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Everything posted by Hemisphere

  1. I cant change things when people delcare me an spostate, and that happens all too easy. and I thnk I serve as a tool nonetheless, just not with the corruption and drama
  2. hi there, I am actually greatly distressed. After four years of membership, I found that my efforts to become a better person are not meritted by the results. My membershp in Germany has not been an easy one. my first branch consisted of 18 activve people from formerly 50 +. his presiidency together with his family was cause for many people to leave because they were crassly abused what happened was that before my baptism a family took over that had and has this holier than thou art attitude with the notion that converts are only second class members and that only inborns are entitled to blessings as they are nobility, at least what they feel. they carried the gospel on their tongues but not in their hearts. it so came to pass that the branch president who saw an opportunity to reign me in tried to bully me. the differences were not reconcilible. I went to the stake presidency because I got bullied in being apostized if I would not follow suit. the stake presidency reluctantly told him to back off but the bullying went on and the stake presidency did nothing. I had to adress the area presidency to make it stop. regardless there was nno consequence for those people. I moved for a promotion later to another city and I wittnessed the same pattern of entitlement and arrogance as the foreign members were not valued as the regular and wealthy members of the branch. ultimately I got accused of trying to use the church for my own agains for people who would have benefitted from my charity. there was nno talk there was only a stern warning from the stake presidency to cease and desist without hearing me. trying to resolve this I was turned from victim to villain when I was not alright with it quietly rolling over into my grave. I got also released in disgrace via email. I resorted to cross across the border to visit another stake and ward. I have to get up earlier in order to be there but the choice is easy between going and worship and not going at all. ultimately I got the impression you get away with it pretty much everything if you are in a leadership calling my adresses to the stake presidency went on deaf ears and my attempts to contact the area presidency were blocked and prevented . then there is the issue of dating, in the past four years dating within the lds scene, I found it to be easier to wade through lava while being lashed with a roman metal whip barbed with acid then to fulfill exaggerated expectation and so called values. in germany I found that being a convert and not going on a mission disqualifies you as a potential mate and hustband, no matter how much you love the lord. if best you ought to be born in the church and gone on a mission. icing o nthe cake would be if your dad happenes to be stake president .other than that, you may entertain and help but nothing else. in general i witnessed petty powerplay and status mongering. i see lds people and i rather with non lds people. in my four years of membership i got hurt like nowhere before and i really dont like to hang anymore with the crow. i have no real testimony of the church and seeing it, i still believe the gospel but i cnat consider church as home as i feel i have to watch my back and my eyes peeled. how can i consider seeing so much corruption and selfishness to be at home?
  3. actually the ipad 4 will be replacing the ipod nano ( classic series ) .
  4. Dear Joseph, I feel with you as it is indeed a problem. not just in your ward / branch. however I disagree on the not invited thingy. there you ought to be seating yourself whoever has a place free next to them. I rotate and thus get to know the people =) saying hello breaks habits of not doing it. however the single problem starts all the same when you are older then 27. when I joined the church, I learned quickly that in Germany, if you didnt grow up with the crowd and you are too old, you dont get to sample any goods. you are instantly disregarded as some people require you to be born in the church and be an RM else, you should not bother trying. once I even got asked if I pay my tithing in net or growth. personally, the church lets anyone who is not ysa anymore just fend for themselves. I live in a family branch and there is a massive lack of prospects and it doesnt make it easy that the demographics in my town suck. personally I have been to two conventions and I learned that I wasted my time tremendously with the added collateral of insults