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Posts posted by Jeny

  1. Just wondering what people thought of online missionary work. how have you gone about it? Have you found anything that is successful?

    I feel we havent fully used the internet for missionary work like we could. And I think if we did we would have an explosion of people joining the Church.

    I am a missionary in whatever forum I am in...on-line or real world...I just testify to the truth of what I KNOW in my heart and am honest about it with people. I have seen many seeds planted. I also use my poetry as a form of missionary work...
  2. I have a friend in our YSA who has Asperger's. He fits in quite well with most of us, but I am not sure what it was like when he was younger. He parents are constantly worried about him bothering us/people, but honestly as long as you are kind and blunt he is great. You have to be kind and blunt though with him otherwise it can get a bit tiresome. He takes it really well though. I tease him, but never mock him and just to be on the save side I always make sure he knows I am completely teasing. He is a joy to be around.

    So I guess I am saying...don't worry. Eventually he will come into his own.

    In the mean time maybe you should talk to the Bishop about how to help your son make friends with one or some of the boys. Maybe they need a lesson on how they should be treating each other.

    PS. Glad to hear your FHE went well the other night.

    My son also has oppositional defiant disorder as well. He is angry and defiant in most everything we try to do. My son is very angry with his father as my husband abandoned the family and has no contact with his children. Mikey feels this loss the worse, he somehow blames himself...

    Mikey knows that he is different and he is angry and hurt about it. He sees the world as "attacking" him all the time. He takes no responsibility for his own actions, everything is "The world is picking on Mikey" is very tiresome to deal with on a daily basis!! He has a violent temper as well. He is 13 and growing fast...I am beginning to get worried about the next few years as he is almost bigger than me now and he is starting to see that he can be intimidating!!

  3. The Secret Society of Cavernous Evil. It is one of the secret combinations we are warned about in Scripture.

    According to conventional rankings by the Rand Institute, the SSCE come in somewhere between Ronald McDonald and Walmart on the list of who's the most evil.

    Doc Stuess is also a member, which may explain why they just edged out Colonel Sanders and Colonel Klink on the list.

    As to the OP, I think Satan's activities were anticipated by, rather than commissioned by an omnipotent God.

    Please tell me you are speaking tongue and cheek!! :blink: I have run into Dr Stuess at the Ldstalk forum and I rather like the man...his post are very enlightening and well written.
  4. Wait, the SSCE is here too? Glad I jumped on board. Long Live the SSCE!

    I often think that Satan has the possibility of being welcomed back into the fold if he is willing to humble himself down and get rid of his pride. However I also think he would have a lot of work/repenting to do. But I think Heavenly Father loves all His children, even Satan.

    Recently I have been reading a fictional book that has me thinking that Satan really just wanted to find a way to stand out on his own rather than become one of many. He didn't want to be part of the unity we all are trying for and was wanting to be unique. However he didn't realize that he would be unique within the unity.

    Anyway now he has morphed himself into this evil being and will probably never get rid of his pride.

    I would assume the same Satan exists in all realms and it isn't another Satan.

    Um...that is my humanizing of Satan. I am probably way off though.

    The middle letter of the word, "pride" is the word, "I" Satan had "I" trouble! (Isaiah 14)
  5. No, what he was saying was that if you tilted the map, it would fit with his concept of Book of Mormon geography.

    A good example of a bad assumption. Why should we have to tilt the map in order to make it fit the geography? In particular, if the translation was into the English language of the 19th century and was done under the influence of the Holy Ghost, should the directions not be correct as we understand them or at least as Joseph Smith understood them at the time of the translation. After examination of the 1828 Webster dictionary, which reflects the language as spoken in Joseph Smith's day, I find little difference in the meaning of directional terms in his day with those of today.

    Perhaps we should examine first the use of directional terms in the Book of Mormon text and compare them with similar concepts in pre columbian cultures of the Americas or for that matter with ancient cultures of the old world.

    For example, our English word "east" originated in the Germanic culture and had the meaning of "the dawn" or the direction of sunrise. They did not think of it as a compasss point as we do, in fact they did not even have compasses. We obtained the compass from the Chinese well into the middle ages, long after Lehi and his family left Jerusalem.

