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Posts posted by Princess3dward

  1. All of my dreams are nutty.

    I certainly hope they mean nothing.

    I know someone who believes that reaccuring dreams mean something... which makes sense...

    For mean, it means that I hate flies and feet. lol

  2. <div class='quotemain'>

    Shan I am not upset that you gave your child a sip of beer. Now my question is do you really think this will cause him to never drink? Do you that that sip has cured him in some way? :dontknow: I have seen something similar done with dill pickles only to love them when a child gets older. Things will change for you son as we gets with his peers in his teenage years. The peer pressure to sip will be great.

    Just to defend myself, it wasn't even a sip... just a lick. :P

    And no, I don't think it will cure him as far as never wanting to drink. But it cured him for the time being. Before I did this, he saw it as something awesome, to be desired, but forbidden. He probably thought it was going to taste better than anything he had ever tasted. Now that desire is gone... for how long... I'm not sure.

    Yes, I know there will be pressure for him to drink in the years to come. I'm still trying to decide how to deal with that. It makes me sick to think of the things he will face.

    I do know that he will grow up knowing that if he ever makes bad decisions while he is out, he can call me at any time and I will come get him... AND he won't get in trouble for it.... maybe a talking to, but not in trouble! If he got in trouble for it, he would probably just drive himself next time.

    BTW, I grew up knowing that I could ask my mom for a drink at practically anytime while I was home with her. I did have a few bouts of partying when I was younger, but nothing major, as drinking was really no big deal. I really could care less about drinking these days.

    I haven't decided if I'll go this route with my child... probably not as relaxed about it as she was... I'm not sure what the best way to approach it is.

    When my little sister was 8, she would steal beer.

    I guess not all kids are the same in that regard...

    So that will not be something I would do personally.

    Genetics are definitely a huge factor. Now, imagine my situation. I have both abstinence convictions and alcoholism in my family. :o The safe solution, of course, is to stick with abstinence. :sparklygrin:

    My dad would agree with you, but I think the way people are raised is bigger than genetics.

    In my opinion, it cal alter genetics to an extent...

    But that is not saying that genetics is not a factor at all.

    It most definitely is.

  3. Desiré,

    Allow me to give you a parents perspective from a parent who used to be a troubled teen.

    The right to privacy in my house was an illusion under the rule of my grandparents who have raised many baby boomers and have seen it all. The poor people had 3 teens in the 60's and 2 in the 70's. Dealing with an 80's kid was a walk in the park for them.

    Dirty magazines in the sock drawer...found during periodic searches while I was in school, the cigarettes in my jean jacket, replaced with carrot sticks, the stash of other recreational things to smoke hidden away under the dresser....busted. If I said I was going to Tim's house, Tim's mother may have gotten a phone call to see if I was there. There was one telephone in the house, it was on the kitchen wall and had a short cord. Heck, my grandfather would take note of the wear of my tires to see if I was burning rubber.

    In time, as I proved myself responsible I would get a phone in my bedroom, ownership of my sock drawer, and the ability to go out with friends and say "see ya on Monday!".

    Today, many parents feel they know what their kids are up to and buy them an internet connected computer in their bedroom. Just as the sock drawer is mine to look into anytime I wish, so is the computer. The difference between your dad and me is that I make the rules upfront. She has to give me passwords to email addys, AIM chats, etc if she wishes to have the privilege (not right) to use the computer for recreation and socialization.

    Haha. My dad can just hack me easy!

    I al 100% aware of that.

    He is a computer nerd..

    His OCD serves him well in that case. lol. :lol:

    I don't mind now.

    I just like to be told either before or after.

    I just like to know what is going on under my nose.

    I think that may be a control thing..

    This post is as much for the teens as it is for the adults.

    When we become parents, we are given both a gift and responsibility.

    When you are born, you need us to feed you, change you, clothe you, bathe you, keep you safe and protected. You have no survival instincts. We have to give you love and smiles and hold you close because love is a necessary as food and oxygen. There comes a day when we have to hold your hands as you wobble and take early steps. We help you on the potty and lead you toward the direction that you finally know when to go. We teach you to look both ways and hold your hand across the street. We help you learn to speak, write, add and subtract. We teach you when to obey and when to apologize because society and God has folkways and mores that you have to learn.

    You are a teenager now. You can walk on your own. You can poop on your own. You know how to walk across the street. You know how to behave in a social environment and socialize properly. Hopefully your finger is no longer jammed up your nose. In many ways, we have done our job, but our work is not yet complete.

