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I have been told alot of different things about Mormons.

1-they have more then one wife.

2-they don't like black people

3-when they die they can become Gods

4-They are not considerd Christian by any Christian Church.

I have a friend that I meet here in Ney York that is becoming Mormon and it sounds really good but I have heard things like I listed above that bother me.

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NewYork1975 wrote:

I have been told alot of different things about Mormons.

1-they have more then one wife.

Rameumptom: We only can be married to one wife. Over a century ago, Mormons did practice polygamy, but it ended in 1890. There are a few break-away sects that still practice it, but they are not LDS.

2-they don't like black people

Rameumptom: We do love black people. We consider them to be children of God, just as you and me. At one time, black people were limited to some benefits in the Church, but it was resolved 30 years ago. Black people are very involved in our Church, and are in positions of leadership in many locations. In fact, we have a black bishop in our stake (like a diocese) in Indianapolis.

3-when they die they can become Gods

Rameumptom: We believe we are the children of God. We believe that as His children, we can grow up to be like Him. Paul taught that we are "heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ." The apostle John stated that Christ has made us "kings and priests unto God" (Rev 1:5-6). The LDS definition of godhood is to receive all of God's blessings and opportunities he wishes to bestow upon the faithful. As it is, even though we may be made kings and priests, we are still subordinate to God and Christ.

4-They are not considerd Christian by any Christian Church.

Rameumptom: Many Christian churches consider us Christian. There are a few outspoken ones that do not. They insist on certain criteria for a person to be Christian that would exclude groups like the Mormons. The thing is, many of their criteria would exclude most Christians.

For example, LDS believe in the Godhead, that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three separate beings, who are one in purpose. This is what is called a "social Trinity." Most other Christians believe in the Trinity, which states they are three persons in one God. The thing is, it is a mystery that cannot be explained or really understood, and so most Trinitarian Christians actually believe in Modalism, which St Augustine insisted is a heresy.

So, if Mormons are condemned and rejected as Christians, most normal Christians would also have to be condemned for also not believing in the textbook Trinity.

--I have a friend that I meet here in Ney York that is becoming Mormon and it sounds really good but I have heard things like I listed above that bother me.

Rameumptom: and I thank you for taking the time to find out the real story. Too many people hear a rumor and believe it to be true. Mormons believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer. We believe that all Christians will be saved through Christ's grace. We believe as Jesus taught that there are many mansions in his Father's house, and that each of us will receive a mansion based upon our level of faithfulness. In this way, we are saved by faith and grace, but rewarded according to the level of faithfulness and obedience. We believe that many of God's truths were lost over the centuries as men's philosophies entered into the belief system of Christians, and so God chose to restore many of those truths through a new prophet, Joseph Smith.

These include the Book of Mormon, another testimony of Jesus Christ; the lost knowledge that God has prepared several mansions or levels of heaven for his children (2 Corinthians 12:1-4), baptism for the dead (1 Corinthians 15:29, modern revelation, etc.

Are we different? Yes. But so was Jesus' teachings different for the Jews among whom he preached. He revealed new teachings and ideas to them, which were accepted by some, but rejected by many.

Edited by rameumptom
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I have been told alot of different things about Mormons.

1-they have more then one wife.

Me too. Mormons believed in public polygamy from about 1852 'til about 1890. People quibble on the exact dates, but that pretty much covers it. I have a Great-Grandfather that married 4 wives in the late 1800's, who didn't pass away until the 1920's. He at that time still lived with two of them. My last living 'legal' polygamist relative died in 1976.

I do have some relatives that STILL TODAY live polygamy, but the are not members of the LDS Church, they belong to offshoots and were excommunicated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) (LDS). Polygamy today is non-doctrinal in the LDS Church.

2-they don't like black people

I don't know anyone in the Church today that doesn't like black people.

3-when they die they can become Gods

This is a Christian doctrine called 'deification', and has been around since Christ's death and resurrection.

4-They are not considerd Christian by any Christian Church.

Yeah, you have to look pretty far to find a Christian Church that will let us into the Club. Shame on them, since the standard of who is, and who is not, Christian, is not in the Bible. Or if it is, then we clearly qualify.

I have a friend that I meet here in Ney York that is becoming Mormon and it sounds really good but I have heard things like I listed above that bother me.

It IS really good. I love the Church.


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NewYork1975 wrote:

I have been told alot of different things about Mormons.

1-they have more then one wife.

Rameumptom: We only can be married to one wife. Over a century ago, Mormons did practice polygamy, but it ended in 1890. There are a few break-away sects that still practice it, but they are not LDS.

