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Posts posted by Maya

  1. Yes it happens more and more and it is impossible to get a new job.

    I been thinking those over 50 should start their OWN businesses, working places to be sure to have a job! Bad thing is that even the Church has gone pretty much in that system too. The new leaders are often very young and unexperienced. Luckily they do every now and then use an older person too.

    Well anyway I was goign to start my own kindergarten, but there is no need for one as all kids already have a place in kindergarten... what els could older.. over 50 .. people start themselves?

    I have also thought of entertainement business. those on pesnison have time and some even money to enjoy life... but the entertainers are young.. they dont even want older ones, they want to feel young again, but cant do it with an old enterteiner...

    I been wondering what could people ovar 50 start working with so they could hold their workingplace and not be put aside by younger ones... read to be a scientist? Arceolog? If you are good at that it is possibly hardet to kick you off....

    Community should encourage over 50 workers to do something on their own...

  2. I have a lot of my pictures together with familysearch files in a very good safe (digitalized) in Utah in the mountain so I dont nead to worry about them. It is really clever to digitalize them and save on this netsite, they will never be gone.... otherways I also had taken my pictures. I think I would take my computer... have some written works there I dont like to loose... otherways IF I have time: wallet and Pass, water and food...

    I need to get the files on CDs... I would really hate to leave those behind...

  3. Thanks Liz. I been actually considering the frist ... but have not found out how to proceed. I also know that at least a person is facing the same problem as I am, wanting to help but not finding out how to. Actually she as a nwecomer to a Northern country was asking me what to do to serve. I had no clue... but maybe we find out together.

    I been often thinking that I should start a closed, safe net discusition, fellowship site to kids in my language. There are so few LDS around that they need each others also in order to learn about the Church or to ask about it.

    Anties... ahhaha I got vaccinaated pretty good so it irritates me so very much :annoyed: when people from Church start listening to anties and believing in them! It is amazing how easily they believe such nonsence... or believe that what we do is utragious! Sure there are questions even things that can be questioned... but I have nto mer one without a good explanaation yet! ... they believe 3 ledd histories in stead of firstledd... I been fighting with te Finnish Wikipedia today as they call our church a movement! GEE I even posted the part from D&C 115 where it clarely says what the name is.. they errased it as a sidetaking correction! HAH!

    the Finnis discusition site is there waiting for discusition.... it is a part of sometimes I wonder if I should jsut ahve started just blogs after all.... but at least there is a lot of people reading.. often some 10...

    Yeah to pray is always good!

    A small problem is that many can english so they dont care of the Finnish site.... but for those that cant English there was nothing before.

    I thinki I will send a letter to each ward asking them to promote the site. I would nopt mind if some young person would "take it over" and get it going.... just they could get people talk!

  4. WEIRD... I just heard there is a firesite in "my ward" tomorrow... where will be an authority present!

    I think they too feel the pain.... I just hope it is not Holland :) I would be devastated to miss him! ARRRGGHH just 1 more week and I am going to visit my mother...

    Soo happy for my Finnish sisters and brothers!

  5. This is a cry for HELP!

    What more can I do to help the Finnish talking people to stay strong in Faith or to find the gospel? Too many are wavering. People feel that the Church dont "give them anything". I dont know if it is the wellfair, easy life, in the country that makes people just wait for everything to fall in their laps. They dont "get anything from the Church" :(. I know I had that feeling when I moved to Norway and did not know the language. I sat in the corridores for some 10 years with small kids or at least could not listen ONE whole speach and get with me everything, as I had to consentrate on the language and there alwasy was one of the kids making somekind of hassle, so I could not consentrate on the language.

    How ever there was ONE thing I decided on my babtizement day it was NOT TO miss ONE Sunday. I knew where my Hevenly Father wanted me on a Sunday and if it was in my power I would be there. I have missed a few Sunday meetings (some5), that is true. These misses have usually happened, when I been feeling very low. But mostly even then I have dragged myself in the Church.

    So many members are wavering. What can help? A few even stopped attending some strayed away... as the "Church did not give them anything".

    I have translated for them so they could go there to discuss and get strength to bear them over the bad times. But it seems no one dares to come and discuss. It is true that there are not that many members in Finland. Many are afraid that what they write can be connected to them. Yet they may go to other netsites to ask for help or to tell their story. No one wants to releaw oneself.

    Internett is stil a bad big wolf to most. It is a place where when you go there you almost automaticly get weird ideas and go away from the Church. So it is thought that internett is a bad thing that you should avoid it at least what comes of LDS belief. Yet peopel use a LOT of time in places like fb aso.

    Leaders dont want to be positive for the site as the truth IS that everything it teaches is NOT correct, it is not an official site! Only Official things can be promoted. In a way I feel beeing pulled in two directions... even though the officiality is the best but as there is NO official site where you CAN ask and be personally lifted up a good discusition site like IS very good in order to help people to keep strong.

    I myself found great relief when I found internett discusition sites. Finally I felt I could "get something from the Church". I could study those things that were interesting to me. I could hear other peoples stories which gave me great strength... adn why this???

    At the end it all comes up to TWO thing ... to DEAL, to SERVE. If the others had kept their stories, knowledge, to them selves I would never have had the chanse to grow spiritually to what I am now.

    OK to read all those weird ideas and add mine to that may bring some weird thoughts in mind too :D... but stil beeing on the internett finding answers has helped me a lot more than just attending the Church. We are allowed to think adn we are fallible and dont know it all... but stil the strength I received in discusitions with even anties was enormous.

    I am thankfull to everyone who anticipated these borads and deal your experiences with others so they also can grow. But please DO watch out ... there are wofes in sheeps clothes everywhere. Dont go talking to anties if you dont feel your faith is not strong enough.

    So I translated the netsite, I translate videos on YouTube, I try to post interesting things on the site... any ideas what else I could do to make people come and discuss, to help members to deal and serve!

    Any ideas? Mabe if an authority, stakepresident, some respected person, would be on the site answering questions would help, but I suppose they are too busy and beides they are too high in status to do that.

    Everyone already has their internett usage prioriteries, no one is willing to give to help, to change the prioriteries.


  6. Hi Di. Welcome to the forum. You are right about your feeling. Only way to get rid of it is to stop hurting yourself, your boyfriend, your God. Roselipper had a very good answer for you. And I like all here can testify to you that God loves you even though you are sinner, but to know that and not to sin any more is even a better feeling!

    Go for it girl! Get out of the bars adn go to church... after a while you start liking the attention you get there... especially if you are "good".

    You are in the right place for backup, here are many people with very good thoughts.

  7. There still are some small animals that like to live in hair. It has nothing to do with tidyness ... they spread fast. Short hair is great and easy to keep in form adn clean... beards... uh... some guys are really giving too much attention to their beards! Anyway it grows back after mision! Some guys look really good with a beard...

  8. Hello and welcome. Yes if someone says we are a cult it is not a mormonsite but those against us. I think there was a tread here or somewhere about I think it was Qaran (Koraani) 133 where it talks about a people at the end of the time, who are very good, but they are not muslims, but muslims do not yet know who they are... maybe LDS?

    Here is the adress to Church defence, who find answer to the antimovements claims: FAIR Topical Guide