    This concept is true for both Hebrew and Latin. In these languages the word which is translated as east actually means sunrise. Our word orient meaning to detrmine where we are, comes from the Latin word oriens which means where the sun originates or rises. Orient means to relate our position to where the sun rises or to a compass point. Anciently this was done with respect to sunrise however since a magnetic compass always points north, over time, we have changed to an orientation with the northen or southern magnetic pole.

    Because, in all probability, the Book of Mormon cultures oriented themselves based on sunrise, it is difficult for me to believe that they were unaware of where the sun rose and therefore erroneously tilted ther concept of direction and Joseph Smith then translated this erroneous concept of direction.

    In my opinion, too many bad assumptions.

    Larry P

    Actually, The speaker at the fireside said much the same things as you just did...he went into great detail and explained that they did not have the compasses as we do today so their East was different to some degree than ours, and with just a slight tilt of the modern day map...the geography fit beautifully as he showed us with the maps. He went to South America and studied this whole thing out and was quite knowledgeable, as I said, I was fascinated...but much of what he said went right over my head as I was still a new convert and had not read much of the Book of Mormon to know a whole lot about what he was saying...
  6. Yet another wanderer from the MA&D board--for those who don't know me (which is pretty much all y'all) I am a lifelong member, haven't always been active, but I am now. Married, age 53, went to Brazil on a mission. Graduated from BYU with a degree in archaeology. Live in Sevier County, UT, where I moved after the last 13 years in west TX/southern NM.

    That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

    I am looking forward to getting to know ya, Mormonboy!! I am a convert...been Lds for a little over three years. Been active all three years, so far (knock on wood) :P
  7. Yediyd requested a thread on Book of Mormon Geography so here goes. I will start out with a question.

    What is the only Authoritative source we have for the geography of the Book of Mormon cultures?

    Although I have invested many hours, even days investigating this topic, I still maintain and admonish others to figure it out for themselves. Set your own rules for analysis of data and information. In doing so examine your assumptions and preconcieved conclusions. Any conclusions based on a false assumption is no better than the assumption.

    My basic assumtion is found on the first page of the Book of Mormon where Mormon tells us the Lord's purpose for the Book of Mormon. It was translated by the power of God for our benefit and understanding. We should not have to be trained archeologists or hold a doctorate in ancient languages and history in order to understand its message. This is not only true of the Gospel message contained therein but of the geographic information and descriptions, what little there is, found in the translated text.

    Larry P

    I went to a fireside at church that was very fascinating...the speaker had maps and he told us that the compass was off and if you tilted the current map to the would fit with BoM geography...he used a slide projector and had maps for us to see...I was fascinated, as I stated.
  8. Personally I wish this statement was false, but its so right on it kinda makes me sad. We as members should be more open especially when it comes to new members. We had a case where the older sisters were making "subtle" hints to a new convert that she should start wearing dresses to church, along with many other misc. comments. As a Priesthood Leader I get frustrated (since it could hinder my missionary efforts) since statements that people think as benign can really hurt people. They don't know everyone situation, it could have been financial or perhaps even a personal preference. In any case what should it matter she is still a daughter in Zion what she wears to church should not be an issie. Everyone's Sunday best is different. So a way I combated this was I went out and purchased a book for them introducing them to Mormon culture. The book is called Converts Guide to Mormon Life, it was recommended by a friend. I've thought about using my budget to purchase several copies of the book to give to new converts as a gift from the Quorum. Anyways back on topic. I believe we all could to better in sustaining new converts and be better at fellowshipping eachother.

    I like your heart!! G-d does too!!!I left the Baptist church because I hated that guilt trip that I went on every SAunday!! my heart is changing and softening since I have met the Real Jesus!!
  9. I think were I in your position, I would chuck all the formality of it and just play together. I'm guessing you kinda do that anyway, but a special (and non-obvious) attempt every Monday evening might be just the thing. With treats. I wouldn't have an opening prayer. Not a song either, unless it was just a fun thing like "You Are My Sunshine", "White & Nerdy", or whatever. Just play (cards, frisbee, scrabble, video games (multiplayer if possible) and so forth.

    We have an 8 y.o. girl that is autistic that doesn't do well in Church. Her parents bring her every week, and most weeks when she hits her limit she struggles and shrieks and they take her out to the foyer. I think their patience and love is such a needed lesson to the rest of us members. I try to tell the parents how well I think they are doing whenever I get the chance.

