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Posts posted by a-train

  1. The Mormons aren't asking Congress to put homosexual couples in prison and confiscate their property, nor to prevent them from engaging in homosexual relationships, from cohabiting, or sharing property.

    The 19th century LDS polygamists weren't claiming a constitutional right to a legal marriage contract, or subsequent legal and tax benefits. Rather, they were asserting their right to keep their property and their liberty and to practice their religion. They were not concerned whether the rest of the world recognized their marriages as binding on society.


  2. As members of the Church, we are engaged in a mighty conflict. We are at war. We have enlisted in the cause of Christ to fight against Lucifer and all that is lustful and carnal and evil in the world. We have sworn to fight alongside our friends and against our enemies, and we must not be confused in distinguishing friends from foes. As another of our ancient fellow apostles wrote: “Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” (James 4:4.)

    The great war that rages on every side and which unfortunately is resulting in many casualties, some fatal, is no new thing. There was war even in heaven, when the forces of evil sought to destroy the agency of man, and when Lucifer sought to lead us away from the path of progression and advancement established by an all-wise Father.

    That war is continuing on earth, and the devil is still wroth with the Church and goes forth “to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” (Rev. 12:17.)

    And it is now as it has always been. The Saints can only overcome him and his forces “by the blood of the Lamb, … by the word of their testimony,” and if they love “not their lives unto the death.” (Rev. 12:11.)

    Now there neither are nor can be any neutrals in this war. Every member of the Church is on one side or the other. - Bruce R. McConkie Ensign 1974

    Although one-third of the spirits became devils, the remaining two-thirds were not all equally valiant, there being every degree of devotion to Christ and the Father among them. The most diligent were chosen to be rulers in the kingdom (Abraham 3: 22-23). The nature of the conflict, however, is such that there could be no neutrals, then or now. - Bible Dictionary War In Heaven

    On December 25, 1869, Brigham Young was asked if “Negroes” were neutral in the War in Heaven, and he declared:

    “No, the Negroes were not neutral in Heaven. All took sides.” (The Church and the Negro, p.83)


  3. My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute. - Ayn Rand (Atlas Shrugged 35th Anniversary Edition)

    Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God. But we cannot keep all the commandments without first knowing them, and we cannot expect to know all, or more than we now know unless we comply with or keep those we have already received. That which is wrong under one circumstance, may be, and often is, right under another.- Joseph Smith (TPJS pp. 255-256)

  4. I don't buy the I.Q. rating. I think everyone can learn just the same, it is only a matter of interest. If someone is heavily interested in a subject, they will pay close attention to it. But if not, they won't.

    Certainly there are all sorts of various factors in play, but the human essence in every individial has within it the same potential. As a parent or teacher, we face the task of discerning those crucial factors.


  5. Utah women had the right to vote before it was a state. It was Washington that legislated Utah women's rights to vote away with the Edmunds-Tucker act of 1887.

    In another typical American politics episode, the National Woman Suffrage Association actually lost support of some its members for Utah women's suffrage because they didn't want Utah women to strengthen Mormon positions.

    Women's voting rights were written into the Utah Constitution in 1895 and secured with the official statehood in January 1896.


  6. My father just emailed me a presentation that explains it all. We have been led down the primrose path for decades.


    This is correct. It did not begin with G.W. Bush. Billionaire elites have been calling the shots in Washington for almost a century.

    For those in need of an explanation, read the book of which President Benson said: "I wish that every citizen of every country in the free world and every slave behind the Iron Curtain might read this book.":

    None Dare Call It Conspiracy

    A sequel called Call It Conspiracy was written in 1985 that added information about what went on during the Ford/Rockefeller, Carter, and into the Reagan years.

    Speaking of Ether Chapter 8, President Benson said:

    Now undoubtedly Moroni could have pointed out many factors that lead to the destruction of the people, but notice how he singled out the secret combinations, just as the Church today, could point out many threats to peace prosperity and the spread of God's work, but it has singled out the greatest threat as the Great Conspiracy. There is no conspiracy theory in the Book of Mormon, it is a conspiracy fact. And along this line, I would highly recommend to you a book entitled None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen.

    Watch the video


    Read the full April 1972 General Conference talk here: LDS.org - Ensign Article - Civic Standards for the Faithful Saints


  7. The temple attending, daily praying, scripture reading, tithing, fasting, hard working Jews thought the sudden destruction of Jerusalem unthinkable and impossible. Ignorance was no excuse when the Babylonian armies came stomping in. Many innocents fell victim to the sudden destruction and were enslaved. Thousands died and horrors to be lamented for centuries were inflicted.

    What was it that these people were so guilty of? What sins did they engage in which should justify God's vengeance? Led by the false promises of something for nothing, they supported Zedekiah and his cronies just as the Germans supported the Nazi party. (Jeremiah 38)

    Led by the lies and promises of prosperity, they left critical thinking and allowed "national honor" to take priority. The scriptures are filled with the voices from the dust who warn of this obscuring of right and wrong by redefining pride.

