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Gatekeeper's Achievements

  1. GateKeeper has to move on to other goodly and Godly spaces. I have such fond regards for all of you. Keep up the good efforts. Help our Heavenly Father keep His children strong. May God keep you!
  2. I am shattered. My heart embraces yours. Do not be sad. “it was ruled my word against his,” This verdict is reprehensible. I’m not really sure; you may find peace and freedom in his death. After feeling your sorrow, I don’t know if I don’t feel the same way as you feel. What is the solution, Lord? Where is the end? I am struggling with this one. Bear with me, please. Okay, let’s see. Man’s path is not always straight, but God’s is. The law in a roundabout way failed you; the deeper meaning of this failure is about lack of divine knowledge in secular administration. Ironically, the greater official crimes against humanity are always committed in the name of goodness but sometimes there is a lack of integrity and purity. Conversely, God’s laws do not obtain directly to world perception rules. Because of this error in legal judgment, you have been left to search for understanding while suffering in misery. Behold, there is hope. I can say that the Lord loves you and He will always protect. You may find James 1:5-6 (scripture mastery) as your focal point to insight, understanding, and ultimately forgiveness. Due to your misperception of human error, it is difficult for you to extend forgiveness to the one that has hurt you. Remember, our Maker of the world has the power to offset hate and violence. See your fate through His forgiving eyes; and, therefore, it need not be a mote there in yours or mines.
  3. Hello and welcome to the site! The LDS (Mormon) church is your sure hope; you know this. Your pure instincts have divinely guided you to join the true church (with all the saving ordinances, gospel standards, morals and principles relevant to your, and, hopefully, your family’s salvation). I am remorseful that someone who misrepresented the Catholic Church physically and/or emotionally hurt you. Because of your once trust in the church of your youth, it is normal for you to feel ashamed, and for you to feel that this person will return to offend you again. It is also normal for your mother to not understand why you cannot attend the church of her faith; it could be that she is in denial, because remembering the immoral deed is powerfully painful for both of you. The emotional consequences extend far beyond both of your abilities to handle the matter alone. At some point, each of you will need to merge and encourage justification and relief from the pain, shame and guilt. Only then will you feel comfortable with yours and her beliefs. Perhaps you may consider not allowing yourself to constantly go head-on with doubt and confusion; sadly, one abusive thought will immediately breed another. Make your healing begin by meditating one step at time and at separate stages for each uncomfortable thought. Telescope only those thoughts causing you the least amount of unpleasant consequences, and then gradually confront the more serious matters latter on. By this method, you grow spiritually stronger and familiar with latter-day doctrine much sooner. Another creative example is that instead of feeling your mother has betrayed you or you have betrayed her, think of things as if you and your mom are simply unaware of a practical solution to your separate beliefs. Alter your lingo, because “unaware” is a less offensive term to use in place of the offensive term “betrayed.” Take the “feel good” pill! It is healthier on the heart and the mind to use innocent terms rather than offensive language. Understand? It is simply a matter of replacing negative thoughts and responses to a higher plain of positive and productive language, thoughts and actions. I pray all will one day be a healing for you and your family.
  4. Hello texasmom7, and welcome to the site! Oh, gosh! You have seven adorable children, huh? What a work of duty, responsibility, and love it is to be a mother. Happy Mom’s Day to you and to all the other lovely ladies of Father’s maternal creation! You are enduring tough times with your husband’s addiction, but don’t be swift to abandon hope in your family’s future or yourself. There is no surefire human remedy for the inevitable cuts and scrapes of addiction in any style or form. Now, you must certainly take this prescription: a double dose of faith and combine it with action targeted specifically at solving the problem as God directs you to. The answer to this awful domestic (and in your husband’s case, personal) problem is that your husband needs soul-purging. You must help him. In the matter of your husband’s defenseless urges and temptation, it is important to frequently bear in mind that sexually explicit material used with hostility and power pins the helpless incarnate person to the “wicked one” and he (Satan) is the sole enemy to God’s kingdom (not your loving husband, and, believe me, your husband loves you and the children). Presently, your husband is experiencing the symptoms of Hell, and the enemy literally desires to vanquish your husband and family, and triumph over our Lord’s eternal purpose for the family unit; this is the reason and the cause for your feelings of loneliness, your guilt, your lack of trust in your husband, your doubts, and your unwelcome temptation to give in to, or surrender, your sincere desire for a commitment to your marriage. Blame Satan; be angry at his distasteful, wicked, and determined efforts to bind your family to his evil purposes. Curse him when your husband’s weaknesses turn against your righteous efforts to save your family. Can you overcome this struggle? Yes! Your husband is quite wrong as he concedes that,” he will do this forever.” God will not allow your husband to be trapped as a spider in the evil ones cobweb. You must help God free your dear husband. Please, never imagine that you will have a broken home, as long as you desire to reinforce God’s eternal boundaries with your understanding of His eternal love and forgiveness for your husband’s weakness and failures. Now is the critical time to dutifully read your scriptures daily with constant family prayer and fasting. Enlist concerned family members to motivate and encourage you as you seek to fortify your spiritual saving efforts. Come often to this blessed LDS site for continued support. This is an odd and unusual suggestion, but I find that it has helped others with this type of uncontrolled sexual behavior. The plan is to begin to help your husband recall his once happy and clean childhood. Encourage him to explore the holy childlike spirit within; only do not allow him to know that this is your therapy with him. It is an even better idea for you both to recall as a couple your own special pleasures experienced as young children. Be creative and have fun with this mission of love and deliverance. This is a critical matter for you to accomplish on behalf of your family; so never be tiresome or discouraged; by yours and others’ prayers, God will daily guide you and your family. By this psychological emotional therapy, your husband’s love for Christ will inevitably be recalled and rediscovered with renewed love. Of course as your husband responds productively, you will need planned counseling and therapy sessions with a trained professional, and, to mention, you will need Church authority advice-giving as well. May the Lord’s strong power be with you and your family.
