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  1. One blog that I have found very useful is http://ldsmarriagebed.blogspot.com/ The writer, Sam Zarazoga, does a good job at presenting good gospel references to answer questions related to married romance, and specifically, though not exclusively, married sexuality. As such, the blog is not for everyone, but first and foremost for married adults. Brother Zarazoga is also good at answering questions posted to him. At the same time, I have always considered to handle acred issues in a respectful and reverent manner, without being so vague as to not actually teach anything. If you find, as I do, that the blog is helpful to you, I would ask you to consider donating to his gofundme, https://www.gofundme.com/sam-zaragoza-tuition-fundraiser. Brother Zarazoga has some education as a sex counselor, but is seeking a masters degree to be able to be of more help. The gofundme is for that particular cause. I have no attachment to Brother Zarazoga other then being a long time reader of his blog. Its a hard thing to share about a blog like his on facebook or similar pages, but a little bit easier on an anonymous board such as this.