    Then said Jeremiah unto Zedekiah, Thus saith the Lord, the God of hosts, the God of Israel; If thou wilt assuredly go forth unto the king of Babylon’s princes, then thy soul shall live, and this city shall not be burned with fire; and thou shalt live, and thine house: But if thou wilt not go forth to the king of Babylon’s princes, then shall this city be given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand. And Zedekiah the king said unto Jeremiah, I am afraid of the Jews that are fallen to the Chaldeans, lest they deliver me into their hand, and they mock me. (Jer 38:17-19)

    Zedekiah's pride was so great, that he risked all destruction just to save face. And the people were just as prideful as they would have indeed mocked him as he feared. Hitler, just as fearful of public shame, was all the while proclaiming victory and the world fame and leadership of Germany to his people as his armies were crushed. (


    A striking modern example of this can be seen

    . Make whatever forecast you'd like, but the statement of reality is obvious. The argument presented for the action promoted is nothing but pride itself, but pride doesn't sound as good as "honor".

    What did Mormon say brought the destruction of Nephite nations? "Behold, the pride of this nation, or the people of the Nephites, hath proven their destruction except they should repent." (Moroni 8:27)

    It is no coincidence that the tremendous national pride of Germany in the late 1930's was followed by the terrible humbling of that nation of the 1940's. And to answer your question, WE ARE the modern day Nazi Germany.


  8. Now they are going to send postcards to President Monson. I wonder if they will even make a dent in the amount of mail he receives? I mean, with all the letters he gets from members of the Church and goof-offs and antis anyway, what would a few thousand postcards matter? I'm glad to see that at least our good people down at the post office are getting a positive out of this.

    Those protestors who traveled long distances to protest at Salt Lake were disappointed to go all that way only to be forced to go to the back of the line behind the many protestors already on the square.


  9. We should remember the reality brought to our attention by Hugh Nibley as we consider the relatively tiny affliction we suffer as members of the Church today. For as we fail to take notice and act accordingly, those afflictions will act as the voice of God speaking louder and louder until we do.


  10. Perhaps the focus here can turn to the blessed status of those living upon such a choice land. But what cannot be emphasized enough is the responsiblity attached thereto which when neglected becomes powerless to secure those blessings.

    The entire narrative offered by Mormon and Moroni is one example after another of the works of the people in securing and maintaining these blessings and in neglecting to do so falling victim to the consequences.

    It is as important for us to maintain the freedoms and blessings of this land as it is for us to proclaim the gospel, for without those freedoms, we cannot proclaim it.


  11. My daughter uses the golden plates to sit higher at the dinner table. I think she left them on the floor again, I'll send them. What is your address and will you accept a $125 COD charge for the cost of shipping?


    PS, if you don't have a hand-truck, I advise getting one before the plates arrive. Also, if you do use them to seat your children at the dinner table, I would advise a very strong chair.

  12. Growing up under the hardships of my father's murder at my age of six, I can completely feel you. The perpetrator, was never convicted and killed others. He was ultimately caught and placed in prison. There, he received food, clothing, shelter, health care, cable television, and other provisions. The cost to society for his imprisonment was more than what little the widow with three children left by his crime received from social security. Once convicted of multiple homicides, he should have been executed rather than taken in at further expense to society.

    There seems to be little argument that invading armies approaching to take life and property warrant lethal force in the protection of society and human life. When an attempting assassin is shot to death in his murderous efforts, there is little cry against the treatment he receives.

    There is an imagined window of opportunity that closes after the perpetrator has inflicted the wounds of death and vacated the murder scene. It now becomes pointless to use lethal force against him as he enjoys the spoils of his crime. Insomuch that he can be arrested without killing him, society wants him alive. After he is tried and convicted the use of lethal force is deemed too harsh as he is clearly under certain controls. However, if he should rise up in an attempt to escape and commence violence against those guards placed over him, it is perceived that another window opens wherein lethal force becomes acceptable.

    In each case, it is the perpetrator who has opened this window. My question is: what right does he have to close it and how do we know that it is closed?


  13. We believe the legislation as passed . . . has the potential of increasing overall costs to consumers, reducing access to credit, and reducing or eliminating low-rate options for consumers,” said Stephanie Jacobson, first vice president of public affairs for Chase Credit Card Services in an issued statement.

    The question is whether she thinks that is good or bad.


  14. interesting. do you say this from a political or moral standpoint?

    Really both. I don't believe it is immoral for society to inflict the death penalty in circumstances wherein the malefactor is of certain danger to and in contempt of liberty. I would advocate the death penalty for murderers to be sure.

    The political reason for the death penalty to be removed from the power of the Federal Government is to prevent the abuse of this power for political purposes. Whereas such an atrocity has not been the case in recent history, we DO have indications, such as off-shore federally controlled prisons wherein prisoners are held without any right to trial (habeas corpus) and tortured therein, that executive powers have grown far and away from their constitutional confines.

    As far as the errors in state courts are concerned, I think the problem is in the process of trial, not the punishment. Those wrongly convicted would have been wrongly imprisoned regardless. We need to focus on getting back to 'innocent until proven guilty'.

    Part of the problem is the pre-emptive efforts of the courts. It is not the job of the courts to prevent crime. We need to get back to justice. A robber of goods would do better to renew the property to the victims, not rot in a cell at further expense.

    There are many troubles in the courts and among them also are the lack of accountability of law enforcement. Illegal search and seizure poses no great threat to the police than the loss of efficacy of evidence collected in court. Here we have two wrongs making a right. If the criminal and the police have both violated the law, they should both be brought to justice, meaning they should both repay their damages.
