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Everything posted by Franken

  1. First off, you need to date some more before you decided to settle with anyone, and well that should be preferrably 18+ and post mission. Secondly, hooking up with someone online=dumb idea. 80 percent of communication is through body language, so how could you possibly like someone and being dating them if you only knew 20 percent of who they really were? Third, you live in Utah, there's tons of mormon gals out there! I could see someone coming to a message board with your kind of post if you lived in the amazon or something, but what the heck?
  2. Franken


    I agree with what most everyone here has been saying recently. Post mission kissing is ok, but I don't think teens should do it. And as was said earlier, it serves a purpose after your mission, but none before.
  3. Yeah that's pretty much what I ended up saying/doing.
  4. Franken


    Kissing would be great if you were looking for husband/wife material or whatever, but it serves no purpose before that time.
  5. Franken


    Personally I think kisses should be held with a little higher of regard, like they mean more to you. I don't think we can express that much emotion for someone else in high school and should wait until we are at the age of dating to find someone to marry. I think it would just make everything a little more special than things before. Also, if you just don't kiss then you won't have to go through that list of what if's or scenarios of what's ok and what isn't. I had a sunday school teacher tell me once that if you have to think about whether you should be do something or not while your doing it, then you probably shouldn't be doing it.
  6. Well I did tell her that I liked someone else and that I was very flattered by her telling me, but I wasn't sure what else to say, I just still felt kind of awful. This usually never happens to me, it's a rare occurence to have someone like me, so it took me by surprise to have a few people at the same time.
  7. Ok, I just need a bit of advice here from people around the board. I got in this situation the other day and I totally had nooo clue what to do. What are you supposed to say when someone at school comes up to you and tells you right up front that they like you, but you know you only like them as a friend? I felt like a jerk the other day when this girl approached me and said that, I couldn't lie, but I couldn't tell her what she wanted to hear. What should you say if something like that happens? What would be nice and that would make it so you could still be good friends without it being awkard?
  8. Franken


    You know, this is an interesting topic to have started up again, I remember keeping one going quite some time ago about a year and half ago. I've come up with new standards personally about kissing, and the person I am dating right now, we have both decided that even though we are dating and together and everything, we won't be exclusive or kiss. Now sure a lot of people say that isn't really much of a relationship, but I couldn't think of anything more I would want out of it. I feel like it would be an uncomfortable situation to be kissing someone, or to get jealous feelings of one another in high school. Now I myself don't think that maybe on a rare special occasion in high school would it be wrong to give a small kiss, but she holds her standards to waiting to kiss until she is engaged which may not be my belief or anything, but I respect her standards. I think she's smart to hold things as high as she does.
  9. Early morning seminary? I'ts all about release time during school hours
  10. One word. School Don't have any more time
  11. Anthony here, Taylorsville Utah and I'm 17!
  12. Dis- You can not honestly believe all that crap can you?
  13. when you say blogging, do you mean blogging like such things as Xanga, myspace, livejournal, etc?
  14. Hm, sounds intruiging. I might wander on by sometime with a few of my friends to come check it out.
  15. haha I'm sorry but I can't help but want to show her off. Anyway, this is the new member of our family Cleopatra, Cleo for short (I didn't pick the name ) Cleo is the one in the middle looking towards the camera
  16. I have the oppourtunity to Intern for him right now, and have a few times but I don't feel that my summer is going to permit my time to go there much anymore so I might have to quit my intern.
  17. I was just wondering if anyone around here has heard of the LDS producer Clive Romney. Anyone?
  18. What I would've liked to see at the end of the movie was how exactly Obi wan was going to communicate with Qui gon jin. That totally threw me off guard when yoda talked about that, but I still don't see the connection between that and episode 4
  19. It doesn't sound odd, all it really sounds like is that you really want the gospel back in your life and your willing to do whatever it takes. I'd say more than anything that's just a good step towards actually coming back.I know what it's like to have a period in your life without the gospel, it's awful. I used to be so bitter and vengeful at everyone I knew, the spirit of contention resided within me and just made me hate everyone along with myself and who I was. At the same time, it made me desperate for change, wanting to have some peace back in my life, the comfort of the holy spirit. I'm still coming back myself, but it's a great feeling already. Just keep up with your willingness and deeds to come back to church, and like you said, faith is an ever growing thing and it may start out very small and take some time to build up, but you just have to believe that it's there I guess.
  20. You would be a good critic for the movies.I actually think Jason would be, there were alot of good things about the movie, however for what they spent they could improve on a few things, the first 15-20 minutes..........The strength in the actors the way they come across, there were a few points where it seemed a bit fake...And your purpose to go to a movie is for it to seem real so you can get lost in it..... All in All, it was better than most of the garbage released this year though.....My thoughts are the standards of acting is getting thin...........................
  21. Franken


    <span style='color:blue'>First of all, the LDS church has already given us the eternal answer to the question "WWJD"? That answer is "CTR". What would Jesus do? He would Choose the right! And another good point to mention is while the world was still trying to figure out "WWJD", the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints had been teaching "CTR" for decades. This, I think is just a small token or sign that the Church is inspired. The world seeks to ask questions the Church of the First born has already answered to those who would heed His gospel. Perhaps you guys missed the answer while you were bickering. Read above. :) We're enjoying our bickering
  22. I'd have to say I actually enjoyed Hayden Christensen's acting. Sure there may have been a couple parts that I have to agree with you it was pretty odd, but overall I thought he did a really good job. I thought that he was really convincing on how he turned to the dark side and fought Obi-Wan
  23. Franken


    How old is this guy?
  24. Franken


    I don't mean to be critical username, but your writing is REALLY hard to read. And second, personally I wouldn't take a quote from a metallica song to back up my religion, I dunno about you guys but that's just me. Can you say steriotype? Sorry, but that is exactly what that is. If I was to credit Lars Ulritch With that, what would you have said? James Hetfield? Johnathon Davis? hmm, how about Charles Dickison? or, Erinist Heminway? Come on, it isn't who says it it's what it says. The Apostol Paul said in an episal to Corinth, Greece, that it isn't what you do but why (paraphrase) now obiosly that doesn't pertain to things like adultry. He was answerign a question about eating the meat in the tempels or the Greek Gods. But it isn't like Because James has written some horrible lyrics befor, it doesn't make everythign they write satanic. they have actully written many songs that part of the lyrics have gosple paraells, such as "Hero of the day" or "No Leaf Clover". They have also written some realy awsome songs that are completly harmless, such as "Astronomy" and "Nothinf Else Matters" (which, by the way, is a love sogn he wrote for is now wife Franchesca) They even wrote a sogn about the Angel of Death's visit to Egypt in Moses's time (we all know that story). Now, true, James changing the lirics from "To kill the first born sons" to "To kill the first born girl's sons" cant be a good thing, but it doesn't change what the song is about. The entire song of "Devils Dance" isn't very wholesome, but it does say things that are true no matter what. Now I myself would not quote Metallica right off the bat when disscussing treocracy. I was referign to the post above mine. And as for my grammatical errors, sorry they bother you. I'll do my best but i am a horrible typer, so no high-hopes. As for my answer, It realy is about what kidn fo person you want to be. The church does not put your life on the line. The church has rules set by prophets that were inspired very greatly to guide us. and by us, I mean the whole world. Beleive it or not, the prophet is over the entire worls population, not just the church. We know very little. We may be quick thinkers, but we are stuped as you cant belive. It is a part of our mortalidy. We can only see things as they are now, as we think they may become, and what they were. But we know that God knows all, KNows exactly what our situation is and what it will become via our chioces. TThe prophets were inspired to write church guide lines as they are so that we may know what we should doing. It is our chioces. But makign chioces of teh flesh only leads to a short-lived, pathetic, sorry excuse for happiness. We know that sin "never was happiness." why? Because a sin is anything that go's against Gods will. He always has our best interest at heart. By practicign absanence from sex, we avoid STD's that we otherwise would most likly catch and not know it until 10-20 years later. Green Tea has toxins that eat away at your stomac linning, as does Coffie, but, Green Tea is very effective as a sun-burn help (soak a cloth in chilled Gren Tea then put the choth on your burns) They say wine cleans your system. Well it kills your liver because of the alchohal, and resant studies have shown that Apple Juice and regular un-fermented Grape Jice does a better job of cleanign yoru system anyhoo. These are just a few examples. It has a lot of rules so that we know how to live a healthy, Happy life and enjoy it longer. WE choose to follow the rules. PS did you know LDS members live 10 years longer on average? cool thign i learned at Seminary Graduation. The other thing I meant to mention is that, it's not that he only has our best interest at heart, but when he wants us to abstain from sex before marriage and such, it's because it deals with the creation of life, one of the most sacred powers that we are given as human beings. Did you not read what isad? I said that you shouldn't open it with metallica thign i was just saying that quote because it when with what then i said do ya see it now? i agree woth what ya said abotu not saying "a metallica sogn says..." but, you still could say "there is a quote that says..." If you state a quote you need to also state it's source, that's the only problem with that. And if you don't state the source, then they are probably going to ask you what it's from.
  25. Franken


