Purpose of a body

Guest tomk

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I believe that all temptation in this life comes to us via our physical bodies. If we listen to and obey the voice of the Spirit we can overcome these temptations and not give in. This life is a strugle to be born of the spirit, or reborn from the physical birth that brought us into this life. It means we must listen to the Spirit and not give in to physical temptation. If you carry it on to what's in store for those who inherit eternal life it only makes sense.

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Nope, sorry, I can't believe that.

If I had premarital sex, it's not my spirit controlling me then, it's my body. And such a sin impedes the progression of my soul.

My spirit does not make me have premarital sex, it is not in control. My body is.

The sins of the body affect the progression of our souls, plain and simple. The obedience of our bodies affects the progression of our souls, plain and simple.

The body and the spirit make up the soul.

In this life, the body can overcome the spirit. This is how the body affects the progression of our spirit, and our soul.

If I take you first statement, tomk, I can change it and it still makes sense.

"Like the lies of Satan, the spirit itself can only cry for attention - we don't have to listen to it. We choose to."

The body is not just a curse that brings BAD things to our minds. It is a blessing! We NEED a body to be like Heavenly Father. It can do much GOOD for our progression as it can BAD.

The famous scripture, and some notes on it:

19 For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.

Until the body is perfected, and no longer suffers from temptation, it affects our progression. The body must yield.

The body is in control. Elder Packer referred to the body as glove, and the spirit a hand. Going off this, the hand gives life to the glove, but the glove... It can range from an immovable gauntlet, to a stiff leather, to a cloth, to a skin-tight latex. Our body, and the choices we make with it, decide just how much the spirit can affect us.

I guess that's all I have to say, I really don't want to get into this. Just had a dull day, :/. I don't feel like arguing or even friendly debate, it's too stressful. If people disagree, I guess we're just learning different Gospels here.

I know how my body affects my eternal progression, and that helps me. I know that it is because of Christ and His Atoning Sacrifice that in the end, my body will no longer be fallen and affect the progression of my spirit. It is not my spirit that I must listen to, but Heavenly Father's, and it is by HIM and His Son that I can control this corrupted flesh, not of my own self.

This, I know.

I guess I've shared most of my thoughts on that subject! I'll read replies, of course, but I think I've said what I needed, for myself. This actually helped me examine my understanding, it was great!

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I can see what you're saying. I would word it differently, though. It's not really your body controlling you, because your body without a spirit inside can not exist. I would word it that your spirit gave into temptation. Satan uses your senses to tempt you to go against the spirit. WHen we sin we are being carnal, sensual, and devilish. It is a choice we make. Our physical body is incapable of making choices. Our intelligence is our spirit.

As a dual being of body and spirit (or a soul) we can chose one or the other. However, temptation comes via our physical body. When we "yield" to one or the other we are making a choice. Either we yield to the temptation coming from our physical body, or we overcome the desire and choose based on the still, small voice. It is the same consciousness that makes the decision, no matter which way we choose.

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Hey Vision! How's it going? I can see where you are coming from. However, I have a couple of analogies here.(maybe more:D) Think of the Plan of Salvation. Think of it like a plane(geometry).

We progress along a certain plane that is in the middle.(premortal) The world was created, there was a war, Lucifer was cast out, as part of the creation Adam was placed on the Earth. Then he fell to a lower plane when he and Eve sinned. Then all men live on this fallen plane or mortal probation. Then comes the atonement of Christ that redeems all things. Though men are, we receive the blessings of it based upon the degree of faithfulness through the temptations we endure.(we experience this as we become better people in this life) If there were no atonement of Christ, then we would become like the devil and his angels, cast of into perdition forever. However that is not the case and so when we depart this life, we go to the middle plane again leaving our bodies on the fallen plane. The just go to "paradise" and the unjust go to "prison." Then the just teach to the unjust. Then we stand before the judgment bar to be given our reward.




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2 Nephi 2:11. Read this chapter. Very closely. There must be an opposition in all things. ALL things means ALL things. We had to fall to receive a reward accordingly. We had to suffer temptations and sin. For the degree we are found faithful we are resurrected accordingly above the middle plane. Yet there again we fall short. That is one of the many reasons we have the Atonement of Christ. When He looks at our hearts, He will say we have done enough(all we can do 2 Nephi 25:23) if we have been faithful and pull us the rest of the way. We are then, truly, perfected in Christ because there literally is no way to be perfected other than through Christ.

