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Posts posted by zippy_do46

  1. I am glad that you and your hubby are on the same page. This is one of the most important parts. The other is open communication about what is working and what is not. :) Not everthing will work for every child. Be prepared to make adjustments as needed. The point is to teach them the "correct principles" so they can make the "right choices".

    I agree about there being an outside element that as a parent you can not always control. As a parent you do have the choice in being involved.

    I love my role as "nannie" to my grandchildren. They did live with us off and on for over 3 years. There were times we did "time out". We used a timer and when the bell went off they were off.

    "I can also remember a time when I explained that the results of their actions was "time out" and that child looked at me and smiled did the action and then put themselves in "time out". I had tears in my eyes trying not to laugh. I went down beside them and asked them if they thought what they did was right. They explained that they wanted to do it ... so they did their time. mmmmmm "one of those ahhahh moments in teaching right and wrong. As a grandparent you will also have those moments. That is what disciplining really is or should be in my opinion. As a grandparent we have seen the long distant results of how we raised our children. :) The Good, the Bad, the Ugly of child raising 101. That is the reason we "spoil and send them home" sigh !!! I always told my daughter she deserved everything she received (both blessings and the work) of raising her children. :) mmmmmmm I just did not know she would be living with me when it came to the "payback of dealing with her children". :))))

    Many blessing in all your choices and welcome to the real parenting 101.

  2. Does Righteous anger exist? I believe that as long as there is un-righteous anger then there will be the opposite righteous anger.

    So from what I have been reading anger is still anger. You can be a God and still be be angry. You can be a man and still be angry. You can be in control or out of control and still be angry. The case can be made that there are diffrent levels of anger.

    I know when I get angry that I do not hear the words of my Comforter (Holy Ghost). I make bad choices that often leads to a greater anger. Some where along the line I loose control. I have been in that place before. My guilt and pride kept me there. So my anger, though sometimes brought on by a righteous belief led to uncontroled anger. It is very hard to be humble when you are angry. Somewhere you might cross the line. When you do righteous anger becomes un-righteous so fast.

  3. We must? According to who? Which cases?

    Teaching kids about compassion in intertiwned with teaching them about the human condition and educating them about the horrible things that we do to ourselves and each other. It's also necessary to teach the difference between help (as in providing food, shelter, clothing, job training, etc.) and enabling (helping homeless folks support their addictions and chosen lifestyle, etc.) From what I see in my kids, a lack of compassion isn't a problem. Knowing what actually helps vs. what doesn't help is what's lacking. Misplaced compassion helps keep a lot of addicts in a position to support their addiction.

    I carry a stack of "you are invited to a free meal" cards in my wallet, giving directions to the rescue mission. It's a great teaching moment to hand a cardboard sign guy one of these things, only to have them wave it aside and demand money. It's important for kids to see that some people will try to pull compassion out of you through decietful means.

    The very reason we must teach them as much as we can because if not then others will teach through their actions or reactions to what our children do. There does come a point when our children will have to decide how they will do something.

    When we woke up to news of the Japanese earthquake, I pulled my kids aside and let them know that without even getting up from the couch, our family was already helping in three different ways. First, our donations to the church's humanitarian aid fund would certainly be put to good use. Second, as a citizen of one of the most generous and charitable nations on earth, our tax money would be paying for the various govt relief efforts that would soon be headed to Japan. Finally, I assumed the place I work would be writing out a check to a relief agency and setting up a matching fund deal for employees (and they did).

    I loved the way you did this. Compassion in action and a lesson well taught. :)
  4. Maybe this is where picking your battles comes in.

    "I love the song "Because I have Been Given Much" This song seems to pop into my head when I see a need. Sometimes it has been there before the need is expressed.

  5. I like the way this thread went and maybe in a way these are the answers to what I had in mind.

    The other day we passed a corner on the road and saw several men on the corners holding signs. My grandchildren were in the car beside me. They asked about these men. They were holding up signs asking for money and for food. My grandson asked me if we were going to give them money. I explained that we were not going to. This corner is also where the red light is. We had to stop. :)

    The discussion started like this:

    "OK , Nannie, we are suppose to help those that need us, right?"

    :) Nothing like "out of the mouth of babes"

    We walk a fine line of of giving in our world. There is alot of danger and we must teach our children to know that danger. I explained to them that we must be very careful when people ask for something.

  6. :confused: Are we as a nation losing our compassion for others? Is it because we see compassion as a sign of weakness? Is our ability to shift our thoughts of thinking the best of people something we can change in these times? There are many that will take avantage of what they see as a weakness in our world today.

    Teaching our children about compassion today is tough. We are told to "love one another" and yet we must teach them to not listen to those who ask for help in some cases.

    What do you think?

  7. Sigh, there goes that wolf again. Where would you put your by-product in New York city?

    We, to some degree are along for the ride in this life. We do the best we can do. We can only control out lives and how we live. We can vote and we can do for our communities. We can not force anyone to do Here we go again.

