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Posts posted by a-train

  1. The expansion of this conflict all around the world will only make it that much worse. We need to allow those directly involved to solve it. All aid should be completely removed. The U.S. actually provides more of our tax dollars to enemies of Israel than to Israel. The best U.S. policy I've heard is to simply stop subsidizing the war.


  2. Are we to take up the notion that homosexual couples on the average resist temptations to cohabit before marriage or some ceremonious solemnization of their union akin to marriage? What indication do we have of this? I can say that the those in my family that engage in homosexual relationships have not done so.

    My advice is to strongly resist temptations to consider the aggregate level of homosexual faithfulness in competition with that of the heterosexual. Even if the most accurate data was available, the implication of the results would be meaningless in answering any question of morality.

    It is certain that the trend of cohabitation is a bad one, but I cannot see that the homosexual community has demonstrated any immunity to it.


  3. Check the Wikipedia article on the LEHI gang:


    Also see:

    Irgun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    These terrorist groups existed during WWII. They DID kill and bomb innocent people, including many Jews. They DID advocate an Israeli state extending to "the borders delineated in the Bible ("To your descendants, I shall give this land, from the River of Egypt to the great Euphrates River." Genesis 15:18)" And they DID advocate the replacement of non-Jews with Jews saying: "Solve the problem of alien population [i.e. the Arab inhabitants of Palestine] by exchange of population."


  4. The issue comes down to enforceability. Do we really think that the federal government, even working through local government agencies can go house to house seizing food? Do we give them so much credit that they would actually be able to get it all?

    What indication does the drug war give us concerning this matter. Is there some great shortage of marijuana or cocaine in the United States? Such drastic measures as a war against a black food market would only encourage support for such a market even among the most patriotic individuals. Much of the consumption of the food would be done illegally by law enforcement and those connected behind the scenes thereto.

    Have some faith in freedom and its unstoppable force, the force of God.


  5. The Fourth Amendement to the Constitution of the United States says:

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    You have the right to remain private and use the fifth amendment also. You have your rights. Act wisely.


  6. Look, read, read, read. If you won't take the time to do it, you'll never have your own testimony. You may have a feeling that the task is tedious and painful, that reading the scriptures and looking at footnotes is boring, that taking notes is even worse. You may say that your lifestyle simply doesn't allow the time for these things.

    The reality is that studying these things will get you so excited that you will have difficulty ceasing to study the scriptures. Open them up and enjoy. Great trials and struggles have been invested in bringing them to you.

    Anti-mormonism is a great thing. It is a fantastic thing. It makes you work for your knowledge. Think about the questions it raised in your mind. Do not take the easy way out and simply post them on a forum or put them to a friend. You will not get any more results than whatever efforts you put into searching for these answers yourself.

    When someone says: "Joseph Smith said blah blah blah." Ask them "Where can I read the full text?" If they don't know, then see if you can find it anyway. If they do, go read it and study it. In every case you will find the gospel is true and Joseph Smith was a prophet and the antis employ ommissions and context changes to pretend otherwise.

    God be with you and bless you. Read, pray, and write in a journal about what you study and learn.


  7. * When an innocent Palestinian dies at Israeli hands, it is because Israels plan to limit collateral damage failed.

    * When an innocent Israeli dies at Hamas' hands, it is because Hamas succeded in their plan to kill Israeli civilians, pity they couldn't have killed more.

    These statements cannot be proven and they serve only to obscure the issue. The U.S. entanglement in this issue serves only to globalize a border dispute not local to us.


  8. Fact: There were Jewish terrorists murdering to promote the creation of the state of Israel. After the creation of the state, they were awarded medals and honors. Thus the argument that terrorism against the state of Israel came completely unprovoked to a people never having so engaged in such barbarism is not on good footing.

    For Mormon readers, it will interest you to know that one of the Zionist terror squads was known as LEHI.

    What is to be done? That is the question. We are now crossing a generation gap. Most of us were not alive for the creation of the state of Israel. Who has a say? The people living there. Let the governments of the world get out of the conflict and it will deflate.


  9. I'm a fan of the multiple party system. In fact, I believe that the US should have at least 3 more parties being considered seriously: The Libertarians Libertarian Party | Smaller Government | Lower Taxes | More Freedom , the Centrist Party The Centrist Party — The Centrist Party and some far left Labour party. This would force checks and balances on governments that have heretofore assumed supremacy.

    Plus, when we have the LDS get together, I could wear my Centrist Party T-shirt in a sea of Libertarian and Republican shirts.

    EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it... It's said 15% of the US is rabidly Left and 15% rabidly Right. I bet 15% would be rabidly Centrist as well. I hadn't considered that maybe my rabid attempt to have both sides see what the other side offers is simply me being a rabid Centrist. :o

    I think the vast majority of Americans can't actually agree with every plank of any political platform. Many call themselves Republican or Democrat, but they disagree with parts of the platform and with many of the party leaders on assorted issues. Certainly this is apparent in primary debates.

    That said, we seem to continually assume that a Democrat believes in a certain list of things and so also does a Republican. The party umbrella obscures our view. The only thing that makes a person a Republican or a Democrat is their involvement with the party, which could be in spite of very much opposed views.

    We might ask why someone of that sort would so participate. They each have their reason. There are many within each party trying to pull it in one direction or another. Most special interests will align themselves wherever they think they can gain support for their cause.