2-they don't like black people

Rameumptom: We do love black people. We consider them to be children of God, just as you and me. At one time, black people were limited to some benefits in the Church, but it was resolved 30 years ago. Black people are very involved in our Church, and are in positions of leadership in many locations. In fact, we have a black bishop in our stake (like a diocese) in Indianapolis.

3-when they die they can become Gods

Rameumptom: We believe we are the children of God. We believe that as His children, we can grow up to be like Him. Paul taught that we are "heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ." The apostle John stated that Christ has made us "kings and priests unto God" (Rev 1:5-6). The LDS definition of godhood is to receive all of God's blessings and opportunities he wishes to bestow upon the faithful. As it is, even though we may be made kings and priests, we are still subordinate to God and Christ.

4-They are not considerd Christian by any Christian Church.

Rameumptom: Many Christian churches consider us Christian. There are a few outspoken ones that do not. They insist on certain criteria for a person to be Christian that would exclude groups like the Mormons. The thing is, many of their criteria would exclude most Christians.

For example, LDS believe in the Godhead, that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are three separate beings, who are one in purpose. This is what is called a "social Trinity." Most other Christians believe in the Trinity, which states they are three persons in one God. The thing is, it is a mystery that cannot be explained or really understood, and so most Trinitarian Christians actually believe in Modalism, which St Augustine insisted is a heresy.

So, if Mormons are condemned and rejected as Christians, most normal Christians would also have to be condemned for also not believing in the textbook Trinity.

--I have a friend that I meet here in Ney York that is becoming Mormon and it sounds really good but I have heard things like I listed above that bother me.

Rameumptom: and I thank you for taking the time to find out the real story. Too many people hear a rumor and believe it to be true. Mormons believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer. We believe that all Christians will be saved through Christ's grace. We believe as Jesus taught that there are many mansions in his Father's house, and that each of us will receive a mansion based upon our level of faithfulness. In this way, we are saved by faith and grace, but rewarded according to the level of faithfulness and obedience. We believe that many of God's truths were lost over the centuries as men's philosophies entered into the belief system of Christians, and so God chose to restore many of those truths through a new prophet, Joseph Smith.

These include the Book of Mormon, another testimony of Jesus Christ; the lost knowledge that God has prepared several mansions or levels of heaven for his children (2 Corinthians 12:1-4), baptism for the dead (1 Corinthians 15:29, modern revelation, etc.

Are we different? Yes. But so was Jesus' teachings different for the Jews among whom he preached. He revealed new teachings and ideas to them, which were accepted by some, but rejected by many.


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Livin in New York city I have not run into alot of Mormons. But they seem nice. I asked the question about blacks because I am black. I am tryng to find more of a purpose to my life. Growing up in a gang does not really give me that. But that is the past and I am tryin to turn it around now. Thanks again for taking time to answer my questions.

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Livin in New York city I have not run into alot of Mormons. But they seem nice. I asked the question about blacks because I am black. I am tryng to find more of a purpose to my life. Growing up in a gang does not really give me that. But that is the past and I am tryin to turn it around now. Thanks again for taking time to answer my questions.

Welcome, brother. I'm glad to see that you look for the good things in life. I hope you find a new home here in our forum. There are a lot of good people here who are willing to answer you questions. Best wishes.

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Hello and welcome to the forum. All of your concerns are really common.

I am sad to hear the one about blacks. It has not been my experience and I have been a member my whole life. Everyone, no matter their color, is welcome in our church. Just ask Gladys Knight! Not to mention the Asian family and the Samoan family I know. My SIL is from Peru and my LDS neighbors are from the Philipines. My good Lds friend is a Navajo Indian from Page, Az. It is world-wide church of many colors!!! Our focus is for the entire family of Heavenly Father's children to learn about Him and his plan for their happiness on earth and life with Him after death. Don't let such ideas keep you from understanding the church accurately. People say that to discredit us because we are different, much in the same way black people have been discredited.

And frankly, I don't know why others don't think we are Christian. Completely blows my mind! Jesus is the absolute center of everything we do and feel and are. We are the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. He is the center of our name, our worship/affection, and our doctrine. We believe Jesus saved us from sin and death thru his sacrifice. We believe that we can be saved in the kingdom of God if we have faith, repent, and are baptized. We read the Bible to learn of Jesus. And we read the Book of Mormon (thus the nickname) because it is another account of Jesus coming and teaching people of the world. Give it a read sometime. Start with 3 Nephi chapter 11. It is where Christ actually visits the people who lived in ancient America. That I think more than anything will help you understand that we do in fact believe in and love Jesus Christ.

