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Posts posted by Jeny

  1. Yedi, what a beautiful conversion story! Thank you for taking the time to share it. I'm going to go work on my lesson for Sunday and read the rest of this thread. It is very uplifting.


    Actually...I just cut and pasted it!! :rolleyes: If anybody is interested in some of my other poems, here is a link to my blog...I haven't written much lately as these forums take up much of my free time (and some time that I should not be wasting!! I am hopelessly addicted! :( )

  2. Yediyd...Do you have any See's Candy?! They only have it here in Texas during the Chrismas Holiday and I do miss it so!!

    Checker's 33...don't let him tell you he's any younger than that! I know he'll try to play if off like he's all young and studly and whatnot! :P

    Where can we go to see your art work Yediyd?


    I am not very good with computers, I don't know how to post it...but I have a painting hanging in a museum up here in Syracuse, NY!!! It is of a leopard jumping on a zebra from a miskeet type of tree, with mt. Kilimanjaro in the background...the painting is so life like...the zebra still has the grass that he was eating hanging from his startled mouth!! I have not painted in years!! That painting won first prize in the NY State festival of the arts when I was in 7th grade!!!!
  3. Possibly. It is still speculative (i.e. it requires the assumption that "Magdeline" was derived from migdal). I wouldn't go espousing this in GD class or anything like that. It's just the heretical Gospel of Steuss.

    Nah...I am not going to teach it or anything...just ponder these things in my heart...and people wonder why I love Hebrew so much!!!!!! :rolleyes:
  4. I do not hold a temple recommend.

    Actually, I have a wonderful lady in my life that is wanting me to go back to church with her and she is slowly getting me back into the church, having home teachers come over and talking with me.

    Sunday was my first time back in church in a long time.

    Oh...bummer! :( Well, I am going to still bring it up to my Bishop...Jesus said to take a little wine for thy stomic's for medicinal purposes...

    ...well, it's worth a shot isn't it? All my Bishop can do is say, "no". I can live with that....

    ...BTW...congrats on going back to the church...sounds like you have a great girlfriend!! Keep up the good work...G-d loves you NOW, AS you are...he wants to see you improve, but that is for YOUR sake, not his...

  5. Another thought I want to share:

    It is quite true that this Church has very high, if not unreasonable standards at times for some people. While this is true, this is also one of the grestest things about this Church.

    It's easy to be discouraged with your performance. Whether you've been ex-communicated and seeking to be rebaptized, or a new convert who can't qualify for a Temple Reccomend, it is quite a struggle to feel like the Church will accept you.

    However, those high standards arn't given just for our suffering. They are there so that we need to take advantage of the Atoning Grance of Jesus Christ. Yes I said "grace". I know with myself I get quite annoyed with myself and my seemingly inability to cease certain serious sins. It's easy to beat myself up over my mistakes that go directly against learned truth. For example I know that shopping on Sunday is wrong, but I still do it, although with lesser frequency that before. Whenever I feel compelled to sin, the guilt comes and I feel bad about it. I feel that God would never want me to be in His presence. I feel that my constant stupidity is somehow not worthy of the Saviour's Atonement. I feel that I don't deserve the Holy Ghost(and sometimes it has come even after a serious sin has been comitted).

    I'm not alone. I think that many people go though the same feelings of anguish that I do. I think that many people lose their testimonies after they feel that because the standards are too high, they can't be reached and therefore can't be true. I know better. Those standards are there for everybody. From the very weak, to the very strong, all are given for all's benefit. Sure, right now getting my Home Teaching and raising a family in the Gospel don't apply to me, and they may never. I think we often forget that the commnadment are not nessicarily a checklist for salvation, but they are there to develop the attitude that leads to it. It's been said before that if a Saint lives in an area or in a manner where a Temple cannot be reached, then that person should still live worthy to recieve a reccommend, and God will make sure that their faith will not be in vain. In a way it's like that with everything. If you want to be saved, act like you want to be saved(as opposed to acting like you are saved). I only wish I could take the advice that my hands are typing out.

    What a beautiful post!!! You are not alone, my friend!! Paul was in the same boat!! Read Romans chapter 7. He talks about how he wishes to do right but his flesh does the wrong that he hates!! And how he tries to not sin, but his flesh is weak...we ALL suffer this quandary!!! We love the Lord and want to serve him...but the flesh struggles against the spirit!! Read Romans chapter 7 today or tonight and know that you are in good company, my friend!!!!
  6. A friend of mine was raised in a very dysfunctional home and decided on her own growing up on her own standards that she believed in. One day her roommate had the missionaries over and she said it was fine, but she had no interest in listening to the Mormons. While she was doing the dishes in the kitchen, she listened to their conversation and realized she agreed with everything they were saying and already believed many of those things and she went into the living room to talk to them. It wasn't long after that that she converted.