    Those biological and emotional changes are still going on. You are a hormone with legs and as stable as dynamite on the bed of a pickup barreling down a dirt road. Now it is time for us to protect you and train you once more.

    You live in a world full of pressures. You have career counselors telling you to figure out the rest of your vocational life at 15, you have desires for love and companionship and people offering what you seek along with the physical gratification that comes with it. You want to experiment and taste so much that life has to offer and the curiosity can be overwhelming. Heck, we tell you to act like an adult and the most important decision we allow you is which pair of shoes to wear that day.

    As old as we are, we still remember what it was like. We were...gasp...actually there once.

    We fed you to keep you from dying, we walked you across the street to keep you from being flattened by a car. We held on to the back of your bike with the training wheels off so you could feel the wind in your hair and ride like the wind. Now, we are here to guide you, teach you, and protect you. Some of the things we do, like wanting to know where you are and who you are with is to keep you safe. But, some of the things we do, like talking to you about love and responsibility and keeping up your grades is so you can soar and feel the wind in your face when you are an adult.

    Some people seem to think we don't remember those days...

    But I felt the change....

    And I still feel it after switching parents.

    I only lived with my dad a year,

    and the time I lived with him before that, I think I was 12, and that was only for half a year.

    I begged them to get a divorce.

  4. <div class='quotemain'>

    What do girls like? What is societies favorite ice cream? What kind of car do men like?

    There is no hard and fast rule. Best you can do is be yourself with no pretense. If A girl likes you and you like!

    i totaly agree with you...

    why would u want a girl/guy to like someone your really not, iv seen it alot they pretend to be what the girl wants and then when they have her they turn into them...and for that girl its not what she wants, so be yourself and someday the girl who diggs what you do will come along

    That is so true!

    When you are fake, then she likes someone who is fake, and that just plain sux.

    I guess it is that stupid overused "just be yourself"....

    :blush: But so true.

  5. My question is how did you find what you believe to be the truth....regardless if you are LDS or not?

    Do you believe you can defend your faith and how far will you go to do so?

    Hi Brother D,

    I grew up in the Church and for many, many years I did what the Church leaders said to do, study the scriptures, pray, attend church, etc. I even went on a mission. However, much to my frustration, I didn't get that spiritual confirmation. Obviously, this was more than a little frustrating and disturbing to me. However, one day a few years ago, I was just walking along outside and the Spirit bore witness to me, completely out of the blue. No voices, no burning bosoms, just a simple knowledge that God exists, the Book of Mormon is true, the Church is true, and so on. I almost laughed out loud at the sheer absurdity of the situation, that I tried so hard so long, but it was when I wasn't trying at all that the answers came! Guess God has a sense of humor, huh?! :P

    In answer to your second question, I'd say I can do so up to a point. Like you said, one cannot "prove" the Gospel's truth. Plus, I don't know all the answers. That's ok because nobody, of any faith, knows all the answers, and I have had a spiritual witness of the LDS faith. Honestly, I generally don't feel a need to defend the Faith--it doesn't really need defending. I will witness to people and explain my beliefs and when necessary clear up misconceptions about our beliefs (it is a little annoying when people of other faiths claim to know what we believe better than we do!). I may even try a little persuasion and logic, including using the Scriptures, but if it becomes apparent this approach won't work, I'll leave it at a simple witness. Mostly, I encourage people to explore it for themselves, like you said, suggesting they read the Scriptures, attend church, and *gasp!* actually ask Heavenly Father in prayer.

    My $0.02 worth. :)


    That was like a million dollers to me! :wow:

    I got lucky. I had good grandparents to fill in the gap of the support structure.

    I will admit one great flaw I have. I lack empathy for those who define themselves by their rough childhoods. I see it often. "be nice to so and so, he drinks or cannot hold a job or cheats on his wife because he was abused as a child." So what? It happened, it ######. Hey! Molestation may have been involved....really icky.

    Someone wants to tell me that they struggle with feelings of worthlessness and still feel like the little boy or girl that sits helpless while mom is being beaten in the other room. Man, I am here to give you a hug and tell you there is love and a better way. I should be empathetic to all and remember not everyone had the backup support I had, but there it is.

