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Posts posted by tebs1962

  1. I live in Central America. My wife and her children joined the Church just a few weeks ago. The day after their baptisms the Bishop issued them temple recommends for Baptisms and that same afternoon the Relief Society President, the Young Women's President and the Family History Consultant came to our home and taught them about genealogy. The following Saturday they went to the Temple and did baptisms and confirmations for the dead with them. Now last week my wife was so interested in Genealogy that she talked me into traveling with her for a few days through the country where we searched cemeteries and spoke to family members to recover some of her family records. 

    Just a side note. Our ward here has three sets of missionaries and they are on track to baptize well over 100 people in the ward this year. They work hard on retention, and we feel very much loved in the ward. Life is good!

  2. English speaking LDS volunteers desperately needed. 

    Hi. My name is Edward and I live in Ecuador.  I have been tasked with teaching English to Church members in Guayaquil Ecuador in the Pathway program, prior to the students attending BYU online. The students ages range from 16 to 30.  All of the students are members of the Church. Most have learned some English in schools here in Ecuador. What most lack really is conversational English. They lack pronunciation and communication skills. Most are really very poor and so their access to the internet is via internet cafe's located near their homes. We sincerely hope there might be members of the Church who would be willing to volunteer a couple of hours a week to help some of these wonderful brothers and sisters by conversing with them in English, one on one through Skype, a few hours each week.  It is not necessary that you speak Spanish, just good, clear English. 

    Many of these students are return missionaries or are brothers or sisters preparing to serve missions. Some are single or married adults. All are converts to the Church and all are good people, trying to better themselves. Here is your chance to really make a difference in another person's life and to make life long friends along the way.

    Please, if you can help, contact me and lets get started. 



    [email protected]