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Everything posted by Gatsby

  1. I've never been to a Singles Ward. I'm thinking about going to one since I go/went to a regular family ward. If I decide to visit or attend a Singles Ward what should I expect? What are the differences between a regular ward and a singles Ward? What are the pros and cons of attending a Singles' Ward? My goal is to meet new LDS friends that are in the same age range as I. Thanks in advance.
  2. Alma 32:21 And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.
  3. I read Alma 32 a couple of days ago and it has helped me a lot.
  4. I'm a convert to this church (I joined at a young age because my parents did) but I honestly don't know if this is the true chruch. I believe in a Supreme Being, a God. I just can't believe that all the sudden we came to be. Most LDS that I've met and know are generally good people. I see no evil in the church's teachings and practices. How can I find out if the church is true? I feel good when I read the BOM, is that it? Is that the Spirit of God? All these converts have these great stories to share but for me, I just get that feel good feeling inside while I read the scriptures and once I start reading the BOM, I get hooked on it.
  5. Does anybody know? I've always been curious about it.
  6. I'm reading the BOM and I was wondering why it sounds so similar to the Bible? The beginning of 2 Nephi sounds just like Isaiah and at the introduction it even states, compare to Isaiah. Why? While I read the beginning of 2 Nephi I just couldn't stop thinking, Joseph Smith plagiarized the BOM! I'm trying to gain a true, solid testimony of the Gospel and I want to know if the BOM is true.
  7. Thanks for sharing your poem and for your advice.
  8. Wow! It seems like quite a few of you have met your spouses over the Internet. Anyhow, I had a friend who got hurt on by someone who was doing a prank, right then and there, I decided to stay away from online dating.
  9. Tough question, for me, I didn't care, but I got my heart broken pretty bad this past Summer by a gal that wasn't LDS. It all depends, if the person you like is very different than you then I suggest not to because many non-members think very differently than LDS.
  10. Yes, I do remember that passage about Nephi. Thanks for the recommendation.
  11. Thank you, and congratulations on finally deciding to be baptized.
  12. I was wondering, what are some things that you've done that have helped you keep your faith strong in the Gospel? I used to think that my faith in the Gospel was perfect until recently I learned that I had what some call, "a borrowed faith" in the Gospel. Now, I want to find out how I can obtain a genuine faith in God, the Gospel. I have doubts again. This fear that won't go away. When I study the scriptures I feel great but all the sudden I have doubts. Not just in LDS teachings but in God as well, does he really exist? Praying feels weird. I have this debate going on in my mind 24/7. Why am I feeling this way? Have anyone felt this way?