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Posts posted by Jeny

  1. I thought I had: When we gain knowledge in a thing that we *used* to have faith in, then that new knowledge introduces us to new realms of possibility, in which we can now exercise new faith. So, rather than knowledge eliminating faith, what it does is spark or create whole new vistas in which faith for the first time becomes active.


    That is so true!! The more my faith is confirmed, the more G-d allows me to reach out further!! What a powerful incite!! Thank you for that!!
  2. I started reading it yesterday. I've have the sad misfortune to see a little of me in some of what was being said. I do believe CS Lewis had a very good grasp on how the Enemy works. I, for one, will never minimize how dangerous he can be. He may not be able to force us to do something, but his ability to lead in the ways he wants is masterful.

    Good for you, Sheelah!! I grew by leaps and bounds after and WHILE reading that book!! Now, when ever I recognise a tactic of Satan in my life...I say to myself: "Nope, sorry Screwtape...but you and wormwood are NOT going to win!!!"

  3. Dose the cleansing at the Temple help with that?

    Your Baptism does!!! And the sacrament each week!! The Temple is a place to make further commitments to the Lord...sticking to those commitments keeps you clean. We are ALL washed in the blood, even when we mess up...Jesus wants us to repent and keep going, that is the key...just set your face toward the mark and don't look back...even if you stumble, just pick yourself up and keep going!!!
  4. My once and future bride has been ill off and on for several years, and the doctor's have never been able to pinpoint a cause. Mostly weakness, mysterious aches and pains, and stomach problems.

    Now she has several small, painful sores popping up and she's afraid it might be Ciliac's Disease- essentially a hyper-allergy to glutin (anything with wheat in it).

    Prayers would be appreciated, both for her health and for a straight answer at last.

    You got it!! I just stopped typing and said one for THREE people up here!! (you, Morning star's friend and Jiggy saint)
  5. Please bring any prayer requests you have here. Right now I'd like to ask everyone to pray for my friend Jessica. I shared this story on MADB and now my friend has even more to deal with. At 34 weeks pregnant, she found out her mom had metastatic bone cancer (which they discovered when her mom's pain got so bad, she had to start using a walker). They did surgery to stabilize the bone and remove the huge tumor in her leg, which led to blood clots (including one in her lung), more surgery, continuing severe pain from the clots and hospitalizations, etc. Anyway, to make this story shorter, at 41 weeks pregnant, she was told her mom had maybe three days to live, so she asked for a c-section the next day, and her new baby got to meet her grandma. Two weeks later she passed away.

    Now Jessica just had a mole removed from her breast and it's not cancerous, but the cells are abnormal and they will have to do surgery to remove the surrounding tissue. :( This is not the kind of thing a breastfeeding woman needs. I was so hoping she would have a vacation from her trials for now, besides missing her mom terribly.

    Anyone else need any prayers?

    We all need prayers! I have started including these forums and the people here in my prayers as G-d knows you all better than me, but my heart has grown three sizes since I found these LDS sites and my new "friends". :)
  6. Sorry guys, I shouldn't have said anything. In fact I was banned from an LDS chat room a few years back by discussing this very subject. Back then, the girl wasn't my girlfriend and the age different was akward. I met her when she was 16, she's turning 20 on Saturday.

    Some LDS on that chat room went so far as to call me a pedophile.

    JS...I am praying for you.
  7. Yea, that's how I see it. I've always wondered if there was more to it and than I found the Book of Mormon that ansewers everything about what happens next in the faith of God.

    As a new convert, I found such comfort in D&C 76 and the Pearl of Great Price!! It was SO cool to see past all that I had previously been taught!! And the comfort came when I felt and KNEW in my heart that this was the missing piece...this was the answer to my confusion, and what I already had in my heart, but did not understand!!!

    You are on the right road!! Enjoy the ride!!!!

  8. Chicken lady!!! Howdy!!! I understand that you don't have time for two forums...that is why you see so little of me over on "that other forum" I still go over there...but this is my new home!How do you like how I arranged the furniture? Kind of cozy, don'tcha think?

  9. I started late, too...I am in my 40's, but my oldest is 14. I am looking forward to the grand kids, though!! Wish I could have had them first!! It will be nice not to have to be the "bad guy" all the time!!!

    ...I am also secretly looking forward to all the "mommy advice"

  10. The way I understand it is that a lady can only be sealed for all time and eternity to one husband. Here in mortality or in the next life.

    That does not negate the fact that your biological (assuming biological meaning your mothers first husband) could not have the endowments taken out on his behalf after he passes on (and does not accept the gospel in this life).

    So, to answer your question, from what I have understood is that a woman can only be sealed to one man. However, a man could be sealed to more than one woman. Meaning, if you had a step mother who passed away and your biological father decided to return back to the Church and want to be sealed to your deceased step mother, he could, and if your biological mother passed away or returned back to the church and wanted to be sealed to your biological mother, then he could do this also.

    I hope that answers your question.