  5. CommaderSouth, it seems that our society sometimes places too much value in passive acceptance of the enthusiasm of youth. Play your games and cherish your spiritually- balanced hobbies. God is reasonable and not a god of wrath and torture. Punishment of God (or being caught up in sin) is, most of the time, common in all human experience and one’s thoughts and fears; don’t be overwhelmed by it. And all feel worse in God’s (and His prophets) presence and ashamed. Christ overcame shame in sin by furnishing your heart with His precious blood. Behold His glory and delight in only your godly triumphs. You are a charismatic young man; and you are earnestly seeking to be at rest and peace in service to Christ. As for paranoia, there is quite possibly none as far as this matter is concerned. To be paranoid, you would be blaming someone else for your difficulties, or placing your unethical desires on someone else. Furthermore, your comments here have no strange, unusual, or uncommon human transgression or wrongdoing. In fact, you consciously display remorseful feeling and emotions (such as your personal interest mentioned here), which is natural, and there is nothing ailing about that matter. As far as your desire to serve a mission one day, speak with your stake Mission President. He will advise you well.
  6. Hi. There is perceptibly more to this child’s irradiating behavior than what is seen and heard by you in the classroom. Because of the concealed nature of the boy’s anger, the basis for a sensible decision about this matter can not be made exclusively by a Primary worker—even though this child’s outburst is happening in your classroom. You should immediately turn the matter over to the ward’s bishop and his counselors (they know all there is to know about such matters, and they will accurately advise you and your husband concerning a practical solution to the child’s classroom conduct); then allow them to speak directly with the parents on this matter as well.
  7. It is sad that your daughter’s personal encounters with school peers have been nonsensical. Because of this unsympathetic behavior your child’s inner discernment and insight can not properly develop naturally for she is quashed by ridicule, fear, and disbelief. In order to restore your daughter’s own sense of connection and closeness with the other children, she must rely on the understanding of wickedness, by remembering the spiritual power and image of Jesus, our Christ. She must allow herself to respond only to the essential presence of love and wholeness that Jesus embodies and brings. The perception of children as the body develops is generally attached to and invested in ego and self-perception; the human body is spiritual but mystical. Your daughter is lovely. And children are attracted to natural beauty. Over time as she ponders the life of the Savior, the teasing and jeers will only teach her that spiritual vision inherent in wonder and innocence, to which we can add the vision rich in the Savior’s wisdom and experience (because he, too, endure mockery). No need to worry, all will be well in due time. Remember this, “For after much tribulations come the blessings.” Your family will be blessed with higher spiritual dimensions of forgiveness and unconditional, godly love for others.
  8. Hi Top, welcome to the site! Well, wrap your legs tight around that fence until this problem is solved, because this matter will take some time to overcome. :) As you mention, at present your lovely daughter is an excellent reason to seek a happy resolution to your marital problems. Perhaps your commitment to her will strengthen you to develop the energy to overcome those sexual impulses outside your marriage vows. Since your wife is incapable of consciously facing the real cause of her sexual eccentricity, it is better that both of you find a qualified sex therapist. At this point, your natural sexual desires have psychologically derailed you, as you have properly determined. For your family’s sake, search for the Lord’s guidance by constant prayer and daily scripture reading.
  9. Thanks for your help. But I have a feeling they know what this scripture means.
  10. Usually the child molesters, and those abusing elderly parents. You understand?
  11. Great day to you, and welcome!