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Posts posted by Jeny

  1. This is a topic that comes up in my ward very frequently - reverence. We have a lot of babies and toddlers and it is frequently difficult to hear the speakers and sometimes people don't take their crying kids out until they have reached siren level. The other distracting thing is the kids banging on the metal chairs in the overflow.

    What are your strategies for encouraging reverence with your kids and in your ward?

    Good old fashiond fear tactics!! My son is 13...I threaten him with a time-out in his room after church. 5 min for every time I have to speak to him during the Sacrament meeting. My daughter never gives me any trouble...she is 14 and loves the church. Mikey (son) is autistic and hates everything to do with church...he is my prodigal son right now and I am broken hearted over him... :(
  2. Oh, that's okay. One of my hobbies is building computers from spare parts. I just don't have much money these days.

    WOW!! I could use a friend like you!!! You don't have to build me one, just teach me the ropes! Start with....oh, I don't know...oh, wait...yes I do!! I need help learning how to sink my creative zen to my music files!!! HELP!!!!! I have a roll=away couch...want ta come stay for a year or two? I have an AWESOME library!! I love to read, at least...I did, before I bought this computer!!!! :rolleyes:
  3. I think the new mwmber has to eb stubborn! So stubborn that he/she comes to church EVERY Sunday, even though one not really feels for it.... Once he/she has felt the spirit and decided that the church is true nothing in the world should be able to shake that foundation! Church is not about friends it is about gospel. Gospel gives friends....

    That is what I did. Church was the only place where I felt like I was where I belonged. I love the Lord and the Bible and did long before I converted to LDS...It was not hard to want to stay faithful once I decided that this church was true...I feel like I have come home at long last, and I felt that way almost from the very first day...I never looked back!!!
  4. That would be so hard. :( I can't imagine being treated that way by my family and friends.

    So how do you feel about hot chocolate? My son came home one day with a recipe called "Snowman soup" and told me, "It warms your spirit." There was a packet of hot chocolate, two Hershey kisses, and a peppermint candy that you mix together. It was really good and so cute how he couldn't wait to give it to me after school.

    I love hot chocolate!! I stir it with candy canes at Christmas time!!! I have also started drinking postom...but is AWFUL!!! I have to disguise it with lots of flavored creamer!! I just keep praying that the Lord will reveal to the Prophet that cofee cures cancer or something!!!

    ...My family was dysfunctional, it is no huge loss...the friends hurt me more. I expected to be treated badly by my family, would have been surprised by anything else...but the hostile treatment by so-called friends really hurt ME...oh well, I have lots of NEW friends!! And Garden Girl is going to be my new "mommy"!!! :D

  5. Be patient and persistant, hon. I was in your shoes years ago. Just think of it like learning Spanish or French. Once you get your vocabulary down pat, you'll be having a much easier time. :lol:

    Want to hear something funny? I am currently teaching myself the Hebrew language and I can quote over 30 chapters of the Bible including the 64 generations from Adam to Christ!! And I cannot get this computer stuff down!! Course...I have only been at it since May of this year...I have time to grow, I guess!! But honestly...Hebrew is easier!!!!
  6. I know converts make many sacrifices when they join the church, everything from giving up coffee to being under the condemnation of family and friends. Having grown up as a member of the church, I am grateful that I didn't have to face a difficulty like this or make any sudden changes. When my mom joined the church, she was disowned by her grandmother, one of the few dependable adult relatives she had left. That hurt her a lot. She also received a lot of insensitive comments from her sister who mocked her for her beliefs. Fortunately for her, she didn't have the added difficulty of giving up coffee, drinking alcohol, etc. I think what a challenge that would be and how would I handle it if I had to give up chocolate, ice cream, or cheese for my beliefs. Those are a few of my favorites.

    I'd love to hear about your struggles in these areas when you joined the church and I am even considering giving up something for a significant period of time to identify with you better. Yediyd, I see how you really miss your coffee!



    I come from a Baptist background...My who family thinks that I am nuts...My sister will not even speak to "so-called" friends have disowned me. I have been "written off" or "given over to Satan" They think I am going straight to Hell...

    ...and I miss my coffee more than the whole lot of them! :angry:

    ...Good riddence!!!

    ...Anybody have a chocolate bar for a needy soul? :rolleyes:

  7. This idea is stolen from the ldstalk site...but it is a very popular thread...anyway, it is a word association game. Just say the first word that pops into your head and try not to duplicate the post...want to give it a try?

    ...First word...


