Why Did Abraham Lie to Pharaoh? [FAIR]

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I believe I do understand your point...that rigidly demanding that commands such as "Don't bare false witness" and "Thou shalt not kill" mean always and in every circumstance, lead to moral absurdities, such as disallowing self defense and defense of family, and requiring one to be direct, frank and rude in responding to the dreaded, "How do you like my hair, honey?"

However, my point is that we do not need to defend God in these matters. Rather, God, as the author of the law, does not violate morality and ethics. Ergo, IF he told Abraham to do it, then Abraham responded in both faith and morality, by "lying."

We tread in dangerous waters if we try to create a doctrine of lying out of that episode, however...and very likely miss the main meaning of the story. :cool:

I think I agree somewhat with you but I also think an important point is missed that has to do with covenants. If we covenant with G-d we covenant not to - of ourselves decide to lie and to kill. Our covenant is with G-d and as such in the covenant we do not ever seek to do such things. We also covenant to trust G-d and if he tells us to do or say a thing we do and say according to the covenant that we have to do all that he commands. Therefore we do not make a decision to Kill and we do not make a decision to say something we may not understand to be truthful.

You are right about Abraham - he was obedient to his covenant. There is another problem that we run into - and that is what happens if someone thinks G-d told them to do something but in reality is was not G-d or the spirit of G-d but a unclean spirit. My understanding of the ancient covenants of kingdoms is that you better be very clear that you do not accept an imposter for the King (Suzerain) or his servant vassal. To not follow or to follow an imposter were both considered acts of treason in ancient times.

The Traveler

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