I might also add that Christ endured the lowest part of the spectrum. He went below them all and was Christ was perfect and faithful. He suffered the evil of the fallen realm. And thus He was able, after he left this life and had progressed through teaching in the spirit world, to rise to the opposite point on the spectrum equal to the degree of temptations he suffered, which is exaltation. It was truly an infinite sacrifice. He covered the spectrum. He satisfied justice.

You might ask what that has to do with what we're talking about. Well part of this fallen plane is. We are to be tried and tested and found faithful in all things. But we are only judged according to what we are accountable for. For what has been given to us. For what we have stewardship over. ONE of those things is that very tabernacle of clay that you reside in. Your spirit has been given dominion over that body. So long as you make that body like a temple, and house it in the things of God, and make it do the will of God. Then you will be found faithful. Why? The natural man is an enemy to God. That body is in opposition to your spirit, and to God. You are trying to tame the bronco.

So your sex example. You have let the bronco run free. And you prove to the Lord that you cannot control or tame the body and do not deserve the fullness that he offers.(I am not accusing you but this would be the situation of anyone in that circumstance)

What is Eternal Life(Exaltation)? It consists of two things. 1. The continuation of the family unity. 2. Receiving the Fullness of the Father. We are proving ourselves in families now, to see if we earn the right to an eternal one. If we cannot live in one now, then we cannot live one in eternity.

So all we are doing in this life is taming a body that will align with the Lord. Why do we have a veil? To grow as infants, together(body and spirit). Our spirits have been placed in bodies according to what we were given to start with in this life. Some are more intelligent than others, some are stronger and so on. Their bodies will be ABLE to function according to those capacities.

With the resources given we are to develop or increase, or maybe even discover new resources and add them to the stockpile. Parable of the coins(?). The two guys that doubled their original total, were given a place in the Kingdom of God. The one that just buried it and didn't build it up, was not given that place.(I don't remember the parable very well, but I THINK that was the parable in a nutshell)

My point is our spirits are in control. But we make the choice. We have our agency. Satan tries to clouds our minds and say things like, "the body is doing it, not my spirit." "My spirit hates this and I don't want to do it, but my body is doing it any way." There is a real grinding between the spirit and body. Believe me, Satan works in this way. Your body will not stop until you have exercised faith in that direction. Once you do that, then you truly begin to tame the bronco.(faith without works is dead). Faith is equated with power. If you do not have faith or knowledge, then you have no power to control the body. The body can roam free in its will rather than yours.

So how do you exercise faith in the direction you want? Easy. Fill it with light and truth and knowledge. As you came into this life, all you had was the light of Christ. Then your parents taught you some truths. Then when you were older and accountable then you studied and learned on your own. Filling yourself with knowledge. As you have the Holy Ghost bear witness of truth. It fills your soul(body and spirit) with light. You literally add to the light of Christ that was in you, the starting resources amongst others(personality and talents and so on) There are certain sins that I, personally, do not feel as many temptations as I used to, if hardly at all. Why? Because I hated it so much, that I went and learned the truth for myself. Then after some months(literally) of exercising faith, I had been witnessed so many times by the Power of the Holy Ghost, that I could not, cannot, or will not deny that those things are true. I was am and will be defended by the truth from the temptations of that sin, so long as I have that testimony and desire to do God's will. The only reasons why I still have temptations, though very rarely, is because my knowledge is not perfect for the truth, and I have to be tried and tested. I know another sin which I have never committed, yet I have temptations every once in awhile, just because I have to be tested.

I hope this was explanatory.

And I testify, in the name of Jesus Christ, that these things are true.

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I just happened to notice something else from your post.

Your spirit is who you are. It is not something you look to listen to, or to obey. It is your conscience. It defines your understanding and your awareness. You make decisions. Your spirit makes decisions. They are one and the same. The body will also make decisions until you have the power to control its decisions.

With all this, I sincerely hope I am not offending.

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I realized last night what the difference in thoughts on this might be.

I believe the brain, and thus our thoughts, are all part of the physical body. I don't know how the spirit "thinks," though I'm sure it's much in the same manner.

I know our physical intelligence is different than our spiritual intelligence (which is our spirit.) THIRD even said some of our bodies are more intelligent than others'.

I think the spirit and the body exchange experiences (that's how the spirit grows, that's how we gain knowledge from the Holy Ghost.)

I will admit that how I talked about the body being in control earlier seems rather one way. I don't think it has FULL control over everything. As mentioned, our souls are dual-bodies, both body and spirit. They work together, but in our state imperfectly.

I don't think it's right to say that the spirit is in control unless it gives in to temptation. Sometimes my spirit is standing firm but my brain, which I know to be "faulty" does otherwise.

I'm reading my posts, and I'm reading your posts, and I see that we somehow disagree, yet I'm just not fully grasping where that disagreement comes from. I'll be going over a post and thinking "Yes, exactly." And then there'll be one or two comments that don't sit right with me.

I have a feeling that it comes from the way we're using "power" and "control." I think I'm explaining in terms that seem more absolute than I intend them to. And I don't mean to say that the spirit doesn't have any control, either, or that it can't gain more and more.

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Isn't it amazing how the difference in a conversation can simply boil down to how we understand the meaning of key words to be?

I will refer to myself...

When I am presented with a choice...let's say to drive faster than the speed limit. I clearly have a choice. One part of me wants to go faster. The part of me that wants to go faster, will present all sorts of rationalizations and justifications of why speeding really isn't that bad. However, another part of me knows that it is wrong. That side will present all of the reasons that it is wrong.

I cannot say where these rationalizations come from. I have never thought about it, to be honest.

All I know, is that I have to choose one or the other.

So, when I make a good choice...my spirit was valiant and strong. When I make bad choices, I see it as my spirit allowing my carnal desires to win over. In my opinion, I am not "proving myself herewith" when I allow my body or selfish desires to win over what my spirit knows to be wrong.


I have never thought about all of this in detail before. I guess some would think of good/bad choices coming from the mind, and the mind is attached to the body. But I see the mind as merely a control panel for the spirit.

I see it as our bodies being vehicles. Without the spirit, the vehicle cannot go anywhere, because there is no driver. Our spirit (along with the Holy Ghost), navigates our course. Yes, we need to fuel our body to give it the energy to drive (food, drink, vitamins, etc) but all the other things we come across are matters for our spirit to prove it's valiancy to what it has been taught thus far.

So, can you see by this analogy why, for me, the spirit is in control?

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Guest tomk


Consider the following:

LDS.org - Liahona Article - The Power to Change

From that talk:

There are many kinds of addictions, and it is difficult for someone who has one of these serious addictions to change because some of them are mind-altering. A recent article on addiction said, “In the brains of addicts, there is reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex, where rational thought can override impulse behavior.”5 Some addictions can control us to the point where they take away our God-given agency. One of Satan’s great tools is to find ways to control us. Consequently, we should abstain from anything that would keep us from fulfilling the Lord’s purposes for us, whereby the blessings of eternity may hang in jeopardy. We are in this life for the spirit to gain control over the body rather than the other way around.

So, this means that if our body is in control of things right now -- we are to change those circumstances through our willingness to submit to the Grace of Christ, which gives us commandments on what to do and the power to carry out those commandments (His loving counsel).

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Truth has nothing to do with the body...even them who will inherit the lower orders will be resurrected but not unto the fullness.

See Elder Nelson talk:

LDS.org - Ensign Article - Truth—<i>and More</i>

It deals with knowledge only. Cause-n-effect is experiences as Tom is alluding too - Five Senses.

“knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come.” (D&C 93:24.)

Our goal is to be like and be one with GOD HIMSELF. What awaits us beside joy, eternal families imortal progeny, worlds without end, is only the beginning.

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I realized last night what the difference in thoughts on this might be.

I believe the brain, and thus our thoughts, are all part of the physical body. I don't know how the spirit "thinks," though I'm sure it's much in the same manner.

I know our physical intelligence is different than our spiritual intelligence (which is our spirit.) THIRD even said some of our bodies are more intelligent than others'.

I think the spirit and the body exchange experiences (that's how the spirit grows, that's how we gain knowledge from the Holy Ghost.)

I will admit that how I talked about the body being in control earlier seems rather one way. I don't think it has FULL control over everything. As mentioned, our souls are dual-bodies, both body and spirit. They work together, but in our state imperfectly.

I don't think it's right to say that the spirit is in control unless it gives in to temptation. Sometimes my spirit is standing firm but my brain, which I know to be "faulty" does otherwise.

I'm reading my posts, and I'm reading your posts, and I see that we somehow disagree, yet I'm just not fully grasping where that disagreement comes from. I'll be going over a post and thinking "Yes, exactly." And then there'll be one or two comments that don't sit right with me.

I have a feeling that it comes from the way we're using "power" and "control." I think I'm explaining in terms that seem more absolute than I intend them to. And I don't mean to say that the spirit doesn't have any control, either, or that it can't gain more and more.

Who operates those Neurons? Ever wonder how and why they collaborate? :lol:

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I just happened to notice something else from your post.

Your spirit is who you are. It is not something you look to listen to, or to obey. It is your conscience. It defines your understanding and your awareness. You make decisions. Your spirit makes decisions. They are one and the same. The body will also make decisions until you have the power to control its decisions.

With all this, I sincerely hope I am not offending.

If you seen an angel in mortality, you are seeing a spirit person or body [tangible] but not the conscience. Spirit body houses the intelligence within, as a mortal body houses the spirit body. What lies in the intelligence is what defines us. Truth learned is what helps us to define right from wrong.

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I just happened to notice something else from your post.

Your spirit is who you are. It is not something you look to listen to, or to obey. It is your conscience. It defines your understanding and your awareness. You make decisions. Your spirit makes decisions. They are one and the same. The body will also make decisions until you have the power to control its decisions.

With all this, I sincerely hope I am not offending.

You are right. The spirit is who we are. The scriptures teach us:

For man is spirit. The elements are eternal, and spirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fulness of joy; (D&C 93:33)

We have in us the light of truth, which is the divine power or energy that gives light and life to all things, and is the law by which all things are governed (D&C 88:6-13). The scriptures refer to this light, or influence, as intelligence; it has always existed:

He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things. Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be. (Doctrine and Covenants 93)

One of the manifestations of this light, is conscience. Our conscience helps us make right decisions, and if heeded will lead us to further light and to Christ, and to the greater witness of the Holy Ghost.



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Elder Thomas S. Monson, Conference Report, October 1964, First Day Morning Meeting, (p.17-19) gave this talk concerning TRUTH:

My brothers and sisters, the responsibility of standing before you humbles me, and I sincerely seek an interest in your prayers that I might have the help of the Lord.

This morning as Sister Monson and I drove down here to this beautiful Tabernacle, I heard a familiar sound. I heard a school bell ring, and I saw scores of boys and girls of every age hurry this way and scurry that way to the classrooms of learning. They were in search of truth. This is the season of the year, too, when the colleges and universities throughout the land open wide their doors that eager students might continue this search for truth. Their teachers and scientists of all fields pursue their constant labor of studying, experimenting-ever continuing this same search.

Yearning for Truth

Is the search for truth really this important? Is it so vital? Must it span the ages of time, encompass every field of endeavor, and penetrate every human heart? President David O. McKay has said, "Fortunately, there is a natural feeling which urges men and women toward truth. It is a responsibility placed upon mankind."

Even the law of the land jealously safeguards the principle of truth. In our courts of law, before a witness takes the stand to testify, he is placed under solemn oath ". . . the testimony you are about to give . . . is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, . . ."

The poet captured the real significance of the search for truth when he wrote these immortal lines:

". . . say, what is truth?

'Tis the brightest prize

To which mortals or Gods can aspire;

Go search in the depths where it

glittering lies

Or ascend in pursuit to the loftiest skies.

'Tis an aim for the noblest desire.

"Then say, what is truth?

'Tis the last and the first,

For the limits of time it steps o'er.

Though the heavens depart and the

earth's fountains burst,

Truth, the sum of existence, will weather

the worst,

Eternal, unchanged, evermore."

(John Jaques, Hymns, p. 143.)

Truth Defined

The Prophet Joseph Smith received the definition of truth in a revelation from the Lord at Kirtland, Ohio, May 6, 1833. ". . . truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come. . . ." (D&C 93:24.)