  8. Interesting! For some reason that made me think of the Enrichment we had about love. One sister gave us a lesson about different kinds of love, showing love, etc. At one point she pulled out her grandpa's handcuffs that were an heirloom and of sentimental value to her and there were a bunch of women trying really hard not to laugh because they associate handcuffs with bondage. A couple women had tears streaming down their faces they were fighting it so hard. :lol:

    I did an enrichment night on how to braid hair!! I can braid anything from two to 120 strands!! I did braiding demonstrations at the State fair, and worked at the renaissance festival doing exotic braids...I also showed the ladies how to do weaves and hair extensions....
  9. I'm currently running Windows XP with only an AMD Athlon XP 2200 1.8 gigahertz processor and 768 megabytes of random access memory and it runs decently.

    I had just upgraded to AMD Athlon 64 4000 2.4 gigahertz processor with 2,048 megabytes (2 gigabytes) of random access memory. After only running the new computer for about 45 days my Foxconn motherboard went bad. Shipped the bad motherboard back and they shipped me a new one that should be arriving within a couple of days.

    My total upgrade cost so far is about $384. Hopefully I won't have any more problems with the new system.

    You should be able to upgrade to a faster computer with Windows XP for less than $400. If you want any advice on computer shopping send me a personal message. I would be glad to help.

    First, I need to learn the language!! I didn't understand a word of your post except the kind offer of help...I am hopelessly computer illiterate!!! :(
  10. Here's something for some general speculation.

    Probably the great last sign before everything really starts getting shaken up before the second coming is that the gospel will be preached in all nations.

    A few questions to think about:

    How close do you think we are to this?

    What is entailed with preaching the gospel in all nations?

    Would you expect the prophet to tell us when this sign has been fulfilled?

    You know what? G-d created the Earth in 7 of his days...7000 years? A day on Kolob is 1000 years here...I believe that the seven seals in the book of revelation are seven dispensations or periods of 1000 years...If that be the case...we are in the sixth dispensation now...with the last one being the millenium. Looking at it from that prospective...I would not make any long range plans if I were you!! I expect Christ back tonight!! And EVERY night!!! He said.."Behold, I come quickly!" According to his time...he has only been on the right hand of the father for two days...he will be back here very soon!! I expect to see him anytime now!!!
  11. I believe Jesus was married. I've always wondered why the idea would bother anyone.

    Heavenly Father does not mention Heavenly Mother for the same reasons that Jesus omits facts about his wife or wives...he wants to protect them. Lord knows!! Look at how much his name is blasphemed? I truly believe that his (Jesus') first miracle was at his own wedding. I realize that I will have to wait for heaven to be proven right...but I am very confident that I will be...

    ...'course, it is not important to my salvation, so I don't sweat the details...

  12. We have a 16-year-old who is severely autistic and he absolutely loves family home evening. It can really work if you find the right recipe.

    My son hates the church!! He thinks G-d is a fairy tale and he refuses to take the sacriment because he "isn't hungry". He just wants nothing to do with G-d in any heart is broken!! :(
  13. Dell computers are good quality and run quite well, it's just Windows Vista that is the problem. If I were you I would uninstall Vista and buy a copy of Windows XP. All your current problems will be history.

    I can't! I already asked the folks at Dell if I could do that and they said if I did, I would lose all my teck support that I get "free" for the next year!! It is not free!! I paid three times what this computer is worth because of all the "hidden" extras they slapped on it!! Now, if I switch out of Vista, they said I am on my own!! I need all this teck support and screen sharing that I get...I can call a Dell representative and he can get access to my screen and control my computer and fix all my screw ups!! I NEED that in these early days of my first computer!!!
  14. That's one of the problems with Microsoft. They keep coming out with new operating systems, but they still don't get much easier to use.

    I've got this really cool new creative zen that I love more than my computer, now!! It ha 30 gigabytes of memory...whatever that means!! I know that I have all the mp3 stuff from the official church website on it, including all the standard works and over 500 albums and the Lord of the rings trilogy, and some other books...over 1000 photos and two movies so far!!!! I love this thing!!! It is no bigger than a three by five card... I take it with me everywhere!!!!!
  15. Welcome...

    I know you will find friendship and support here... Glad you are here...

    from the beautiful central Oregon coast... The Garden Girl

    Garden Girl, You said you had no children? And you are 66? Well, my mother was an alcoholic and very abusive, I never had a relationship with her...I'm in the market for a new up for the job? I can use the potty all by myself, now!!! :D
  16. I wasn't given a choice, this vista came with my Dell. I just ordered the starter computer!! I got what they sent me!! I know very little about computers! This is my first one and I bought it in May of this year!!! (We had computers when my husband and I were together, but I saw those computers as the "other women" and I did not mess with them! I was too tempted to put my foot through them!) I waited 8 years after we broke up before I broke down and bought this one!! My 14 year old daughter knows more about computers than I do!!!

  17. Anyone else miss the Know Your Religion seminars? the wife and I went to them as often as we could, and almost always came away feeling like it was a very worthwhile date. We noticed the attendance falling off the last couple years they put them on, so guess it was a matter of time before "they" ended them. Was that the main reason they were discontinued?

    Never heard of them. :blink: