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Posts posted by Jeny

  1. Let them gag - I think it is sweet. I was married to the husband from hades for 27 years. He was an alcoholic, gambler, lying, womanizing, emotional/physical/verbal abuser. When I met Hubby, I was NOT looking for a husband. I had just gotten rid of 220 pounds of pure evil and I was enjoying the serenity of being alone. I was looking for a male friend. An active LDS male friend. One who I could talk with, ask questions of and get straight answers from. I got all that and a whole lot more. Father really did bring us together and by us listening to the Holy Ghost we are married now.

    I have never laughed so much in my life. Husband is great, he laughs with me and he encourages me to be what ever I feel that I need to be, do, say. He is everything my first husband was not. I thank Father every day for my darling. I thank Father every day that I listened to Him, that I had the faith to continue with our freindship and to take the plunge and ask hubby to marry me! :lol: Yep, I am the one who proposed!!

    OK, I am not gagging...just jealous!!! :angry:
  2. Yep, every fruit that is available from the store I have dipped in chocolate, hot fudge or even covered with Death by Chocolate Ice cream!

    I love Orange Sherbet put on top of shortcake then drowned with chocolate syrup, or hot fudge. I used to eat a 1/2 pound slab of milk chocolate and wash it down with a gallon of milk. Worked way better than two midol and a glass of water. :blink:

    Yep...I like your stile!!!! :P
  3. :lol: And I can't sink for long. I seriously can't imagine myself drowning. I try to dive for stuff and it just doesn't work out well. Recently our three-year-old tossed my husband's cellphone in a lake and I went there that night to dive for it. No luck and the water was so murky I couldn't see squat. I can still do handstands in the water though. :)

    I was thinking the same thing!! I can't sink!! I try to swim to the bottom of my pool and I can't get all the way down there!!!! I LOVE to swim!!!! (I have a couple of built in life preservers, too!!!) :rolleyes:
  4. I call mine twins the hard way!! They are 4 days shy of a year apart!! they were very close until hormones invaded my home!! Now I am in hormone Hell...I am going through menopause...I have two teenagers and even my dog is in heat!!! Oi vay!!!

  5. Thank you! :D My son laughed on the day he was born. My husband thinks it's because I laughed so much when I was pregnant, he learned it in the womb. At first it freaked me out because I thought he had a breathing problem and then I looked down and saw that he was grinning so big, his gums were showing. The nurse in the NICU couldn't believe his eyes when he saw it and it really helped me through that difficult time. I am pretty cheerful and I love to laugh. It's fun getting to know you! I don't think I've ever met anyone who has so much of the Bible memorized. That's cool. I've never been to ldstalk. How long has that been around?GG is the best - very supportive, friendly, has a wonderful testimony - oh, and you should see her garden! So pretty.

    Like I said...I came from a Baptist background...but even in Baptist circles...I have raised some eyebrows!! The Baptist believe that memorisation is key to keeping the Bible close to us in the last days as they believe that the Bible will be taken away from us...I have been memorising scripture since I learned how to read...I got REALLY serious about it in my 20's!!! I have slacked off since converting to LDS...but I keep up with what I already have memorised and I have picked some Book of Mormon chapters that I am working on, now!!! I truly do LOVE my scriptures!!!! :)

    Happy belated Anniversary! I'm so glad you have a happy marriage! :D My husband and I got engaged on the 4th of July. I always say, "And when we kissed that night, I saw fireworks!" Ha ha ha ha. That makes people gag.

    It made me smile!! :)
  6. :lol: They're cute that way too.

    LOL!!! You ain't kidding!! I have tons of footage of sleeping kids on video!! They just looked so SWEET!!! I had to capture that for all time!!! Now, I avoid my kids rooms...hormones and Teenageness has taken over and it is dangerous to venture into them!!

    ...Yes, I made that word up!!!! What of it? :rolleyes:

  7. Try it. You let me know how it goes in case it adds ten sizes. :D

    I checked it is a more complicated way of agreeing with or disagreeing with post...personally..I would rather just post my opinion here!!I didn't lose or gain any weight...but I had to find my way back home!!!! :angry:
  8. That sounds good! We have a pot of mint growing on our back porch, so I'll definitely have to do that. I've been meaning to go to Costco to buy another gigantic box of hot cocoa. After our huge windstorm/five day power outage last year in December, I appreciated hot chocolate more than ever. :) It was FREEZING. Our kids slept in front of the fireplace for three nights and my husband and I cuddled under our big down comforter. After that we had had enough and we went to my sister's who was lucky enough not to lose power.

    Did anyone glance at this post just now and think I wrote I have pot growing on our back porch? :P

    The thought never even crossed my mind!!! :blink:
  9. My son's new teacher called me tonight and I thought, "Uhhhh ... Is there something wrong?" She was just calling to say that today was the best first day of school that she's ever had. Woo hoo!!!! She absolutely loves having my son in her class. Yay!!!! He did great in 1st grade. I meant to tell her how he came home last year and said, "I love 1st grade! We get to do a lot more math homework than we did in Kindergarten!" :lol: I never thought those words would come out of my kids' mouth.

    My other son did great in Kindergarten too and rode home on the bus for the first time. My mom asked me, "Did you cry?" I said, "No, it was too hectic this morning to even think of crying." But I might now. Thanks, Mom. :P

    Who else wants to brag about their kids? :D

    Mine are asleep!!! Thats how I like them!!!! :D
  10. Yes, there is more than enough brownies for everyone. When I make the stuff I always get carried away. I make one pan for me, and then one pan for every two people. Then after they are all done I remember I can no longer have the brownies. So it is FRUIT or vegies for me! I do love fruit dipped in chocolate too. Actually I mean drowned in chocolate! :blink:

    I KNEW there was something about you that I liked!!!!
  11. That's awesome. I love reading about enduring love. :)

    Yedi, please praise anyone you want to here.

    Well, you seem to have a friendly, sunny disposition...and I really like Garden Girl, too!!! I have a bunch of my friends from ldstalk who followed me over here that I have great things to say about, too!! The best thing about them is their desire to have friendly fellowship and end the contention that drove me away from ldstalk....though not entirely....

    ...I thought about not going back...but I have friends up there that I enjoy conversing I think just a break from it is in guys/gals up here are GREAT!!! Love this forum!!!!!!