Preceding almost every declaration of eternal truth has been a universal question; for instance, what man has not asked himself as did Job of old, "If a man die, shall he live again? . . ." (Job 14:14.) And what man has not found comfort in the answer which the angel gave to Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James, when they approached the tomb to care for the body of the Master. He said, "Why seek ye the living among the dead?

"He is not here, but is risen: . . ." (Luke 24:5-6.)

"If Any Lack Wisdom, Let Him Ask of God"

Thousands of honest, searching souls continue to be confronted by that penetrating question which coursed through the mind of Joseph Smith as he surveyed the declarations made by the churches of his community concerning who was right and who was wrong. Joseph said: "In the midst of this war of words and tumult of opinions, I often said to myself: . . . Who of all these parties are right; . . . If any one of them be right, which is it, and how shall I know it?

". . . I at length came to the determination to `ask of God,'. . . " (Joseph Smith 2:10, 13.) He prayed. The results of that prayer are best described in Joseph's own words:

". . . I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other-This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!" (Ibid., 2:17.) Joseph listened. Joseph learned. His question, "What is truth?" was answered.

Perhaps one of the most significant exchanges of question and answer occurred when Jesus was taken before Pilate. Pilate asked the Master, "Art thou a king . . . ? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice." (John 18:37.)

The True Church

Is the voice of the Lord heard today? How does it come to man? Can your search for truth be guided by his voice? Can mine? Today as always when the true Church of Christ is on the earth there stands at its head a prophet. And just as the voice of the Lord came to Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah, it has likewise come to latter-day prophets.

"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7.)

Do we need a prophet today? Does God regard his children today as dearly as he did when Amos, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel were on the earth? One of the foremost educators in America, Dr. Robert Gordon Sproul, described the need in these words: "We have the peculiar spectacle of a nation, which to a limited extent, practices Christianity without actively believing in Christianity. We are asked to turn to the church for enlightenment, but when we do we find that the voice of the church is not inspired. The voice of the church today is the echo of our own voices. And the result of this experience already manifest is disillusionment. The way out is the sound of a voice, not our voice, but a voice coming from somewhere not ourselves in the existence of which we cannot disbelieve. It is the task of the pastors to hear this voice, cause us to hear it and tell us what it says. If they cannot hear it or if they fail to tell us what it says, we as laymen are wholly lost. Without it we are no more capable of saving the earth han we were capable of creating it in the first place."

From still another field of endeavor, Sir Winston Churchill described the need: "I have lived perhaps longer experience than almost anyone and I have never brooded over a situation which demanded more patience, composure, courage and perseverance than that which unfolds itself before us today-the need of a prophet."

The Channel of Truth is Open

How grateful we should be that revelation, the clear and uncluttered channel of truth, is still open. Our Heavenly Father continues to inspire his prophets. This inspiration can serve as a sure guide in making life's decisions. It will lead us to truth.

You do not find truth groveling through error. Truth is found by searching, studying, and living the revealed word of God. We learn truth when we associate with truth. We adopt error when we mingle with error.

The Lord instructed us concerning how we might distinguish between truth and error when he said: ". . . that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness.

"That which is of God is light; . . ." (D&C 50:23-24.)

Recently, I attended a large youth conference at Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. A part of the conference was a testimony meeting where the young men and young women could express the feelings of the heart.

A shy boy from Saskatchewan, standing before such an imposing audience for the first time, said, "Before I attended this youth conference I could say, `I think the gospel is true.' Then I received instruction, participated in the activities, and felt of the spirit of all of you. Today, at the conclusion of these inspired events, I proudly, yet humbly, declare 'I know the gospel is true.'" He had been edified. He had been enlightened. He had found the truth.

In July I visited the World's Fair at New York City. I found the fair most interesting and took special note of the religious exhibits. At the Mormon Pavilion I sat by an alert young man of perhaps thirty-five years. We spoke about the other exhibits at the fair. Then the lights dimmed. The picture, "Man's Search for Happiness," commenced. At the conclusion of this portrayal of the plan of salvation, the lights again brought the present to our view. The crowd silently filed out, some stopping to wipe a tear from a moist eye. Others were visibly impressed. My visitor did not arise. I asked if he enjoyed the film. He answered, "This is the truth." One man's search for truth had just ended.