    I love conversion stories.

    This happened to me!! Sort of!! I invited the missionaries to my door when I called the 800 number to receive my free BoM... I intended to argue with them and "have fun" with them...but when I listened to them, I found that I already had those things in my heart and I found myself agreeing with them!! But my Baptist indoctrination had me terrified of them! I was SO afraid that they were "False prophets" ...The Holy Spirit did the rest...
  7. My initial interest in the LDS Church was as an adolescent .. a neighbor, of the same age often offered his testimony. His forthrightness I value till this day candidly admitting he planted a seed. Shortly after High School I entered the military and without the encouragement of other church members gravitated towards becoming a Southern Baptist. I immediately had issues with the church and it wavering doctrinal views depending on the church I attended, after attending Bible college and becoming ordained I became a member of the Church of God, Tennessee. .. very Pentecostal in practices and beliefs. I was married for fifteen years and went through an excruciating divorce. Knowing it was no fault of my own as I did everything possible to preserve the marriage. I started to ask our Father for further guidance. Within a day two LDS missionaries knocked on my door and I welcomed them in. It took several weeks due to conflicting schedules but we were finally able to spend some quality time. For the first time in many years I felt relief; praying and devoting myself to study and within two months decided to become a member of the church.

    WOW! We come from the same basic doctrinal backgrounds!! My father was a Southern Baptist...I joined a Fundamentalist Baptist church in my 20's and then left that and tried several pentecostal churches for a while...I have searched for the truth my whole life and have loved the Lord since I was a child...G-d knew my heart and he guided me to this church...I lost many "friends" when I converted, and my family have all abandoned me...but I will NEVER look back!!!
  8. I was converted at 23 and I gave up a lot. The hardest were the friends that actually gave me up. It hurt since most of us were friends since we were 6. I see my kids going through the same thing now, coming home to tell me that so-and-so is not allowed to play with them anymore because we are LDS. I have friends that belong to another church and they tell me that they pray for me but that's ok, I always need prayers. I keep our friendship in perspective and feel that I may be the only example of our church that they see and maybe they will find out that we are not what they learn about in their Sunday School classes.

    Also I want to add that as for giving things up I notice that members that have been in the church all their lives tend to have more problems with the WOW.

    I totally identified with this post. I also have noticed that we converts seem to do better on the WOW thing!! I am living it...but as I keep saying...I lament my coffee!!!

    ...heeeyy...Elpheba...didja catch that? :P

  9. The only thing I can't give up is coffee. Not because I choose not to, but because I suffer severe ADD/HD and because I don't like to take medication for anything, the doctrine has me on three cups of coffee a day. I have had to drink coffee as a prescription since I was in grade school.

    It keeps me focused, organized and calms me down.

    Really? :blink: I have been diagnosed with adult you think, do you REALLY think... can it be true? Do you hold a current Temple recommend? Is your Bishop OK with your coffee drinking? I am getting goose bumps!!! This could be an answer to my prayers!!!!! I miss my coffee FIERCELY!!!!!!!

    ...I know that I whine about it a lot...but honestly, no coffee taste as good as time spent in the Celestial room... :)

  10. Checker!! Yay! Welcome to our new home away from home!

    You know what game you should play with Josh?! Worst Case Scenario! That will really teach him how to survive!

    Getting to play in front of so many people must have been totally awesome and I'm so proud of you for that accomplishment! why did you never tell me?! ;)

    Also, we better warn people that I will be screening all applications for the soon vacant position of "wife of a truly great artist" before they even come close to your desk. I do take bribes..I like chocolate and flowers. Daisies are my favorite! Just have them delivered to 3060 Keller Hicks Rd.... :lol:

    Hey, I'm available! I am an artist, too!! But I am no spring chicken! :( I am 43. not sure how old you are, CB... you like Whitman's samplers? :rolleyes:

  11. Well I see most of us have migrated over here.

    I am checkerboy, many have wondered why checkers and that is because of the ultimate contrast that the checkerboard pattern creates. The ultimate conflict of light and dark, good and evil. I also think it looks pretty cool.

    So I am an almost divorced dad of two boys, Josh is 6 and Peter is 4. My life is a mess right now but they help me stay sane. I only get to see them a few times a week but I make the most of it. We like to play Xbox and Josh is getting better at Halo, see I am teaching him early to be a survivalist.