    I don't mean to be critical username, but your writing is REALLY hard to read. And second, personally I wouldn't take a quote from a metallica song to back up my religion, I dunno about you guys but that's just me. Can you say steriotype? Sorry, but that is exactly what that is. If I was to credit Lars Ulritch With that, what would you have said? James Hetfield? Johnathon Davis? hmm, how about Charles Dickison? or, Erinist Heminway? Come on, it isn't who says it it's what it says. The Apostol Paul said in an episal to Corinth, Greece, that it isn't what you do but why (paraphrase) now obiosly that doesn't pertain to things like adultry. He was answerign a question about eating the meat in the tempels or the Greek Gods. But it isn't like Because James has written some horrible lyrics befor, it doesn't make everythign they write satanic. they have actully written many songs that part of the lyrics have gosple paraells, such as "Hero of the day" or "No Leaf Clover". They have also written some realy awsome songs that are completly harmless, such as "Astronomy" and "Nothinf Else Matters" (which, by the way, is a love sogn he wrote for is now wife Franchesca) They even wrote a sogn about the Angel of Death's visit to Egypt in Moses's time (we all know that story). Now, true, James changing the lirics from "To kill the first born sons" to "To kill the first born girl's sons" cant be a good thing, but it doesn't change what the song is about. The entire song of "Devils Dance" isn't very wholesome, but it does say things that are true no matter what. Now I myself would not quote Metallica right off the bat when disscussing treocracy. I was referign to the post above mine. And as for my grammatical errors, sorry they bother you. I'll do my best but i am a horrible typer, so no high-hopes. As for my answer, It realy is about what kidn fo person you want to be. The church does not put your life on the line. The church has rules set by prophets that were inspired very greatly to guide us. and by us, I mean the whole world. Beleive it or not, the prophet is over the entire worls population, not just the church. We know very little. We may be quick thinkers, but we are stuped as you cant belive. It is a part of our mortalidy. We can only see things as they are now, as we think they may become, and what they were. But we know that God knows all, KNows exactly what our situation is and what it will become via our chioces. TThe prophets were inspired to write church guide lines as they are so that we may know what we should doing. It is our chioces. But makign chioces of teh flesh only leads to a short-lived, pathetic, sorry excuse for happiness. We know that sin "never was happiness." why? Because a sin is anything that go's against Gods will. He always has our best interest at heart. By practicign absanence from sex, we avoid STD's that we otherwise would most likly catch and not know it until 10-20 years later. Green Tea has toxins that eat away at your stomac linning, as does Coffie, but, Green Tea is very effective as a sun-burn help (soak a cloth in chilled Gren Tea then put the choth on your burns) They say wine cleans your system. Well it kills your liver because of the alchohal, and resant studies have shown that Apple Juice and regular un-fermented Grape Jice does a better job of cleanign yoru system anyhoo. These are just a few examples. It has a lot of rules so that we know how to live a healthy, Happy life and enjoy it longer. WE choose to follow the rules. PS did you know LDS members live 10 years longer on average? cool thign i learned at Seminary Graduation. The other thing I meant to mention is that, it's not that he only has our best interest at heart, but when he wants us to abstain from sex before marriage and such, it's because it deals with the creation of life, one of the most sacred powers that we are given as human beings.