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Everything posted by etz

  1. I understand that in a culture where contention is frowned upon, you have to be real careful to appear innocent even while sticking people in the back but gee, I thought the righteous were bold as lions. Why not be bold and if you think you see a contradiction, explaining its nature and letting the target defend him / her self? Isn't that fair?
  2. Well, I try very hard to not be. But, as someone of my acquaintance once pointed out, only Jesus was free from internal self-contradiction (glorified in all truth, and in him is no darkness). A state very much to be envied. So, when I find my internal contradictions, I try to get rid of them.
  3. To have desires is to indicate a lack - a lack of whatever one desires.
  4. All the leaders in question are no longer "current." I appreciate your censure.
  5. So you're stuck explaining why a God who has neither wants nor needs, who cannot be improved by any action, actually does anything. When you can do that, rather than cite authority, that will be interesting. After all, against Bruce R. McConkie, one may cite Brigham Young to the exact opposite effect, as even McConkie admitted. Who outranks who? An Apostle, or the President of the Church? Which of the two cannot lead the Church astray?
  6. Check Anselm for the definition of a se. It's most certainly not a Mormon idea, and I don't know that we teach it. I don't know that we believe it.
  7. Prisonchaplain is the one that holds God is self-sufficient. Your quarrel is with him.
  8. That's what God's being self-sufficient means, under the terms of discussion. God's being self-sufficient means he cannot be improved, at all, by anything whatsoever. Therefore, he has no needs and no wants. Therefore, he literally has no reason to do anything - at all. Ergo, we don't exist.
  9. Unfortunately, that doesn't wash because if he is self-sufficient, he has no needs, no wants. There is nothing that could make him better off than he ever was.
  10. Special snowflakes are generated by shielding children from adversity.
  11. But if he's self-sufficient, why would he want to?