    This is such a "tender" spot with me!! I am trying hard to just trust G-d and know in my heart that he loves me and is a fare, just and loving G-d...but my inner feminist keeps SCREAMING out: "injustice and sexist!!"

    ...I know that this is MY problem...but I still struggle with it!!!

  11. Thanks everybody.

    And just a reminder since this is my own personal introduction page let's keep the conversation about me, k.

    Just kidding I am not that high and mighty, but it is nice to have people talk about you in a good way of course.

    Yediyd if you can photograph your painting you can upload it to about anywhere on the web. I can help you of course if you would like.

    And hey, just cause I'm 33 doesn't mean that I can't still be studly and whatnot. I think I have the studly part down, still trying to work on the whatnot, though.

    First I have to figure out how to use my scanner!! every time I turn it on, it starts spitting out copies of "Hedwig's theme" My daughter printed them off the Internet and my annoying printer keeps REPRINTING!! I can't figure out how to stop it!! The only thing that works it to shut it off and I just don't use it anymore...I really am pathetic when it comes to computers!! :( Ask me a question about the Bible or Hebrew or something like that...and I can fool you into thinking that I am fairly intelligent...but the truth comes out when I try to do simple things like upload a picture!!

  12. I hi-jacked this from the ldstalk site!! Pushka posted it and it cracked me up!!!


    (To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door - nose height)

    Dear Dogs and Cats,

    The dishes with the paw print are yours and contain your food. The other

    dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a paw print in

    the middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim for it becoming your

    food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.

    The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating me

    to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall

    faster than you can run.

    I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very sorry about

    this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your

    comfort. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It

    is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the

    fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and

    having tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but


    For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom.. If by

    some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not

    necessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob or get your paw under

    the edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door I

    entered. Also, I have been using the bathroom for years -- canine or feline

    attendance is not required.

    The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt. I

    cannot stress this enough!

    To pacify you, my dear pets, I have posted the following message on our

    front door:

    To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like to Complain About Our Pets:

    1. They live here. You don't.

    2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture.

    (That's why they call it "fur"niture.)

    3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.

    4. To you, it's an animal. To me, he/she is an adopted son/daughter who is

    short, hairy, walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly.

    Remember: In many ways, dogs and cats are better than kids because they:

    1. Eat less.

    2. Don't ask for money all the time.

    3. Are easier to train.

    4. Normally come when called.

    5. Never ask to drive the car.

    6. Don't hang out with drug-using friends.

    7. Don't smoke or drink.

    8. Don't have to buy the latest fashions.

    9. Don't want to wear your clothes.

    10 Don't need a "gazillion" dollars for college.

    And finally,

    11. If they get pregnant, you can sell their children.

  13. You'll have to tell me how you like it! I like making it for Halloween.

    Gotta wait till my child support check comes next week...too much week left after the money!!! :(

  14. Thank you! I was also going to suggest that we all go stand in the family friendly aisle at Fred Meyer at the same time one day and when they offer to take us in another line, we'll all say, "No thank you. We only use the family friendly aisle." Bwah hahahahaha!!!! I bet if we did that enough, they'd cave and make more family friendly aisles. :D

    See? What do you need us for? Those are awesome ideas!! Why don't you plan an enritchment night where each lady buys one item for care packages, then all line up with their one item in the family friendly isle!!!!

  15. Sounds good!

    Are you ready for the salad of all salads?


    6-8 granny smith apples diced

    4-6 Snickers bars cut up

    1 cup sour cream

    1 small container Cool Whip

    1/2 cup Spanish peanuts

    Mix cool whip and sour cream together and combine with other ingredients in a bowl. Don't knock it till you tried it! I thought it sounded disgusting, but I tried it to be polite and it was delicious! If you like caramel apples and chocolate, you will like this! I served it at Enrichment one night and someone thought the Snickers was brown banana and then she yelled out, "It's candybar!!!!" Then there was a small stampede heading for the table. :lol:

    Oooh! A recipe that I can do!! Yummy!! Thanks!!!

  16. Well, the description of this folder mentioned poetry, so I figured I would share something I wrote a couple of weeks ago. Sorry if it's off topic or deemed not appropriate. :o

    <div align="center">Rebellion

    Against reason, I sat on the swing.

    I'm a grown-up, grown-ups don't do such things.

    Up, up and away I went.

    I got lost in the clouds in the endless azure above.

    I forgot about

    my agnst, the day to day worries, my ugliness,

    the desire to "conform" to be "accepted"

    and just let my mind run free.

    I wasn't on the ground!

    I was flying!

    I was dancing from cloud to cloud,

    teasing the birds!

    After a while,

    I looked down and saw my shadow.

    How undignified!

    A heavy, grown-up woman

    sitting in a swing meant for children!


    I got out of my swing and went home.

    As I went home,

    I thought to myself,

    "I don't like looking at my shadows.

    I think I'll stick to the clouds instead!"

    I really liked that!! Here is a link to some of my poems: