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Posts posted by Jeny

  1. Check out Richard Dewey's biography. I love Porter. He actually reminds me of Peter. He would have given his life for Joseph but he was indeed a diamond in the rough.

    I am reading that book right now!! I love Porter Rockwell...come to think of it...Peter is my favorite apostle, too!! They remind me of my brother!! He is obnoxious, but he has a heart of gold!!! There is no "guessing" which side of the fence he is on...but look out if you speak them "fightin' words"!!!
  2. Hi all. Coming over from the Fellowship form of MADB.

    I am a lifelong member of the Church living in Belfair, Washington. My wife and I returned last November from serving a mission in the Philippines, where we were the office couple in the Philippines Laoag Mission. We are retired (every day is Saturday) and spend a great deal of time traveling. I was a CPA and we used to form real estate investment partnerships and manage them. We sold the last of our properties a few years ago. Currently I am the Cubmaster in our ward; Jane is the YW recognition specialist. So we have a certain amount of free time that we are not quite used to.

    I am a photographer and can be persuaded to photograph weddings and do portraits. I also teach flying lessons. I consider both activities to be better than watching daytime TV! We also raise oysters commercially, although this year has been bad because of a bacterial infestation on the Hood Canal.

    Wow! I am beginning to think that I am the only non-Madd import over here!! I came over here from the ldstalk site. I still post over there once in a while, but I got sick of the abuse of power over there by one particular so-called "Mod" and the double standards that I saw regarding him and others... I like it here much better!! Welcome aboard!!!
  3. The answer should be obvious but people seldom think about it. They look to others for an answer or read or hear about someone's model and think, Oh that sounds reasonable. I will go along with it. They then go back to reading the Book of Mormon without once checking to see if the model agrees with what the Book of Mormon says. The Book of Mormon is the only revealed source for information about the geography of the cultures described within its pages. No other information has been revealed to any modern prophet even though many of them have expressed opinions over the years prior to being called as the Prophet of the Church. It has always intrigued me that they have all been silent in this area after becoming the Prophet and spokesman for the Lord. Several, however, have made the statement that there is no revealed location for the Book of Mormon cultures other than that they came from the old world and settled somewhere on the American continents.

    The Book of Mormon contains over 500 verses that relate to or describe aspects of the geography in which Book of Mormon events took place. Correlating them to produce a comprehensive picture and then fitting it to the known geography of the Americas is an enormous task but a simple general picture is easily obtained by anyone willing to invest a little effort. The availability of tools such as Google Earth allows anyone to cruise the American continents and compare the three dimentional geography to that describerd in the 22nd chapter of Alma. This is commonly called Mormon's Map because it is an insert writtem by Mormon to describe the territorial relationship between the Nephites and the Lamanites at the time of Ammon's mission to the Lamanites.

    Larry P

    I guess the reason that I have not taken the time to really study it out is because it is not really all that important to me!! It is not needful information to my salvation and it doesn't change the gospel of, I am curious and interested, but not majorly invested in finding out the true I said. I am interested in "other people's findings" as YOU said! Guess I am just lazy, or just have other priorities with my scripture learning!! ;)
  4. Back when Family Home Evenibg was first formalized as a Monday night activity it was stipulated that no non Family Night activities be scheduled for that night. One of the reasons given for setting aside a special night, was the need for the family to have at least one night together as a family. I can remember that between school, work and Church meetings and activities this was almost impossible, especially when the children started to go to Mutual. Although there are many appropriate Family Night activities, I still think that being together as a family is still the most important.

    Larry P

    Thanks for the reminder!! I need to lighten up on myself and stop worrying about if there is some spiritual message to be learned from FHE. I think if I give myself a break, I will be more faithful in holding the FHE's. Thanks again!!! I have really struggled with this!!!
  5. Yeah, now that I have had time to think about it...I need to retract something that I said earlier...I DO have a family that I fellowship with. The husband and wife are always there for me if I need a ride to the store or Dr. appointment.( I do not have a car) So, I have no right to say that I don't fellowship with folks from my ward, as I do...I just don't really "hang out" with any of them...our lifestyles are still so different. I am still relatively new to this church, (three years) and I am a single mother of an autistic son. I have no car, or "job". I too, am disabled. My disability is not obvious (Fibromiagia) So, I sometimes think that people do not take it seriously. I am continually "encouraged" to find work that I can do...I feel judged because I am not self-sufficient, I think that is a factor in why I am no longer as "popular" as I was when I first joined this church. I'm just one of the many ward members, now. People are still nice...but I live a separate life from everybody else, and I crave fellowship...I believe that is why I am attracted to this board.

  6. I think you kinda gave me the right perspective on this, thanks I will share this with my wife.


    This actually has helped ME as well!! I need to just make our FHE about our family and get my spiritual stuff else where!! I was trying to impart spiritual stuff to my kids, but my son is just not ready to receive such things, daughter, on the other But I think I will switch my focus to my son's need for family bonding. Thanks for the tip! Even though my kids are in their son is autistic and does not have the spiritual growth, yet.
  7. Hello all!

