Becoming a Zion Person

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Meridian Magazine:: Becoming a Zion Person: Becoming a Zion Person

Article snippet:

Zion — Our Divine Mandate

Hugh Nibley wrote that a primary purpose of the Church [the Kingdom of God ] is to prepare a people to become Zion : “[We] work for the building up the Kingdom of God on earth and the establishment of Zion . The first step makes the second possible.”

At the outset of this dispensation — the dispensation of Zion — Joseph Smith said, “We ought to have the building up of Zion as our greatest object.” If we were to conduct a survey, would the building up of Zion be our greatest object? Regardless of how we answer, we nevertheless defend Zion as uniquely us, and we are not timid about claiming the blessings of Zion as our birthright. But by and large, we are hard-pressed to describe or envision it, let alone live it.

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Guest HEthePrimate

To me the concepts of Zion and atonement are inextricably linked. Just as atonement means "being at one," so Zion means being of one heart and one mind. While this sounds good in sermons, they are very difficult to apply, as they can require great personal sacrifice, which may be why people aren't enthusiastically rushing out to practice "Zionness." Frankly, it's rather scary!

Yes, Zion/atonement ought to be our goal, but that will involve at least coming to love others as much as we love ourselves, or better yet, love others as God has loved us.

The Primate

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I think we learned to be the most Christ like in kindergarten!

We should just be nice to everyone no matter what and then our goal of achieving Zion will be accomplished. It does'nt mean that you have to give up or change everything to be nice. Just take a good look at our Savior in all reality he was just being nice to everyone. By healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and clothing the naked geez i think its the least we can do. We don't have to single handedly save the world. Just be nice to those we come in contact with even if they are not being nice. Being nice is the simplest form of love. The #1 rule in our home is "be nice" everything falls under this heading.

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Just recently I have been watching a few films about the early church and it's migration. I was a bit surprised to hear the saints say that they were heading to Zion, that being Utah. I know a convert to the church who always had a problem with Utah not really being like Zion. As a long time member of the church I saw Zion as a place we create. Now I see it as both. Thanks for sharing. :)

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Guest HEthePrimate

I think we learned to be the most Christ like in kindergarten!

We should just be nice to everyone no matter what and then our goal of achieving Zion will be accomplished. It does'nt mean that you have to give up or change everything to be nice. Just take a good look at our Savior in all reality he was just being nice to everyone. By healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and clothing the naked geez i think its the least we can do. We don't have to single handedly save the world. Just be nice to those we come in contact with even if they are not being nice. Being nice is the simplest form of love. The #1 rule in our home is "be nice" everything falls under this heading.

We grown-ups can learn a lot from children. Jesus did say that "of such are the kingdom of heaven." :)



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