    "You can lead the horse to water, but you can not make him drink. "

  8. There are positives and negatives to all the types. I tend to care about the environmental costs. CFLs may last longer, but they're dead nasty to the environment.

    True Backroads, and because you are up on the environment you know just what kind of hill we are climbing. This is where the wolves come in that look like sheep and act like wolves.

    CFLs were an answer to what we considered a problem, "Cutting back on fossel fuels ". As we start using them, problems started.

    :D I guess it is one of those days, because my wicked sense of humor just hit me. I vote lets go back to horse and buggy days. At least the by product could be used on the nearest field.

    I guess what I am trying to say is the only thing we can really do is research, do your part, and take care of as much as you can.

  9. If your needs mean that you can not use these bulbs, then it might be a good to stock up. Our world today is not the world for the one. If we do not learn to take care of ourselves then we will pay the price. I am not saying that it has to be "Annie get your gun". I am saying that the prophet has told us to have a years supply of needs. ;0) I think that means light bulbs also. I also think the ratio of wolves and sheep have increased. You also have that saying about wolves in sheep's clothing that could also apply.

  10. Dr. T. You might check this one out. It is for ages 9-13. The edit updated the language. My understanding is that it used the orginal old Northern Scots dialect. She up-dated the language. She was the winner of the Gold Medallion Book Award in recognition of excellence in evangelical Christian literature for this edition.

    It is a story that takes Sir Gibbie from childhood faith to adult faith. It tells how his faith affects those around him for the good or bad.

    One of the parts that hit me as funny at 2:30 in the morning (I could not put it down) was the description of reading the newspaper. Donal, one of Sir Gibbie's friends says, that reading a newspaper was largely a waste of time. He says that they write about things before they know them for sure. He suggests that they just wait until the matter was settled , "... you have to read out of your mind one day what you read into it the day before." :) I think this would be a fun book to read in its orginal form.

  11. I recently read a classic for young readers, Sir Gibbie by George Macdonald, and edited by Kathryn Lindskoog. The cover of a man holding a young child dressed in an over size coat and rags attracted my attention. I asked the young lady that brought it in for credit what she thought of the book. She said it was one of her all time favorite read.

    The book tells of the adventures of a small orphan boy who can not speak. The time table is over a century ago. I did enjoy the book. Has anyone read this book? I think I would like to read the original book without all of the changes.

  12. I think this is one of the hardest things to teach and also one of the most important.

    Out of 2 children I didn't do such a good job. I have one child that worries about money all the time and one who does not. I know there needs to be a balance. I think this is one of those things that children learn hands on though. They will be watching you and your spending habits and how you are with money. I am the one who worries all the time and hubby does not.

  13. OK, behind every spoiled brat is a parent or parents. In these parties that I have seen so far one parent was keeping what they were spending from the other parent. One parent said over and over," I always wanted to be..." Another was determine that her step mother was not going to turn a pirate theme party into a disco. I felt sorry for the kid. He just wanted a pirate theme party. I think he had more fun sword fighting with his dad in the end.

    I was a party clown for years. I did some very large parties. I have done some small parties. I agree the children were not all spoiled brats. I do agree that sometimes in those large parties you begin to wonder exactly who the party was for, the child or the parents.

    I guess I am at the age where I wonder sometimes if we are doing all that we can do to teach our children how important it is to live within our means. Just because we can afford to spend a million does not mean you should.

    Anatess, I can so understand your point, but then I wonder how those people in that "very high poverty level" felt the day after the party. I would have more respect for the man if he had started some kind of industry to help those in need with the money he spent for one day.

    I respect those who can and do take the time to make their children feel special on this day. I am just saying that you do not have to spend a bundle to do that. The love you have for your child should be more then what you can spend on them for a party. What if you went broke? Would your child know you still love them if you could not buy him or her these things? Could your little princess be a princess if you spent $50.00 instead of 30,000 on her. Could your little pirate be a pirate for less? Could your little rockstar be a rockstar? The answer is yes.

  14. I am shocked. Have any of you seen the reality show dealing with kids birthday parties? Outrageous is the right word for what is happening in this show. What is the most you have spent for a kids birthday party?

  15. How big is the children's room? Have you been using a baby bed? My hubby took the springs and using a 2 by 4 made a small bed that we could put drawers under. The drawers were from a old dresser. We attached them to a flat frame we made from a 1 by 4. We attached these to the bottom of the drawers. I took sheets and made a bed skirt to cover the bottom and verco it to the frame. The rest of the flat sheet and a old twin blanket made a comforter for the bed. Sheets were used for the curtains also. Does the closet doors open up into the room or slide?

    Since you so many boys you can double roll the closet. Since you are renting you might use a standing frame out of 2 by 4's to stand free in the bottom of the closet to put a bar through. If you do not have the equipment to do this ask the Relief Society President if she knows anyone tha can help you.