  6. <div class='quotemain'>

    Hi Insertwittynamehere,

    I hear what you are saying. I think it is a copout however, whenever a good argument is levied and it makes someone uncomfortable and they run to the, "This is a discussion of contention and therefore of Satan!" While I understand the gravity of religious belief and the core value that it has for many, since people base their lives on their beliefs, it just seems like something that people should interact with/ponder/wrestle with and see where the justification for that belief lie (if any). If someone told me-don't wrestle with your beliefs-walk away from critical thinking I would have to wonder what is the real reason for not engaging? Is it because they really don't stand up to scrutiny? Does calling it, "of Satan" give a real reason to not even try to justify belief or is it just a side-step to keep people sheltered? I took no offense to your post-please don't take offense of this one.

    Thank you,

    Dr. T

    Dr. T,

    I take no offense to your post whatsoever. I actually pretty much agree with you. I have personally never used a discussion being "of satan" as an excuse not to discuss. I completely agree that discussion is a good thing and pondering and critical thinking are essential to our faith. In fact, this is exactly what we are counseled to do to find out for ourselves what the truth is and develope our own personal testimonies. No true testimony can be a testimony without personal critical thinking and pondering. I'm completely for this. What I simply meant in my post was that not all cases are like this. We all know that there are some whom purposefully come on this site just to provoke a fight. Those are the discussions I stay out of because they are discussions out of the spirit of contention, not honest curiosity or anything of a positive sort. A sitation like that IS of Satan and those are the situations I personally try to stay out of and think most people should.. I think if we all were to do that, we would save ourselves a lot of stress, frustration, and anger on people who dont even want to hear our side but only want us to hear theres. THAT is handing our temper over to Satan and thats what I was speaking of. Also, I metioned that we as Latter-day Saints know that only through the spirit are people converted, I would like to second this. Even in discussions where one does honestly want to learn but there are belief differences, the moment we get angry, we lose the spirit. When we dont have the spirit, we arent able to teach successfully. There are ways to discuss without getting angry when others disagree. I do it all the time and I'm sure there are a lot of others in the world that do as well. We have members on this board and all kinds of other boards.. and we've also got 52,000 missionaries out there that are doing it. Thats all.


    I think that if we didn't awknologe their threads, they would come herass us in other ones.

  7. No. They didn't. My parents divorced and I thought my mom was the less abusive.

    I was apparently wrong, and she kicked me out, and I moved in with my dad in grade 10, right before grade 11.

    It was either I move in with dad or on the streets.

    One of my friends delt with CAS aswell, and the ignored it until her guardian killed themselves.

  8. <div class='quotemain'>

    I am going to pray for a better attention span.. (I was told I probably have ADD)... please pray that I get a better attention span! :(

    ADD, IMO, is what happens to a child when their parents pay no attention to them. If that be the case, than far more kids exist with an attention deficit disorder that we know.

    About a quarter of my friends are diagnosed with ADHD... I am not sure about ADD...

    but my friends are a pretty depressed niglected group...

    Some are "emo", more are "goth"..

    And I... I am a princess.

    I am also the grand daughter of a superhero.

  9. Hey Capin,

    What does "keylogger" do/mean?


    OHHH! Someone told me they had done that to me once. I spent forever looking it up. After I learned what it was, I had to get it off.... Those things make me bitter. lol.

    I found out my dad was reading my msn convos once.

    It wouldn't have been a problem if he had told me before hand.

    I don't say or do anything bad on it, as he knows now...

    But I didn't like it behind my back.

    Wow...that was a needless tangent.

    I didn't talk enough today.

    Sorry guyz!

  10. it set the stage for my addict mother to marry a man when I was nine who thought it was okay to beat women and children.

    I hate that. I didn't know abuse was abuse until I was in highschool, and CAS visited me... again. My mother told me they were nuts, and to ignore their phone calls... She also told me to lie to them. It makes me very mad eapecially that children don't know that what is happening to them is bad.
  11. I don't know very many people who don't drink.

    I even drank a little before I joined the church...

    It is really rare to not drink..

    It is really rare that your parents don't let you and buy your beers aswell.

  12. I agree [if I understood your point right. I always seem to get things wrong].

    If I was born in the church, and never got to question anything, I would be outta there by now. That is what happened to my dad.

    I am glad I know a lot about anti beliefs, and I am glad I know how to get the answer to every question.

  13. "This board is not for trying to convert Mormons...."

    Some people seem to have a hard time understanding that.

    A lot of people seem to come where with those intentions...

    What I always remember when I am talking to someone who thinks my faith is stupid, is I always remember an experiance I had, like my baptism, or the orange [maybe I will tell you that one later, or blog it].

    They can not like my faith, but they can't change what is true, and they can't change experiances I had.

    They can try, but they can't do it.