    I grew up in Sunny San Diego and don't know why I am not back there, oh yeah smog, pollution, and too many people. Not to mention outrageous housing costs. So I am now in Idaho and I actually like it here but not winter. I freeze.

    So I graduated from Boise State in graphic design and have been applying myself by designing signs here in Idaho Falls. I ultimately one day would like to teach art cause I think I am a good teacher.

    As far as what consumes my time that would be playing and listening to music. I have a kindred spirit here as far as musical tastes go, which is bizarre cause I like some weird stuff. But really it comes down to if the music makes me want to kill myself then it is alright with me. I am really not crazy, really. But just so you can experience the joys of self loathing here are a few good bands: Joy Division, Bauhaus, The Cure, The Smiths. I love to play my bass and write my own stuff from time to time. I always wanted to be a rock star and came the closest when I was at Ricks College. I got to play for like 400 people. Yea!!!

    I am also an artist and would like to sell my work so someone go buy something. The site is I try to be different in everything I do. And yes that is my son Josh in a couple pics. He makes an excellent model.

    I am currently taking applications for a new wife so if you are interested then let me know although I won't be conducting interviews until I am finally released from my current position.

    Other then that I am open to meeting new people and having stimulating conversations. They didn't sound as cheesy in my head.

    Checkerboy, I was touched by your post!! Do you know what touched me the most? When you spoke so lovingly about your sons!! What lucky boys they are!! I have been separated from my husband for 8 years now and I can count on my ONE hand how many times my kids have seen their dad!! He doesn't bother to call or check on them...birthdays and Christmas come and go with nary a word!! I just did back to school all by myself...again!! He never calls to see if they need anything!!! I am truly alone in raising them and they are hurt by this worse than me!!! I am so sad for them and so touched by your display of your love for your boys!! G-d bless you!! ...and take your time on the new wife, thing...let your heart heal for awhile, then you will be more ready to love someone new....

    ...BTW, how do YOU feel about knee bangs? :P

    ...(j/k...but not really!)

  12. My two older boys are less than a 1 1/2 years apart and have never fought. They are 16 and 17 and have somehow become very musical. They pulled their beds into the smallest bedroom with their 5 yo little brother and they don't seem to care. They made the biggest bedroom into a musical getaway. It seems that they can just pick up any instrument and just start playing it. I love to hangout in the 'room' to listen to them. They invite me up and sometimes I tell them to end fhe with some music they have written.

    Yup I'm a proud mom

    You have every right to be!! That makes me smile and proudly remember that my two do really love each other and I am lucky for that!! My son's disorder is hard for my daughter to live with at times, but she is such a good sister to him (most of the time) Like I said, Hormones have hit my home with a vengeance!! I sure hope this roller-coaster ride ends soon!! Ugh!! I don't like this stage!! Daughter is 14, son is 13...I suddenly feel the need for a nice long bubble bath!!! Calgon, take me away!!!!
  13. ..can this be more than one word? cuz here's what i got...

    crouching tiger, hidden dragon

    This thread is just for fun...there are no rules!! In fact... I think it will be MORE fun if we broaden it to MORE than one word!!! to mother-in-law, I add:

    Dragon lady!!!

  14. JS, you're killing me. Maybe I just don't understand. Your girlfriend is mentally challenged, right? How much? Is she legally competent to make decisions concerning her life, such as where to live, who to trust, how to buy groceries, etc.? I mean, this is serious stuff you're talking about now.

    If you are so attracted to her, this may be saying really serious things about you. I think you should call Dr. Laura or something, 'cause I'm afraid I'm see some really bad stuff here. So help me out - The question is not only is she mentally competent enough to be physically intimate, but how could she possibly be a good companion to you down the road? WITH KIDS?? (yes, I know you have your own challenges, but IQ isn't one of them, right?)

    Worried for both of you,


    Wow, Hijolly! I had some of those thoughts too!! Please tell us we are misinterpreting, JS!!!!! It does not sound healthy or even moral...but we could be reading you all wrong and I for one am in no possition to judge anybody!!

    That said...if this woman is so mentally challenged that she thinks like a child...well what is up with that? You need to re think what you are attracted to...

    ...of course, I could be totally wrong, and if I am, please forgive me for reading you wrong!! Please clarify for us?



  15. Hello and good evening. I happened to have found this forum by accident while looking up some information on Mormon History. I am an up and coming author who is looking to write a historical novel and am doing some research.

    Also, I love studying various religions and how religious thought and doctrine has developed and evolved over time.

    Anyway, I wanted to say hello and introduce myself.

    Welcome, welcome, welcome!!! I love historical novels!!! Which time period?