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Everything posted by Sunnysprite

  1. I think that one of the strengths of the LDS church is the ability to examine policies and change where needed. The church in 2012 is decidedly different than it was in 1912. It is clear to me that the church in 2112 will be different yet again.
  2. Actually. I use Motrin and when that does not work I have some Vicodin. I don't usually use anything, but Motrin most of the time. Once in a while the pain will get oppressive, and I feel crazy. I will take some Vicodin, and it stops the it. With my reduced activity level, I hope that it will be a while before more is needed.
  3. I'm sorry that those who answered this thread are so burdened with pain. In my case, Instead of staying home, I can't have children, I had some lost years over that little piece of news, and by the time I could have settled down, I didn't. I got lots of injuries but the only really serious ones seemed to happen to others. Last year I found out I had very minor scoliosis, arthritis, and the worst yet, is aging. I really have little to complain about.
  4. Yes, I know. I've been a 6-8 most of my life, but less time in the field and more in the office is taking it's toll. I'm up to #*^ right now and losing it is hard. One pill I tried for pain made me swell up like a balloon. Sigh
  5. Yes, well there is no one to blame by myself for having lots of pain. I've had a full life, though certain things I missed out on; too old to have a family; everyone is gone. Haven't done half the sin that some thought. :) Been to busy taking care of the victims. So, those of you who suffer from Arthritis, Fibro Myalgia, pain from injuries and so forth, do you have a strategy for dealing with the pain? So far, it has not slowed me down a lot, but I can see the day coming when drugs, ice, heat and all that will lose their effectiveness. Some people have suggested Marijuana, but I've spent my life being opposed to it, so to use it would seem like situational morality. I'd be interested in what you have to say.
  6. When someone dies, we weep for our own sorrow. Unless, we truly believe that they have gone to a better place. In our culture it is hard to get to that place. Not having been raised in the church, I often wonder if some LDS do it.
  7. Um, well don't want to sound silly, but isn't center of mass a better target than a head? I suppose I did not write plainly. When I was writing about having to **** after each shot, I was talking my a revolver, which I have now. It will shoot without cocking but the hard pull makes me less accurate. In time, I will likely return to a Ruger p-90 .45. Not really in that business on the street any more. The desk seems much safer, unless I spill my water. :)
  8. I've always felt like some people try to explain things in scripture that just aren't there. It seemed redundant that a Pastor could talk for 20 Minutes on John 3:16. The scripture is there to contemplate, and it seemed to me that sometimes people try to do the listeners job for them.
  9. I won't say that this is fair, but over the years I've found that it seems to be a rule to not trust or have a relationship with a person who engages in hate speech. I've seen surprisingly little of that in the LDS church. For that I am thankful.
  10. I prefer to do it on the first shot, but we all know about preferences.
  11. For years, I carried a Ruger p-90 .45, and thought it was much better than the old 1911 A-1, which were hand killers. Now, I have a .38 special revolver, and have to say the first shot is really accurate. On subsequent shots, it either has to be cocked again, or accuracy is compromised. One thing about the .45 ACP is it will absolutely set a close assailant on his back side, but it will not penetrate a car door. And, there is no recocking, so I think the accuracy is better. So far, I have avoided the 9mm because they seem like a pea shooter to me. I am not speaking as a gun expert, I just use them.
  12. I'm sorry. It is late, I am tired, and I responded with a flash of anger that was not appropriate. Please forgive me.
  13. This is not politics, this is law. Your right, I will leave before you kick me out.
  14. This has been a really disappointing thread. Attacks on our constitution have been going on for a long time and I think that neither party is innocent. I have my own opinion about who would gain most by the destruction of our founding documents. Our own church was systematically deprived of our 1st Amendment rights in the founding years, and I have been told frequently by Elders that there will come a time when the constitution will hang by a thread, and the LDS will save it. Certain factions in the US have been fighting to end the 2nd Amendment, but thankfully, right thinking people have fought them off. Our founding fathers had keen remembrance of the need to defend themselves from British troops. The 4th, 5th, 6th Amendments are null and void right now. If you do not think so, then look at the Homeland Security Patriot Act. If you think that act is necessary then we do not have much need to talk about it. Americans are so used to being comfortable that I see that as more dangerous than any attack from outside. I've seen Hughes MD 500 Helicopters flying at tree top level, in downtown areas of two cities. In one, I was so close that I could see the soldiers carrying weapons. I doubt that they were loaded. Though I am not comfortable with even Military training operations in our own cities
  15. The most important thing about guns is who will use it? Will it be you, or your assailant?
  16. I am not sure who you are talking about? Jesus Christ is of course the Son of God. Married or not makes no difference to me. In fact the realization that he was married only seems right. Now, as to Joseph Smith, him as a prophet only follows Biblical precidence. How can people assume that all down through recorded history, that Heavenly Father had prophets here to instruct us, and then he suddenly stopped? That is just silly. I am just unfamiliar with passages that prohibit our speaking of Jesus's marriage. Our church has a dynamic like no other. It is sad that some do not see that. :)
  17. In my internet research, I find that some LDS sources say that Joseph Smith said he was married but not to talk of it. Is this true?
  18. I'm not going there. I did not have politics in mind when I started this thread. I did have constitutional law in mind. I actually think that most of what is wrong in this country is the American people. Unmarried couples having children, polyamory, conditional morality, drugs, selfishness, laziness, slothfulness, lovers of selves, backbiters, liars ...
  19. I understand what you say. I will avoid such. And sadly, neither ...
  20. I was raised with the idea that the USA was the "good guy". But in light of what I am seeing today, I do not see us occupying the moral high ground. Then I was reading the Book of Mormon in Mormon 4, where the wicked shall punish the wicked. Now it begins to make sense.
  21. It's worrisome. I know people who do not believe in democracy or our form of government. They seem to think that neither party is trustworthy and that Washington is owned by the rich.
  22. For a very long time, I have loved our country, and have given much consideration to our founding documents. Currently, our 1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th amendmens are in question. The events that caused Middle Eastern violence recently, made me look into the right of free speech in Canada and the UK. I don't know exactly what they are in either country, but am aware that recently a certain US based news agency was not allowed into Canada because they "Lie", according to the Canadian Government. In the UK, I know that hate speech can get you into lots of trouble. I am wondering what the next decade will hold for the citizens of the US?
  23. Facebook is extremely dangerous. They are a for profit company, and that is what drives them, even though it may hurt their users. Beware.
  24. Considering cultural norms and life spans at the time, I always thought that he was married. For a very long time before I was LDS, I felt as if the church was apostate very soon after the crucifiction. Look at what happened to Hypatia, the Gnostics, and the Essenes. It seemed as if there was an organized movement to go round and destroy truth about Jesus Christ. Then they accused Mary Magdalene of being a whore. And who exactly was it that participated in the process of canonization? The discovery is big for me. But it is not the first time I have heard it. These same people got Constantine involved and he further deviated from the truth. Then they had the inquisition. All through history, there has been a big effort to suppress the truth about Jesus Christ. Truth is, I did not trust organized religion when I found Jesus Christ. For years and years I searched for the true church, and I hope I found it with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.