    I was surfing for pictures of some of my favourite characters in the Japanese series Naruto. 8)

    I got this cool picture of Sakura :yahoo: and I couldn't resist changing my avatar.

    What do you think of it?

    And why did you choose yours?

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    I chose the artsy birdy because I am an artist and because I chose my name,"Yediyd" from a character in a historical fiction novel about New Testament Jerusalem times. The charachter was a little sparrow named, (of course) Yediyd. The novels that I am speaking of are actually a series of novels called: The AD Chronicles written by Body and Brock Theone...I HIGHLY recommend them!! After reading them, I got the fire in me to learn Hebrew!!!
  8. I'm not sure what I believe, I was not really raised in a church...I went a few times as a kid. I guess I believe that there is a God and that Jesus was more than just a man, but I just don't know for sure much beyond that. I do like this church...people seem very sincere...I just don't see myself fitting in with all you "goody goodies" (no offence, I hope!) I would not be here if I were not searching for something better!! I am just scared of all this uncharted territory, that's all...

    Trust me, my friend...I and none of the rest of us are "goody goodies"!! All our righteousness are as filthy rags before the Lord!! None of us measure up!! You will fit right in!! And as you grow and learn, you will make the changes that need to be made, but it will not happen overnight and you will not be perfect in this life...just believe in Christ and what he did for you and watch your heart and life change!! We are All a bunch of "goof-ups". Paul said that he was the chiefest among sinners!!! Like I said, PS...You are in good company!! Welcome aboard!!!
  9. That's very interesting! I remember in a visiting teaching message about temples, it said that with every temple that is built, Satan's power lessens. I'm paraphrasing there. I should look for the reference, but I think temples will play a role in Satan being bound. :)

    Yediyd, I love the meaning of your name! That is so cool.

    Thanks!! I wanted to use the name: Yediydyah, that means: Beloved of G-d...but someone on the ldstalk site already has that one!!! Besides, I am up here to be friendly and to make friends!!!:)
  10. Here's one:

    Every morning a old lady would stand on her porch and yell:"Praise the Lord!"

    And every morning the athiest next door would yell:"There is no Lord!"

    One day the Lady decided to pray for groceries.The next morning when she opened her door there was a huge bag full of groceries on her welcome mat.

    Praise the Lord she cried."There is no Lord,cried the athiest as he jumped out from behind a bush,I bought those groceries."

    "Praise the Lord,cried the woman again,not only did He bring me these groceries He made the devil pay for them!"

    Now it's your turn guys.(And twin)

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    Baptist minister was up at his pulpit preaching one Sunday...he states,"I defy anyone here to come up with a topic that is not covered by this Holy Bible!" A little woman in the back stands up and says, "What about PMS?" The Baptist minister doesn't bat an eye, " Luke chapter 2 ...and Mary rode Joseph's ass all the way to Bethlehem!!"
  11. It would be speculation to comment on the menapause thing, but we do know that there will be no sickness, no disease, and no death (as we know it.) And best of all no sin! Everyone will have to live at least a Terrestrial law or they will not be able to stay on this earth. We also know that there will still be births (of mortal children) and our bodies will be changed (thus no death, sickness, etc.) The primary work that will be accomplished during the 1,000 years will be preaching the Gospel to those righteous enough to remain and Temple work. It will be a totally different existance than what we comprehend now. I found the following in the Gospel Principles Manual:Actually as far as righteousness is concerned it will be simular to the 200 years of peace that the Nephites enjoyed, only there is also to be the physical changes mentioned in the above quote. Hope this helps.

    I am in agreement with you here, I believe that Satan will be "bound" during those 1000 years, but the binding will be because of the righteousness of the saints, he will be unable to do any of his evil. The "chains" that bind him will be our righteous hearts.
  12. Hi everyone,

    I'm the new guy on the block, just moved in down the street. Let's see here, I'm a born and raised LDS convert; served a mission in Uruguay ("!Opa, ché!"), graduated from BYU back in nineteen-ot-eleventeen-twelve; I'm well over 22 million minutes old (although my spirit is much, much older than that, of course); married since 1990, 4 children (3 living) with uno mas in the oven. I like to read, write, and occasionally I make time to do some 'rithmatic to stay well-balanced. I've never played a bagpipe before, but I do like to juggle and ride my unicycle around the yard when time permits.

    I'm just happy to be here, and I'll sit back down now.


    "Imagination is more important than knowledge..."

    ~ Albert Einstein

    You sound like a lot of fun!! Looking forward to getting to know ya!!! Welcome aboard!!!
  13. But there's nothing wrong with hanging out with single sisters, who can offer a lot of consolation and sympathy. Is there any reason you aren't divorced? Rhetorical question because I don't expect an answer to something so personal, but it might be something to move forward with.

    I just have not been motivated to get the divorce...I feel like he was the one who broke the marriage vows, HE should pay for the divorce!! He likes things the way they are because he can blame me for why he cannot marry the girlfriend. She has had a child with him and wants to marry him, but he uses me as an excuse why he cannot. I figure, if I meet someone worth my heart again...I will then take the time to get my divorce, but for now...I don't even feel very attractive and I am so overwhelmed with raising my "special" son, that I have not even seriously thought about a new relationship...I just joke about it a lot!!
  14. At this point in time,he does not get into trouble while wandering but that was not always the case so take heart and let him grow in his own way but teach him that there are bounds that he must stay within. More important find some thing that you can make him feel he is respponsible for at Church. My grandson takes responsibility for helping the disabled get from their cars into the Chapel and back to their cars afterwards. When he was younger he was given the responsibility of putting the programs in the holders provided for them outside the Chapel doors. High level autistic children are capable of learning to be responsible if we just give them the chance. Teach him about the Priesthood and and talk to your Bishop about getting him ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood. My grandson is now a Priest but only feels comfortable passing the Sacrament. He has been considered for the Melchesidek Priesthood but says he is not ready for the responsibility just yet.

    Unfortunately, one of my wifes sisters had a high level autistic son and instead of giving him responsibilities they let him grow up doing absolutely nothing and considered him useles for anything. In his older years he just set around in a chair staring at the walls untill he finally passed away.

    Larry P

    My son has been given the Aaronic priesthood and he does pass out the sacriment...yet he refuses to take the sacriment!! The Bishop just had to tell him to take a break from passing out the sacriment till he can start taking it himself. My son is still very irrisponcible...I keep hopeing he willget to a point where he can take on some responcibility. I make him take out our trash and the neighbor's trash (elderly lady). That is about all I can get him to do...I'm still working on getting him to clean his room!!! Course, that goes for my "normal" daughter as well!!!!
  15. It is definitely hard being part of a big ward. I've always liked small branches. I'm in a ward now that is so big and has split so many times I don't know anyone, besides which I'm in the Nursery, which I love btw. I encourage you to go to the RS activities as much as possible. That's where you really get to talk to and know people. I was a single parent with 4 children, the youngest which was 4 when I became single, so I can relate. See if there is a singles group in your stake where you can go out with other singles as a group. I belonged to a great singles group that pretty much formed on it's own. We were all from different wards and stakes. We did things as families too as we all had kids. It's hard but it's worth it to try to find others who you can at least talk to on the phone.

    There is not a singles group for over 30 yet, but there is a lady who is trying to get one started. Then there is the problem that I am still married to my cheating husband!! I am only seperated from divorce...yet.
  16. Yediyd...

    I absolutely loved your testimony and conversion story... that's one of my favorite things... to hear members' conversion stories. Yours is remarkable.

    I was baptized when I was eight (1949) and semi active until 12, then very active for the next 7 years... when I was about 17, I received a testimony of the Church and the Book of Mormon. It was one of those burning in the bosom, heart pounding, filling my whole being kind... I guess Heavenly Father knew that I'd need that strong witness to sustain me through the 30+ years that I would be inactive starting about age 20 when I met and fell for my non-LDS husband. In the ensuing years, though inactive, I could never deny my testimony and retained threads of it... until 12 years ago when I started from square one again... studying, reading, praying, fasting... and my full testimony came roaring back... and the rest is history... here I am...

    The Garden Girl

    Thank you for that! I guess we all have to find our own testimonies...even if you are born into this church. Mine gets stronger as I continue to read, study and pray. Knock on wood...I am very active in my ward and plan to stay that way!!!
  17. Qoute "Selek"

    Looks like hes available.

    kool! Missed that! I was just kidding anyway!!! :P, how do YOU feel about knee bangs? (again, just kidding!) :lol:

  18. I think and hope it is just a phase. Be gentle with him but teach him that there are rules that must be obeyed. We have an autistic grandchild who is now 26 years old. He enjoys going to church but will not sit in the meeting during the talks. He does however insist on helping pass the sacrament and is very concientious about being there every Sunday to do so. After passing the Sacrament he tends to wander the halls all by himself until Pristhood meeting where he attends opening exercises and then back to the halls. Everybody knows him and knows his situation. They are always good to him and talk to him when he wants a bit of conversation. Take heart, things will change as he matures and gets past the teenage years.

    Larry P

    This is exactly what my son tries to do...I do not let him wander the halls, but he will if he can get away with it...sometimes I am busy in the Primary and he gets away from his teachers...he raids the fridge in the kitchen though and has flooded the men's he cannot be allowed to roam the halls at will...This is disheartening to hear that your 26 year old grandchild is Still doing this!! I was hoping my son would settle down...but I have to admit it is probably wishful thinking... :(