Take Care. Sounds like you have been thru a lot in your life. Love to hear more about your story and your journey.

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Livin in New York city I have not run into alot of Mormons. But they seem nice. I asked the question about blacks because I am black. I am tryng to find more of a purpose to my life. Growing up in a gang does not really give me that. But that is the past and I am tryin to turn it around now. Thanks again for taking time to answer my questions.

NY, this is the Church of the Savior of Mankind. We are about spreading the Gospel of Jesus Chris across the whole world. Some of the most exiting and faith driven work in the church today is taking place in Africa. But at the end, the color of our skin has no baring in what we can do and how high we can reach in the kingdom of God. Faith and perseverance are much better indicators.

Remember, lies are the favorite weapons of the devil. Satan is an equal opportunity jailer and has a full time job; to try and destroy the lives of God's children and keep them from the truth. I am glad you came and inquired here, at the source. They offered (on a post above) you some links and I encourage you to search and read as no doubt God has led you here for a reason. I also hope that you would be looking for the truth. If you are diligent and faithful you will find it.

By the way, I have been a member of the Church for almost 10 years and I am also black!:)

Edited by Islander
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I am Roman Catholic. The official position of my church and many other Christian churches is that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is not a Christian Church as they differ on their understanding of Father-Son-and Holy Ghost. Christian Churches in general use the Nicean Creed as their base of defining who is or who is not a Christian. They believe this creed or statement of faith is a summary of Biblical teachings as they see it-thus -if a church falls out of that criteria-they are not Christian.

Source: Nicene Creed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The concept of "Trinity" to which is the focus of the Nicean Creed has been one of disagreement for centuries-especially in the early church.

Many of the bishops/leaders of the early church argued for centuries about this topic.


Both Catholics and LDS considers each other's baptism to be invalid.

Neither recognizes the sacraments of the other.

I personally believe that LDS members are Christian.

As has been previously stated the LDS Church has Jesus Christ at the center of your focus of faith and doctrine as you interpret it. To me, that is what is important.

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Livin in New York city I have not run into alot of Mormons. But they seem nice. I asked the question about blacks because I am black. I am tryng to find more of a purpose to my life. Growing up in a gang does not really give me that. But that is the past and I am tryin to turn it around now. Thanks again for taking time to answer my questions.

We have many blacks in the Church. Gladys Knight (yes, Gladys Knight without the Pips) has been a member of the Church for about 10 or 15 years.

And after returning from Russia and exile, Eldridge Cleaver joined the Church before his death.

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Only if it makes you more comfortable. Are they missionaries or just members? Set the tone that is most comfortable for you and I guarantee they will adapt to it. Let us know what your impressions are.

they are missionaries, I guess they live in the city close by, maybe I will wait until they come over and then ask if they are hungry.

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they are missionaries, I guess they live in the city close by, maybe I will wait until they come over and then ask if they are hungry.

No worries. Missionaries are ALWAYS hungry. They walk or bike 8 hours a day so you can imagine. But have not worries at all in regards to food. Just have them some cold Sprite or lemonade ready and they will appreciate it.

Good luck in your meeting tonight and keep us posted.

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I am Roman Catholic. The official position of my church and many other Christian churches is that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is not a Christian Church as they differ on their understanding of Father-Son-and Holy Ghost. Christian Churches in general use the Nicean Creed as their base of defining who is or who is not a Christian. They believe this creed or statement of faith is a summary of Biblical teachings as they see it-thus -if a church falls out of that criteria-they are not Christian.

Source: Nicene Creed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The concept of "Trinity" to which is the focus of the Nicean Creed has been one of disagreement for centuries-especially in the early church.

Many of the bishops/leaders of the early church argued for centuries about this topic.


Both Catholics and LDS considers each other's baptism to be invalid.

Neither recognizes the sacraments of the other.

I personally believe that LDS members are Christian.

As has been previously stated the LDS Church has Jesus Christ at the center of your focus of faith and doctrine as you interpret it. To me, that is what is important.

I talked with a Catholic preist yesterday. He told me about RCIA classes. Do you know alot about RCIA?

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Yes, I know much about RCIA Classes.

I would encourage you to talk to the priest you mention about such classes. Many have found them helpful. As this is an LDS site, my guess is that you, like myself are exploring the LDS faith as well. May our Heavenly Father bless your efforts as you seek truth.

I talked with a Catholic preist yesterday. He told me about RCIA classes. Do you know alot about RCIA?

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