For those who humbly seek, there is no need to stumble or falter along the pathway leading to truth. It is well marked by our Heavenly Father. We must first have a desire to know for ourselves. We must study. We must pray. We must do the will of the Father. And then we will know the truth, and the truth will make us free. Divine favor will attend those who humbly seek it.

One week ago last Wednesday I was privileged to set apart William Agnew for his mission. I reviewed with him his conversion and that of his family, some five years ago in eastern Canada. The family had been seeking truth. The missionaries called and presented the teachings of the gospel. The members of the family studied. They loved what they learned. They were approaching the decision to be baptized. One Sunday morning the family, by previous appointment, were preparing to attend the "Mormon" Sunday School. Mother and the children readied themselves but were disappointed when Dad concluded not to attend. They even argued somewhat about the decision. Then Mother and the children went to Sunday School, and Dad angrily stayed at home. He first attempted to forget the misunderstanding by reading the newspaper, but to no avail. Then he went to his daughter Isabelle's room and turned on the radio which occupied her night stand, hoping to hear the news. He didn't hear the news. Rather, he heard the Tabernacle Choir Elder Evans' message, it seemed, was directed personally to him. Brother Agnew realized the futility of his anger. He was now overpowered by a feeling of gratitude for the message he had just received. When his wife and family returned home, they found him pleasant and happy. His children asked how this change had come about. He told them how he had turned on the radio, hoping to get the news, only to be humbled by the message of the choir in word and song. His daughter said, "Which radio did you use, Dad?" He answered, "The one on your night stand." She replied, "That radio is broken. It hasn't played for weeks." He led them to the room to prove that this radio did indeed function. Hadn't he just heard the choir and a message that had inspired and humbled him? He turned the proper dial. But that radio didn't play. Yet when an honest seeker after truth needed the help of God, that radio did play. The message which led to conversion was received. Needless to say, the family became stalwart members of the Church.

There will be those who doubt, who scoff, who ridicule, who scorn. They will turn from the pathway leading to eternal truth and rather travel the slippery slopes of error and disillusionment.

But to those who honestly seek, those to whom so much has been given, to the faithful, the Lord our God has promised:

"For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been deceived-verily I say unto you, they . . . shall abide the day." (Ibid. 45:57.)

May we be wise; may we persevere in search of truth and always take the Holy Spirit for our guide, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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What is the purpose of an exalted body, except to have spirit children?

What are the other reasons for having one?

Apart from it being essential to true happiness and freedom, I don't know really. I find myself wondering at the power of such a body. I guess I am thinking of the bodies of God the Father and Jesus as they appeared to Joseph and others. A brightness and glory that defies description.....I am imagining that they are very powerful and capable of amazing things. What things I can only guess. And I wonder at what capabilities an exalted body will bring to us. Are they greater in capacity that those who receive a lower resurrection?

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Collected thoughts on "Purpose of Mortal Probation from a few latter-day prophets:

THE OBJECT of our being placed upon this earth is that we may work out an exaltation, that we may prepare ourselves to go back and dwell with our Heavenly Father; and our Father, knowing the faults and failings of men, has given us certain commandments to obey, and if we will examine those requirements and the things that devolve upon us we will find that they are all for our individual benefit and advancement. The school of life in which we are placed and the lessons that are given to us by our Father will make of us exactly what He desires, so that we may be prepared to dwell with Him. -Heber J. Grant, Improvement Era 48:123, March, 1945

We have come to sojourn in the flesh, to obtain tabernacles for our immortal spirits.Â…The object of our earthly existence is that we might have a fullness of joy and that we may become the sons and daughters of God, in the fullest sense of the word, being heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, to be kings and priests unto God, to inherit glory, dominion, exaltation, thrones, and every power and attribute developed and possessed by our Heavenly Father. This is the object of our being on this earth.-Joseph F. Smith, Journal of Discourses 19:259, April 11, 1878

I sometimes wonder if people realize the purpose of their existence, and the importance of the labor that men and women are expected to perform while on the earth.

