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Everything posted by ninjahobbit8

  1. these are sooo awesome!! where do you find them?!
  2. I wanted to meet new LDS people! I have a LDS freinds account, but no one really e-mails me and the people that i did penpal-atize only replyed back like twice in the whole year i've had it! It's all good though, not complaning about i was curious what this site was like
  3. maybe because you finally got to a place where you could be more serious about the gospel? i know before my ward devided up, we had a lot of nonserious Mormons in my YW who during the lession usually talked about boys and whatnot.One lesson was talking about swimsuits!!!!How i dreaded that day ...Now that we divided and we don't have people like that, it seems easyer to feel the spirit. It's not like i'm glad they're gone but...does this really go along with what you're talking about....?
  4. really? i don't know why but I thought they'd be more...sheltered? Maybe because Utah is usually thought of as "mormon central" or whatever (or so i thought). Then again, no place is perfect, and they did seem crazy in "The Single's Ward" too....but i still want to visit Utah! Does it have good canoeing? I want to go canoeing!!!! back to the subject...most of us Mormons are crazy too...
  5. I would be their friend as long as i can, for i would have no idea if i were to make some type of positive inpact if i was there as a friend as compaired to if i wasn't their for them. Or at least how i veiw it...But sometimes you just have to not be their friend and i hope you situation doesn't come to that.
  6. that's a good idea too! Are you going to try this? we also make cookies and whatnot for FHE too as a family if we can...
  7. high: CAMP IN ANOTHER WEEK!!!! YAY!!!!low: ycl training left me tired *yawn*
  8. You know...It never occured to me that we could have FHE without doing a "lesson" mean...just like a family game night? Think I could manage that...thanks for the idea...we will see how it goes. yeah, it was easyer on my family that way. My dad's a new convert and my mom's busy with primary stuff, so it's basicly a get together thing! i enjoy it! but we need to have a lesson too...ah well! this shall do for now! yeah, pirates is awesome! but it scares my we really don't watch it as a family
  9. indeed, it makes humans entertaining to a sense! I don't remember where i hear it, but "slinkys are like humans, it's fun to watch them fall down the stairs!" Slinky slinky everybody loves a slinky....
  10. 1) awesome!!!! 2) nope sounds intreging.... 3)huza!!! i need a job... 4) you shall see it O_O wether you want to or not! I love ninjas more than pirates, and i watched that dadgum movie twice!! watch it..... 5) cruisin' world? 6) sweet. Dragons are awesome, even if they're being killed.... 7) lol yeah! is it anything like the card game? 8)no! O.O! anime is awesome!!!! very amusing! but then again it depends on the anime it yaoi in my opinion is good....i wish i had cable to watch anime :'( 9) nice, i have the same issues with my sis's clothing, and she's smaller than me >_>
  11. my family's just getting into the habbit of FHE. So far it's trips to walmart and a family movie! :) and the movies have been chick flicks my mom and sis pick out i'm more of an action person...
  12. I haven't heard it's cool! how's it pronounced?
  13. welcome! i'm relativly new here too! are you in the military or just a pilot?
  14. oh my gash! that's awesome!!!!! i wonder who invented heart attacks....was it always centered around missionaries and bishops the world may never know....did the young women know about this? like the neighbor part?
  15. that's awesome!!! i'd make some of the bread into oars and somehow row away if all possible...or there's seaturtles....worked for Jack Sparrow and the dog with the keys...
  16. unsafe like what? riding bikes on the highway? or the fact missionaries sometimes do random unsafe things? Suu San, did you actually SEE the Missionaries riding their bikes on the Highway? Or the Freeway? Have you witnessed first hand, them doing unsafe things? If not, then what you are doing here is spreading rumours. Or in other words - Gossiping. What does For The Strength of the Youth say about gossiping and spreading rumours? ....oops....i heard it from my mom, who probably who it from grandma, who's natorious for spreading rumors....*hits head on desk* and i hate spreading rumors! Ahwell, the deed's been done....but what's the crazyest thing you've seen a missonary do? Or did to a missoinary? We stuck valentines on the missonay's door for a mutual activity :) it was fun, we felt stealthy!
  17. (yeah, like he's dumbfounded by something. Scary *shivers*)
  18. unsafe like what? riding bikes on the highway? or the fact missionaries sometimes do random unsafe things?
  19. your welcome! i'm esepcially goofy around the dead of night. Is it night for you too?
  20. YAY!!!!!...? YOU SAVE MONEY ON CAT FOOD!!!!!! AND USELESS CUTE MICE TOYS!!! i wonder how much i spend on my cat....
  21. that's interesting...maybe they didn't beleive he could be resurected or they didn't know him....? i haven't heard that before...
  22. yeah, i used some of that talk for my political philosophy paper. i would have gotten an A if i didn't turn it in late. better than an F thoughbut it is a good talk ! Clear on abortion/life and whatnot.
  23. Not me. I don't like headaches. :) then you deffenitly don't want to hear it with flashing lights all around! or dance to it! oh dancing or exersizing with headaces is fun (sarcasum) Or when your high on PCP.... ....not that I've done it.....nope...*shakes head* But yeah, I actually go for techno/trance too! yeah! i think techno is a reason i like dance dance revolution so well! it's mostly techno! and fun with SUGAR!!! SUGAR HIGH!!!!! or lots of coca cola products
  24. I always pictured him as he's seen in that one portrat of Him...i think i could reconize him, given that i was in the right state of mind (like not thinking bad about anyone), i think i could tell by some sort of feeling/vibs i'd get from him, y'know? If he shaves or cuts his hair or changes his appearance. But people that say that are usually the ones not to do what they thought they eh. i give my self 70-30 chance, 70 being i'd find Him