they might have a program for that soon. She looked around and told me."I do not think so." I believe sometimes those things we enjoy about books can not be scanned into a machine for us to read. :)

  6. This is from the cookbook I did for my kids and friends. I broke down and measured all those things my mother and grandmother and mother-n-law showed me. :) Added my own and gave as gifts at christmas.

    Tex-Mex Enchiladas


    The Chili made for these Enchiladas have no beans.

    21/2 lbs of Chili Meat

    1 med. Onion, chopped

    1 green pepper, chopped

    2 cans (8 oz) tomato sauce

    1 can Rotel tomatoes

    3 tbsp. Chili powder

    ½ tsp. Garlic powder

    ¼ tsp. Cinnamon

    1 Tlb. Cumin

    2 Jalapeno Chili peppers, seeded and chopped small (optional)

    Brown meat, onion, and green pepper in a heavy bottom pot. ( 5Qts)

    Add Chili powder, garlic, cinnamon and cumin to meat and stir in the tomato sauce and rotel tomatoes.

    Bring to a boil and reduce heat and simmer for about 1 ½ hours


    Cheddar cheese, shredded

    Corn tortilla

    Onion, chopped

    Green bell pepper, chopped

    Chili from above

    In a ungreased casserole dish pour a little of the chili in the bottom and spread it around.

    Take a corn tortilla and dip it into hot grease until it is limp.

    Lay into the bottom of casserole dish and put cheese, onion, and green pepper into the center of the tortilla and pull one side over the mixture in the middle and then put the other up and over the side you pulled over mixture. Roll the tortilla over so that the ends are on the bottom. Pull the tortilla to the side of the casserole dish and start another. Make as many tortillas as you need for your use. If you do not fill the whole casserole dish with rolled tortillas then pull them to the center and pour chili over them sprinkle cheese and onion over the top. Bake in the 350 oven until cheese is melted. Serve hot.

  7. There was a time that I needed help. I wished that I would have gotten help sooner. For some reason we think all should be right if we are doing what we should do. We are not immune to the problems of this world just because we are latter day saints. Things happen. Sometimes we need help to make things right with ourselves. Would you deny yourself help if your tooth was hurting you? Why would you deny yourself help when your inner self is weak. Get the help that you need and move forward. Sometimes forward is a step at a time. Know that your Heavenly Father loves you and knows your true heart. Get the help that you need. You can not help others until you help yourself.

    I love the fact that the Church has help now. Maybe it even had help when I needed it. I did not ask. The person that I received help from had some very good friends that were latter day saints. She was one of many I had the choice to choose from. I know now, I was guided to this person that helped me. She knew how to direct me knowing my faith was a very important part of who I was. How to say this??? I knew what I should be doing. I knew all the helps that I should be doing. I knew in my heart the Gospel was true. I just could not do anything to help myself. I was able to get the help I needed to bring me to that place where I could find that comfort and spirit that I needed to get better. I even for a while had to use meds. Please get the help.

    My prayers are with you.

  8. I think this is why every man can see and get answers to what he needs in the gospel. There are those things that are fixed in the gospel and those things which we must go to our Father for the answers. Every family is diffrent. Their needs both phyical and spirtual differ from others. Make it simple. Ask Heavenly Father and then get busy. The answers will be there for you if you are doing your part. We can not take ourselves out of the equation if we expect answers for our family.

  9. I have a question because I have a dear friend who is an older member and who is sure she has failed in the home and stewardship of her children. She has several grown children and several grandchildren. Some of her children remained active, however some of her children became inactive and have completely left the church. Now some of her grandchildren have no idea of any of the teachings. This woman and her husband were good parents, I was friends with one of her younger daughters, and they did FHE, went to church, were temple worthy, taught their children the gospel...yet she's had several fall away and feels like a failure. So is this truly a failure?

    I don't see it as that, I see it as children having free choice, and perhaps she is learning what it is like to have unperfect children who need a savior. Perhaps its a learning experience for her and her lost children on how important the Savior and the Atonement really are. After all of us, except Christ, are lost children at one time or another. I hate to think that this woman carries so much guilt even though she was a good mother and did her best to teach her children.

    Sometimes I think she is being tested to see how she would handle losing a child to sin. And I think wow this is exactly what our Heavenly Father must be going through, he loves each of us far more than we can love our own children, yet so many of us are lost to sin. I think sometimes she faces this trail to gain an understanding of what its like, and that must be something to learn, to step into our Fathers place if only for an instant of this life, to see children struggle, pray for them and hope they repent.

    Well anyway I don't think she is a failure. I know many who will disagree and say otherwise. It just makes me more awestruck that we have the Atonement.

    We can teach and guide but there comes a time when we have to let them make that choice that we, as children of our Heavenly Father have to make. Sometimes it s not the choice we want them to make. The choice is still theirs to make. We as mothers can only do what we do best. Love them with all out heart and soul. Sometimes after we think they have made a choice to leave...they come back. Sometimes they do not. Just as my Heavenly Father has never given up on me ...I would not give up on them. I have learned that I just turn it over to my Heavenly Father. This is the only way I was able to get through those times when my children went less active.

