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Everything posted by lds-convert-sw

  1. I can speak to my own experiences. I come from a family that thinks nothing of swearing, especially in anger. I was baptized 6 years ago. I have a history before joining the church of listening to heavy metal and other music that now I would consider not appropriate. I still have profanity pop into my head sometimes if If frustrated or angry (which I shouldn't be). When this happens, I instantly tell myself "Stop it!" and immediately seek Heavenly Father's help and forgiveness. The frequency of these short episodes has decreased substantially. And I no longer listen to 'angry' music, because I found that it's just not good for me, emotionally or spiritually. I listen to KLove in the car (Contemporary Christian). I find it uplifting and calming.
  2. Silhouette, Yep, you're right of course. Joseph Smith didn't "make" a religion, but it often 'seems' to be that way, because the order of things was restored, after it didn't exist for 1800 years. Regarding the original poster's worry about his testimony being shaken and the temple endowment session disturbing him... Go talk to the temple president, all of them I have known are wonderful, kind, loving men. He will help you. I was baptized 6 years ago, and just recently have I come to a better understanding of the temple endowment session, and felt that it is a blessed experience. Now, it might have taken me so long because I have issues (anxiety, etc) that prevented me from truly enjoying the experience. Now I can't get to the temple enough. One thing to keep on mind is: Don't worry about having all the answers right now. The temple is different, it doesn't have (nor should it have) a manual laying out the whole thing, and the reasons behind everything. I learn something new every time I go. Also, life experience helps. What I mean is, as you grow in life and life circumstances burden you, as they surely will, the temple becomes the one place you are truly "at home". But that's just my perspective. Oh, one more thing, about Testimony. Again, just my perspective... don't worry about having a Rock Solid, All Knowing, Without Doubt Testimony. It takes time. Do you believe in Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, & the Holy Ghost? Do you believe Jesus came down to Earth to redeem us? Do you believe in the scriptures and have a good (masters degree level not needed) understanding and belief in the Book of Mormon? Do you want to learn and study and grow your knowledge? Yep? Then I say, go on your mission. From all I understand, the mission, while it's main goal is indeed to bring people to the true gospel, a secondary thing that happens is... The Elder or Sister on the mission Grows Up and becomes wiser overall. It sets a strong life foundation.
  3. I understand I understand having sensory issues. For years I had trouble wearing my garments. I just felt claustrophobic in them, never having wore anything under my clothes before I joined the church. But two things helped me. 1. I had to find the right fabric, there are all kinds now available. 2. When I really truly embraced the Lord, and let him into my life, and allowed myself to give up the control I had always been seeking in my life, but I never found, things changed. I simply don't mind the garments at all anymore, they are a great comfort to me. I just don't have the feelings I used to. The Lord works in ways we can't comprehend sometimes. Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
  4. I understand about the home teachers not coming. My wife and I, our home teachers would never come. I was angry, until I relized why, one of my home teachers has a disabed son who needs a lot of assistance, and when he's not at home, he's working to support his family. I'm not saying this is the case for you, but sometimes things aren't as they seem.
  5. I would think that if both parties wanted the Temple Marriage to be valid, then it would be. I'm dealing with the opposite, my wife and I were divorced recently, our temple marriage is still there, but she says that if she were to meet someone in the future and marry him, she would disolve our temple marriage. I made a lot of mistakes, but now things are different. I wish we could still be together, if not in this world, then the next. But it takes two people. I'm sure someday I will be able to see the sun again, but right now, it seems like rain evey day.