We have been placed here for a purpose. That purpose is that we may overcome the evil temptations that are placed in our way, that we may learn to be charitable to one another, that we may overcome the passions with which we are beset, so that when the time comes for us to go to the other side we may be worthy, by reason of the effort we have put forth, to enjoy the blessings that our Father has in store for the faithful…

We are not here to while away the hours of this life and then pass to a sphere of exaltation; but we are here to qualify ourselves day by day for the positions that our Father expects us to fill hereafter.-George Albert Smith, Conference Reports, p. 59; 61-62, April, 1905

The object of our being here is to do the will of the Father as it is done in heaven, to work righteousness in the earth, to subdue wickedness and put it under our feet, to conquer sin and the adversary of our souls, to rise above the imperfections and weaknesses of poor, fallen humanity, by the inspiration of Almighty God and His power made manifest, and thus become indeed the Saints and servants of the Lord in the earth.-Joseph F. Smith, Conference Reports, p. 85, April, 1902

We are here to cooperate with God in the salvation of the living, in the redemption of the dead, in the blessings of our ancestors, in the pouring out (of) blessings upon our children; we are here for the purpose of redeeming and regenerating the earth on which we live, and God has placed His authority and His counsels here upon the earth for that purpose, that men may learn to do the will of God on the earth as it is done in heaven. This is the object of our existence.-John Taylor, Journal of Discourses 21:94, April 13, 1879

The Lord designs to bring us up into the celestial kingdom. He has made known, through direct revelation, that we are His offspring, begotten in the eternal worlds, that we have come to this earth for the special purpose of preparing ourselves to receive a fullness of our Father's glory when we shall return into His presence. Therefore, we must seek the ability to keep this law, to sanctify our motives, desires, feelings and affections, that they may be pure and holy, and our will in all things be subservient to the will of God, and have no will of our own except to do the will of our FatherÂ… One of the chief difficulties that many suffer from is that we are too apt to forget the eat obect of life, the motive of our Heavenly Father in sending us here to put on mortality, as well as the holy calling with which we have been called; and hence, instead of rising above the little transitory things of time, we too often allow ourselves to come down to the level of the world without availing ourselves of the divine help which God has instituted, which alone can enable us to overcome them. We are no better than the rest of the world if we do not cultivate the feeling to be perfect, even as our Father in heaven is perfect.-Lorenzo Snow, Journal of Discourses 20:189; 191, April 7, 1879

It is the wish of our Heavenly Father to bring all His children back into His presence. The spirits of all the human family dwelt with Him before they took tabernacles of flesh and became subject to the fall and to sin. He is their spiritual Father and has sent them here to be clothed with flesh and to be subject, with their tabernacles, to the ills that afflict fallen humanity. When they have proved themselves faithful in all things, and worthy before Him, they can then have the privilege of returning again to His presence, with their bodies, to dwell in the abodes of the blessed. If man could have been made perfect, in his double capacity of body and spirit, without passing through the ordeals of mortality, there would have been no necessity of our coming into this state of trial and suffering. Could the Lord have glorified His children in spirit, without a body like His own, He no doubt would have done so.-Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 11:43, January 8, 1865

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Guest tomk

Apart from it being essential to true happiness and freedom, I don't know really. I find myself wondering at the power of such a body. I guess I am thinking of the bodies of God the Father and Jesus as they appeared to Joseph and others. A brightness and glory that defies description.....I am imagining that they are very powerful and capable of amazing things. What things I can only guess. And I wonder at what capabilities an exalted body will bring to us. Are they greater in capacity that those who receive a lower resurrection?


But now they accomplish everything they do by speaking or THINKING it.

There is no "HEAVY LIFTING" involved. :)

See my point?

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This is global problem I been seeing lately....for some they will cough for three months.

I know! Same thing around here. I think these bugs are getting stronger. I have never been so sick. It is a little scary. The anti-biotics they gave me don't seem to make a difference. Just time......lots of time and cough drops.

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Anyone the difference between these two phrases: 1] Light and Truth, 2] Light of Truth?

You will see this throughout the D&C and to me, one person already stated meaning of one but good to know the differences when someone speaks about this topic.

Not much difference according to the scriptures:

The glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth. (D&C 93:36)

Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be. (D&C 93:29)

Light of truth, is the light of Christ, which proceeds from God through Christ (Doctrine and Covenants 88). It is intelligence, and it is light and truth. We can increase in this until we know all things.

That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day. (D&C 50:24)

See also, Guide to the Scriptures: Light, Light of Christ



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