    Hang in there!


    Thank you for your kind words!! We played the "Mikey Game" last night. My son is Mikey, he participated because the game was all about him. He is a very self absorbed young man!! but we had a nice family home evening!!
  10. Yediyd

    Being a single mother in the Church is extremely difficult, especially if you dont have parents or other family in the Church, which is true of many converts. My daughter was a single mother for several years before she remarried. As a result we raised, for all practical purposes, two of our grandchildren. If I were you, I would be more demanding of help from priesthood leaders without becoming a burden or frustration to them. Another area is to get to know your visiting teachers, then ask them over for a light lunch or some other activity. If you dont know who they are, ask your Bishop or Relief Society President. Also check to see if your Stake has a single adult program where you can meet other single sisters and share experiences a solutions to problems.

    As to fitting in, many of us dont seem to fit in for one reason or another. I am basically an introvert but through determined activity and acceptance of Church callings I have been able to overcome this impediment although I only have a limited number of what I would call real friends either in the Church or outside the Church. Dont let this feeling get you down or hold you back. Just remember that you are a daughter of our Heavenly Father and he wants the very best for you and your small family.

    Larry P

    Thanks!! I am not angry with my ward family, they just do not know me well, that is all and I have fybromyalsia and I suffer from depression a lot so, I tend to be reclusive, this is MY OWN fault. I don't reach out because I just don't feel like I am worth the time...These are my issues to overcome, not the fault of my ward family. they are for the most part...really good people. Everyone is VERY friendly to me...we just have nothing in common, that is all.
  11. I have been a member for a little over a year now. I worked with the missionaries for four years before joining. What has kept me in is the fellowshipping. I also am a single parent of two little ones and it is really hard to get everything done and fulfill all that is expected of me or required of me. There have been many times where I just wanted to give up. Not because I don't believe, but because I don't have the energy. So far every time I am at my wits end God sends someone or something to help me. I definitely think fellowshipping is the biggest part....actually having people who care about you....and not just care about you until you are in the Church, but even once you have been there awhile. Of course part of fellowshipping means I need to do it back. I need to find people who need me as much as I hope people who I need are there.

    I have to say that my ward REALLY poured it on when I first joined!! I got visits, phone calls, invited to dinner...all kinds of stuff...but since I started teaching Sunday school and am no longer in the relief society and am no longer a "new" convert...I have faded off and blended in. Our ward is the Stake center and we have over 500 is a big ward and there are very few single mothers, I think there is one other than me and two widows...the rest are busy families who just don't relate to us single sisters. Especially since my son is autistic.
  12. Ask the High Priest group leader to give you a blessing and have your home teacher stand in the circle. That might light some fire underneath his feet. The church has always had problems with fellowshipping. Some people just do not like stepping out of their comfort zone. The good thing is church is for the people not of the people.

    Quorum Prez

    I am not bitter, I love this church and my ward members...we just don't fellowship...everybody has there own life and I am kind of a loner anyway.... I feel uncomfortable asking for blessing, so I just don't and when I do...I am still waiting for the one I asked for three weeks ago...

    I don't like to go to ward functions because I feel like a wall flower. I sit by myself and nobody bothers to talk to me...I just don't have many friends in this ward. People are not snooty, they all smile and say "hi" and stuff, but we just do not have much in common. I am alone. At least that is how I feel. I am a convert, my family has disowned me...and I have no spouse (unless you count the one who is living with his mistress and their two children, I'm still married to that louse, too!! :angry:

  13. I wonder if something happened with the other boys at Church that made him all the sudden think it is boring and a waste of time. I would guess so. Kids can be cruel, especially when they don't know how to deal with someone who is a bit different. Does he have any friends at Church that he hangs out with? Or does he appear to be a loner there?

    As for FHE, I would suggest having them still, but allowing your son to decide if he wants to be involved or not. I would guess after a few months of watching you and your daughter do fun activities he would want to be involved. Try to incorporate things you know he likes to do in them.