    While we may end up with an new New Deal in Obamanomics, it is possible that Obama's foreign policy will keep us out of the international fiasco McCain would have gladly marched into waving Red, White, and Blue behind his middle finger. It will be much easier to repeal a bad economic policy than to settle international unrest. For this reason, I think Obama could be the "lesser of the two evils".

    Am I a Democrat? Am I a Republican? I'm an American. I am free to align myself with (D)s and ®s wherever I can. There are people in both parties that support a repeal of the Patriot Act, an end to the drug war, a withdrawal from Iraq, an end to American Imperialism, balanced budgets, downsizing of government bureaucracy, free-market capitalism, and a host of things that I support, but neither party as a whole does so. The Libertarian Party, the Constitutional Party, the Green Party, or any of the others just don't seem to be any perfect fit for me.

    I am often thought of as rabidly right, rabidly left, and who knows what. Is it necessary for me to determine if a person is left, right, top, or bottom? If they want stricter drug laws, I don't care where they stand on the grid of any political scientist, they don't stand next to me on that issue. If they want to build a berlin-style wall between the U.S. and Mexico, I'm not standing next to them. If they want to raise tarrifs to protect particular U.S. businesses in the marketplace, I do not stand with them.

    I know many Mormons of all sorts of political opinions. I don't think there are any t-shirts that would appropriately designate their respective political ideologies.


  10. Not to fear(yet) kris.... the fact you mentioned " LDS in FBI an CIA" I would add other Christain people, aswell. Is the " salt of the land" which keeps the meat from spoiling completely.

    These good ones, would be loyal to the people, in crunch time, they will support the constitution, even if they have to flee to the mountains( Rev.12:6 ) with the rest of us, lets hope it never comes to that, God blees us all an our freedoms.

    edit: I read the text before,an after, I think I know who *they* are ;) " ...they feed the woman" Rev.12:6

    The executioner whose hands took the head of John the Baptist may have been clean, but he was the tool of the evil Herod. The issue becomes problematic when the good persons become tools in the hands of the wicked. There were Christian and even Mormon people following orders from their NAZI leaders. It should be remembered that a sign reading: "No Jews Allowed" hung over the door of an LDS chapel in NAZI Germany.

    Just because someone's intentions and spirit is right, doesn't mean that they know what is going on in the world around them. A law enforcement officer may be following commands, but the person being wire-tapped, searched, arrested, and so forth may only be the victim of persecution from politically connected and powerful.


  11. RFID chips rock. They help us find our doggies when they get lost. They help WalMart lower it's inventory management costs by another tenth of a percent, so they can keep with the low prices. I fully expect they'll help us take our shopping cart out the front door of the supermarket without pausing for checkout, the total being scanned and deducted from our credit card as we pass through the scanners in the door.

    I'm all for them.


    I want one for my wife's car keys, purse, wallet, shoes, pretty much everything she owns.


  12. Cash is still anonymous.

    Plastic causes prices to rise because merchants are charged anywhere from 1.5% to 3.0% for the transaction plus fees and equipment. And, your financial institution knows your every purchase and can be compelled to divulge this information to government authorities.

    Assertions that plastic is safer than cash are simply outrageous. Perhaps the day will come that cash is outlawed, but until then, I use it.


  13. I don't feel like I voted for a the lesser of any various evils. But, I didn't vote for Obama or McCain. And isn't that the point here? The point is simply that we don't have to vote for the (D) or the ® just because of "feasibility". Yes, the Republican and Democrat candidates have the greatest financial and political backing in a national election, but what is considered impossible because of sociopolitical conditions in one decade is reality in another. Obama's election is a striking example of this truth.

    There are those who say: "A third party vote is a wasted vote. They don't stand a chance." But many people who fought for black civil rights lived to see a black president, and the growing number of Americans who have had it with the ®s and (D)s may just as well live to see a third party president.


  14. I think there are a lot of agendas to go around. It is the alignment of various agendas toward the formation of a global regulating body with the power to enforce its resolutions internationally that I am most weary of. This is the famous "conspiracy of ideals".

    Real free trade would solve these issues. If we weren't propping up failing businesses and industries, the available capital could be allocated to real solutions, especially in the sector of energy.


  15. Islam is COMPLETELY compatible with classical liberalist thought. It is whether or not classical liberalism can be believed in by Muslims, and I think it can.

    Part of our trouble in America is that we have developed a phony "American" culture. True American classical liberalism is completely at ease with various customs coexisting together. Perhaps a Jew or a Muslim will adhere to the strictest code of living imaginable, both visible in dress and in deed. It is when we alienate them on that basis that the trouble begins.

    With the globalization of commerce and trade will come a tremendous push toward freedom and good government everywhere; and with that there will come more fearce opposition. In fact, it is already here. This is why there is so much corporate clamour for mercantilism in the United States. These businesses want advantages in the global economy, and they want the taxpayers to fund it and Uncle Sam to enforce it. They have always used national, religious, and racial lines to draw support. We have been exhorted against and even taxed heavily for buying Korean or Japanese products or engaging in business with them.

    It is the basis of commerce the brings people together. Think of the people you work with. Think of the customers you serve. The vast majority of these you would have little or no relation if it were not for the business you conduct.

    Like I said, there are those throughout the world that fear more global division of labor and commerce. Most of them do so for their own priviliged economic situation. Some also fear cultural change, but all their efforts from peaceful to violent, from little to tremendous, whether they are a corporate lobbyist backed by a gigantic money machine or a lone suicide bomber, they cannot stop the overwhelming desire of each individual to improve their situation.

    Muslims will continue to be just as engaged as the rest of the world in making themselves marketable in the global economy.
