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  1. It's been a a day or two since I've read these posts. To respond to a few comments: I'm not sure how sharing my problems on the web with others who share my same beliefs is showing a lack of class towards my wife. Nobody knows who she or I am. Furthermore, I have received some very good and pertinent advice here that I know I wouldn't have gotten if I had talked to my friends about it. I ended up having a talk with my wife 2 nights ago. Basically I told her that I do love her, but I don't think that I love her as much as I should. I explained that it was my fault and that is was nothing that she does or needs to work on. If we do end up separating down the road I admitted that the fault is mine. I'm not looking for a scapegoat, I can live up to my own actions and decisions. I suggested that we pray together more often and that I would try sincerely to have a more loving attitude towards her. She has asked me a time or two how much time I need and when will it change. My only answer is that if I do focus on the love I have for her positive thoughts that it will become a reality and not as much of an exercise. Just having the talk made me feel a lot better towards her and the situation. I know that bottling it up didn't do us any favors. I'm still not feeling great about the situation but it's a start anyway.
  2. I never said that one's happiness is completely dependant upon ones spouse, I was just pointing out that our choice of spouse does have a direct influence upon our happiness, otherwise, why not do arranged marriages if seemingly it doesn't matter anyway and we can all choose to be happy regardless of differences.
  3. I'm not trying to come off as bitter or vindictive because my current views aren't being validated, but as I've read mine and other threads the above stated views are the impressions i've gotten.
  4. I understand that people are trying to help and offer pertinent advice, however, over and again there are comments like "what do people want out of their marriages? Sugar and spice and everything nice handed to them in a silver platter while they put up their feet and bask in their greatness or something", (not to point you out specifically). Any normal well adjusted individual knows that marriage isn't easy, it isn't always perfect, there are rough times, and those rough times can be worked through. But there seems to be the common idea out there that anybody who is considering divorce or separation clearly has too high of expectations regarding marriage. There was a person earlier who said "are there better men out there than my husband...definately, but would I be happier with, because I chose to marry my husband", (slight paraphrasing). This seems like a defeatest attitude to me. Yes, people are ultimately responsible for their own happiness but there is no denying that others influence your happiness and that some people are conducive to you feeling it more than others, otherwise we would all be best friends and get along with everybody. I'm not looking for confirmation that divorce or separation is right, because I know it's a bad event, I just feel that the majority of people think that whomever you choose to marry is the right person for you, and if your not happy then you need to change so that you can be happy, regardless of who the spouse is, (dire circumstances aside...abuse, etc.) This viewpoint seems shortsighted and ....not naive, but very closed off.
  5. Like you said this is more of a "thinking out loud" thing for me right now.
  6. So last night my wife and I had a fight. By fight I mean that she is angry at me for what I perceive to be a silly reason and so I don't feel compelled to rush after her and tell her I'm sorry. Instead I choose to ignore the situation hoping she'll get over it. I'm not rude or belittling to her, I just choose to do other things because I figure that just because she's spoiled her night I shouldn't have to spoil mine as well. I know this is selfish and I should try and work it out with her, but I find that I just don't care anymore. For the first time in our 6 years of marriage we slept apart last night. It was a new low for us but the desire to make ammends on my part just isn't there. I've been thinking about separating a lot lately and this may be the straw the breaks the camels back. Basically I just don't know what to do and wanted somewhere to express myself.
  7. The punishment is dependant upon a number of things. Primarily his level of sorrow and attempts at forgiveness and the inspiration of those who responsible for the church punishment. It can vary case by case.
  8. I think that honesty is the best course of action. Being truthful with your spouse may hurt in the short term but if you get through it, it will make your stronger in the end.
  9. It sounds like your only setting yourself up for heartache in the future. Pray sincerely about it and you'll know what to do.
  10. Civil marriage and temple sealing are completely different. When you get married if not in the temple then it doesn't matter if your bishop does it or any other legally approved person.
  11. I think that counselling is probably your best option. It'll probably help to be able to step back and get a second opinion.
  12. This is a non- issue. Of course it's against the law of chastity.