It's About A Patriarchal Blessing

Guest Lexish

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Guest Lexish

I hope this is a good place to ask this.

I recently found at my house a patriarchal blessing in an old book. It is a woman who I've never heard of, nor have my parents. Whoever this woman is, all we know about her is the geographical information on her blessing (we only read that part, nothing else) and that she received it in the 1960's.

How should I go about returning this? Any idea?

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I would on occasion place my PB in the scriptures. One time, leaving my scripture in church, very next Sunday, I found it in the Library. Anything that was found in the chapel was always returned to the Library. What was missing and had my name on it, was my PB. Sad to think, a member would want someone else's PB and not return it. After this incident, I no longer place it in my scriptures.

UTC has the correct method of returning it. They will either check the Church Records for the member location or forwarded to church headquarters.

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Concur but first check to ensure it is filed and not lost. The old military record keeping in me....LOL

A month ago, a member complain that his home ward lost his record. After a thorough check, he was right and I ensured he was rebaptized and received back the priesthood ordinance. We never know what and how it happens, it just does. Though, he was lucky to be cleansed twice. :)

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Being the First Counselor in our Ward's Bishopric, my counsel would be to take the Patriarchal blessing to your Bishop (Branch President) or to the Stake President or even your Patriarch. Probably the best thing is to give it to your Bishop (Branch President) and let them handle it from there. He would know the avenues to take in finding out who the Patriarchal Blessing belongs to and perhaps, if possible, getting it returned to its rightful owner.

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Guest Lexish

Thanks everyone! I was able to call the Church History Library again and a nice woman there helped me. After yesterday (I kept calling and no one would answer) I figured something must be wrong, but as always a second try was what I needed.

Butt hank you, those are still helpful bits of advice. :) Thank you.

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Guest Lexish

Also, for those who asked: I found the Blessing in a book which was given to my parents by my grandfather for their wedding in 1978. The Blessing is from Glendale, CA, close to where my mother grew up (we live in Texas now). It must have been left in there by accident long ago. I'm sending the Blessing tonight, hopefully it will find its way safely back to Salt Lake City.

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Thanks everyone! I was able to call the Church History Library again and a nice woman there helped me. After yesterday (I kept calling and no one would answer) I figured something must be wrong, but as always a second try was what I needed.

Butt hank you, those are still helpful bits of advice. :) Thank you.

"butt hank you" :lol:

I promise I'm not making fun, I just found in incredible amusing.

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