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Posts posted by Princess3dward

  1. <div class='quotemain'>

    Mormons are christians.

    Yes, I have heard this a million times, but my question is, what makes you Christian?

    You apparently know about the fact that Christians do not consider Mormons as Christian. But I would like to know what makes the Mormon Christian in the LDS Church’s opinion.

    Thank you,


    I hate this question so much.

    I get told that I am not a christian SO MUCH it makes me mad.

    We are christians because we follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, and believe that he was the Son of God!

  2. <div class='quotemain'>

    The book of mormon is ANOTHER testiment of Jesus Christ, that he indeed did like and atone for our sins.

    I am a convert of the church aswell.


    Desiré, I'm curious to know, in your conversion process did you ever happen to read a passage from the bible in the book of Galatians, chapter 1, verses 8-9?

    Here are those two verses:

    But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

    Desiré, how do you see these two verses in view of the LDS Church's claim that they possess another testament of Jesus Christ?

    thanks in advance for your reply,


    Sorry. I am pretty much never here.

    I didn't expect anyone to awknoledge me!

    Oh well.

    And what is our gospel different?

    I just stated in what you quoted, testiment OF JESUS CHRIST!

    That is the same good news to me.

  3. hello everyone! My name is blazius and I found this forum in an inadvertant way searching the internet. It looks fun here so I thought I'd join.

    I'm not LDS, or anything really. I'm kind of searching right now, but since I live in Salt Lake City I find the Mormon influence kind of appealing, especially the emphasis on family.

    I would like to get involved with some of the discussions here maybe just to solidify what direction I need to go. I hope its all okay.


    That is cute.

    Hello blazius!


  4. Hi everyone, so I have a pretty good knowledge of the bible. But I've never really understood what the book of mormon is.

    I met a missionary, Elder Wilson, who talked with me for a few minutes, who had a lot of interseting things to say. He gave me a book of mormon and told me to check the church website. He also told me to read adn pray about Moroni chapter 10.

    I dont know anything about the relgion; or where the book of mormon comes from, like, he said it was apart of the bible, but i've never seen it. If someone could explain everything to me that would be great. I'd really like to know because it seems really awesome, but I dont know anyting about it.

    Hey hey.

    Sorry, but it is impossible to tell you EVERYTHING about LDS.

    You have to pray for some of it, otherwise you will never know.

    I hadn't read any of the replies yet, but I might later.

    The book of mormon is ANOTHER testiment of Jesus Christ, that he indeed did like and atone for our sins.

    Did you do everything Elder Wilson said?

    It is really awesome.

    I am a convert of the church aswell.

    Even if you don't convert,

    I would be content if you knew how much Jesus loves you,

    and how much Heavenly Father wants you back home.

    Nice meeting you.


  5. That might be like saying, "Why study English-there is so much more to study. That would be a waste of time."

    lol. I am studying the scriptures... which is like studying english, because they are both really broad.

    It is like saying I am done studying grammar because there is more to learn...

    Which in class at the moment is true.

    We have moved off grammar into a novel study.

    That doesn't mean I have learned nothing from grammar,

    it just means I know enough to move on and study the book.

  6. <div class='quotemain'>

    <div class='quotemain'>

    I build up castles.

    I tear down mountains.

    I make some men blind,

    I help others to see.

    What am I?

    My wild guess is Sand.



    Lovely and round,

    I shine with pale light,

    grown in the darkness,

    A lady's delight.

    Iunno... The moon?

    I am a lady..

    I like the moon... :ahhh:

    In my dads words,

    I think I am "reaching".