  10. As long as the two people whom this matters to the most know what they have done and know in their hearts that what they have done is aqainst what they believe in... it will not go away. You will feel guilty until you make it right between you and your Heavenly Father. I agree with John Doe. Honesty is the best policy. Satan works with these secrets. You set yourself up with a greater lost, the lost and comfort of the Holy Ghost.

  11. I can summarize your entire post here as follows:

    "You are pointing out the deficiencies of the way the Education is delivered, not the Education itself".

    To solve the deficiencies of delivery, you don't get rid of the Education itself. You fix the deficiency.

    And that is what this whole thread is all about.

    OK, I may be misunderstanding something here.

    We are talking changes that would help education. If I believe how it is delivered is wrong then for me suggest this change would not be what this thread is about?

    If so then I am sorry. I do believe that we can not improve on education if we do not change the enviroment of schools and the delivery of the educational basics.

  12. "Now, on your observation about "making it to the team", fact is: not everybody are cut out for basketball, football, or whatever. There are only 10 people on a basketball court, 22 on football, etc. Try outs (like auditions in the arts) are essential in the making of the team. It gives the opportunity for those who are cut out for that sport the environment to excel, all the others find their own niche. If you don't make it to the team then that's not the sport for you. Try out for something else. Because a kid like LeBron James could not have achieved the excellence he has now if he is challenged by talentless Joe Schmoe the entire time."

    In many of our schools in America, "the Game" is all important. Education takes second place. Teachers are asked even to give special treatment to these children. These children know this and sometimes the results is that education becomes 2nd to sports.

    Joe Schmoe might have been a better player if he had been given an equal chance. Many times the children that excel in sports today are the ones that spend time in Sports Camps and etc... If you do not have the money you do not play on a team. It took our Family together to let my 2 grandsons and 2 granddaughters to play ball last summer. It cost over $600.00. Three of them had never played so between balls, gloves, shoes, uniforms, fees, and weekly games we had to all pitch in or my daughter would not been able to let them play. So Joe Schmoe might have come from a family that could not come up with such funds. Sometimes it is who you know and not what you know that gets you there.

    Education is more then sports. In my opinion we spend too much time on the game and not enough time on education. If we take it out of early education classes then maybe time and money spent can be used to futher education.

    Does your school provide organized sports? (anatess) This is what I am saying. PE yes, show them ways to keep their young bodies strong. In High School bodies are stronger and the mind is alittle more mature.( not much) So many of these young bodies are pushed to the point that their bodies are being destroyed before they even get a chance to move on to adult life.

    "This is a very important part of education - realizing your stenghths and weaknesses and finding the right avenues for them then pitting the best with the best to achieve excellence"

    Yes, but we are talking education and not sports. This is what is happening in our school at a time when our young children need to realize their strenghths and weaknesses in education. They are setting their goals in sports instead of education. We are setting them up to think the bottom line is "how you play the game of life".

    Even the ones that do not make the team, with their young imature minds believe they are losers. Education takes the back seat. I have never seen a cheerleading team, drill team, a band, for the debate team. :)

    Our children see where we place importance. They see past us saying one thing and doing another. We need to show and support the importance of education just as strongly as we support every ball game or other sport events.

    When was the last time we set down with out children and really found out what is happening in our schools? I have notice that many schools have running sale promotions just to support some of the teaching programs in our schools. How many of you have bought boxes of candy or candles to support these programs? This upsets me when millions is spent on a test that determines how children learn. I think we need to loose the Test and teach our children for a "learning experience" and not to place them in a group.

    I am sorry this is so long. You know one of the things I like about this forum is that even though we disagree on how we need to do something we do agree that something needs to be done.

  13. Disagree.

    Sports is an important part of learning. It is where you learn how to win and lose with grace and comaraderie. It is also where you learn to work as a team in a controlled environment to achieve a very specific, very well-defined goal.

    You don't want to wait until High School age to learn that. By then your hormones are raging and the impiacts of win and lose are magnified by it.


    Sports is not an important part of having better education. Alot of money is spent on sports. Money that could be used for education. :huh: Anatess those hormones start even younger. The control enviroment is often a coach that want only the best players. There are only so many on a team. They have a certain time to make the team and then you are out. To some this is a rejection that hurts.

    You are right, about teaching them about losing and winning. The problem lies when some how the words and actions become winners and losers. I do not believe these young minds believe there is a diffrence. I have seen young players taunting others about being losers because they did not make the team. The other side is those young people who play on these teams think they are what they are because they are on the team. If they do not make the team then they are nothing. Education is not always important at this point.

    I do believe we should have physical activities for the younger grades. Just not team sports where you only use a small group of the population of kids. I think all should be divided up and a good coach would make sure there is strong players on all teams. This would teach winning and losing with grace. Not put all of the good players on one or 2 teams and then all the other players divided up. What is fair about this? It teaches another lesson I believe.

  14. It appears to me that there is general agreement that education has degenerated in the USA. I thought to start this thread to create discussions on steps to improve education.

    ;) I think we need to take Sports out of Elementary schools and Middle schools. The elements that surround these sports help make our schools into social clubs instead of places for education. ^_^ I would go back to teaching the child not the Test.

  15. Pam, I love that picture...

    I put a sign on the door of the house that says, "MOTHER needs your help for mother's day".

    We are working on floors at the house and this "old lady" does floor work very slowly. ;) So far it worked. I had my daughter and her daughter show up to help. The best gift they could give me.