    My son has Asperger's syndrome...he is autistic, he does not do well in social situations. He is in a world of his own. The other kids shun him because he is different and the Bishop's son just recently got into a fist fight with him. My son threw the first punch, but the Bishop's son provoked him with his jeering. My son does not respond well to being mocked.
  14. I hope my wife will forgive me but she actually wrote a blog post similar to this so I'm going to give you the link:

    The challenge though is that you are a single mother, and there is no priesthood holder in your home. In this case, as the Family Proclamation says "...other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation". Do you have good Home Teachers that visit you regularly? The point of priesthood is service. It's your Home Teachers responsibility to ensure that your families needs are met. Don't hesitate to ask for assistance when it is required, whether it involves giving a blessing or something else that is necessary.

    No I do not get many visit from my home teachers and when they do visit, I feel like I am just a check on a list of things to do. I need blessings I have asked for one about three weeks ago, have yet to receive it...he keeps forgetting. I don't speak up like I should because I feel overlooked in my ward full of families. I am a single mother, I can't relate to these "ben heres" (I am a "got here" or convert)

    Everybody was great when I first joined, but now that I have been around a couple of years...I have faded off and am ignored for the most part. People speak to me at church, but nobody contacts me during the week or asks me how I am doing or do I need anything...they all have busy lives and since I teach Sunday school...I don't go to relief society anymore.

    I have only myself to blame, my ward members are all nice, I just have not put forth much of an effort because I don't feel like I fit in.

  15. How do you memorize them? Do you make up songs?

    I have been working on my memorization since I was a kid...I started out with just reading them over and over, then in the 80's, I got a copy of the Bible on tape...I wore them out, then...about 8 years ago, I got a copy of the Bible on CD...and just last month, I downloaded them to my mp3 player. I have read my memory work over so many times, I cannot even begin to fathom how many. I know that I have read the KJV1611 through from cover to cover well over 30 times. I am not as good with the Book of Mormon, but I am working on my 5th time through it.
  16. Cool! I want to learn Hebrew someday. :) Which chapters of the Bible have you memorized? My family is reading the Old Testament together and Leviticus and Numbers were especially painful to get through.

    Do you really want me to list them all? I can quote the first 14 chapters of Matthew...A bunch of Psalms, Ephesians 6, colossians 3, Philippians 4, Galatians 4...the whole book of James. Acts 6&7, Romans 7&8 , Isaiah 53...there are many more that I am working on, too. I love my scriptures!!!
  17. There are two reasons for something not to be in the Bible we have today.

    1. It was something God knew we didn't need.

    2. It was there, but conspiring men removed it.

    I can add one more...G-d wants us to have faith. As I understand D&C 138...I believe that we will still need to have faith in him on the other side of the Vail as well...that is why there will be a need for missionaries to the dead. Faith is not something we see and know...G-d gave us what we need and we need to trust him about the rest...IMHO.
  18. Those who have not grown up with the idea of a prophet in their midst have different ideas about what a prophet is or should be. Those who would criticize the prophets of modern times for being fallible would have rejected the prophets in ancient times. They just don't realize that about themselves.

    Sometimes I scare myself thinking about what I would have done in Jesus' time. Would I have been able to see Him for who He really was, or would I have just seen a carpenter with strange ideas?

    Actually...I come from a Baptist background, and all my baptist family and "friends" except the Prophets of old, but not the modern day ones. I put the word, "friends" in parentheses because when I converted to LDS, I might as well have killed 10,000 kittens!!! :angry:

    I am "going to Hell" now and they have "given me over to Satan"....whatever!! :rolleyes:

  19. Hi Daffodil'Star...oops! I mean, Morning Star!! I am currently trying to teach myself Hebrew!! I have fallen in love with the language!! I got interested because of my love for my Bible, and now a friend of mine from another board is sending me a Greek new Testament!! Not sure I am ready to tackle Greek, yet...but I have a Strong's concordance and I am interested to see it at least!! I love my scriptures!! I have memorised 33 chapters of the Bible and am still relatively new with the Book of Mormon...but I have read that 4 times since joining this church a little over 3 years ago. I was raised a fundamentalist Baptist...LONG story how I converted...I posted it up here, but I am not sure it survived the changes in the board...I lost over 20 of my post in the shuffle. Anyway...looking forward to getting to know ya!!

  20. I'm not too familiar with the Madd boards...I have posted about 8 post up there...I got a little overwhelmed because there were so many threads to weed through!! And they were so long!!! Think I will just hang out here for awhile!! I teach the 9 years olds in my ward, and I am on the provident living committee and am a visit teacher (of course).