Word of Wisdom


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Guest TheLutheran

. . . We give our livestock - beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkeys, asf. - growth hormones . . .

In addition, we also give anti-biotics to most, if not all, of our livestock (70% of all anti-biotics produced are sold to ranchers and farmers ) . . . .

We also give our crops N-P-K (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) - the fundamental and "major" nutrients of all of our crops. . . . (Emphasis mine.)

It should probably be noted that the LDS church is a major player in agri-business, both in the U.S. and abroad. :confused:

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I think the most important thing to remember is the intent of the WoW. We are to treat our bodies as temples, thus should only put good things into it.

The way I interpret the Wow is that you should not put any addicitve substances into your body, and not eat or drink anything in excess. Moderation is the key.

We have been lucky enough to have received modern revelation in regards to this, why do people feel the need to push the limits?

I do not know why this is so hard, is coffie/tea/alcohol or cigarettes worth your eternal salvation?

I think Mykdiver is exactly right with this sentiment. We can debate the semantics and historical context of the WoW all night long, but even picking it apart syllable by syllable isn't going to reach the heart of it. It is, of course, interesting to consider the background of the language and culture of the day, but those considerations shouldn't replace our search for a personal spiritual witness about the WoW's application to OUR lives in OUR day.

We need to remember that the WoW is a spiritual law first and foremost. Yes, following it or not following it will certainly affect our temporal circumstances--especially financially in addition to the obvious health affects. But there are a host of negative spiritual effects we need to keep in mind, as well. Mykdiver mentioned addiction. I witnessed addiction tear my family apart growing up and ruin the hearts and minds of my parents and relatives. Addiction rots the spirit faster than it ruins the body.

And I will add to this point the affect of alcohol on the mind (and surely the spirit). I don't believe beer was ever an exception, Hordak, because after enough beer you're just as drunk as you would be on hard liquor. In any state of intoxication, our agency is compromised and there's no way we are going to feel the Spirit.

As far as meat and the rest is concerned, I think we really just need to feel these issues out in our hearts and our spirits. We need to pray and ponder. We need to stop being spiritually lazy, looking for the exactness of the law in the letters on the page when we can find the exact requirement for US, individually, on our knees. I believe it may be different for all of us. The Lord may want one person to work on limiting meat, but another person my need to work harder on limiting sugar. We all have different strengths and weaknesses, different appetites to overcome. It may be a vague, general law for a reason. The spirit of the law goes out to all. It's up to us to consult the Lord about the letter of the law for our own lives.

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I was going to start a new thread for this but a) I haven't read all of the posts, and b) it can be contained in this thread.

In the first few verses of the WoW we read that: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you...

I have always hated to see Sunday school lessons on Sect. 89 denigrate into a tabacco and alcohol rant. However, when this verse I partially quoted is considered then we realize how smart it is.

Everyone of us I am sure has now heard that wine (particularly red wine) is good for us. It's everywhere. Once a week Yahoo posts a "study" that vindicates the use of some type of alcohol in our diet. Two drinks a day is "healthy" I've read within the last year. In fact "two drinks a day" helps you live longer than people who don't drink. According to these studies. (I think in a previous post I mentioned the Seventh Day Adventist/LDS study that showed these two demographic groups are longest lived in the US. The common denominator? Neither group drinks or smokes. Or at least are not supposed too.)

Two to three years ago a little known article was published in Men's Health that for the most part debunked this "alcohol is good for you" manure. The author of the study stated that drinking red wine for heart health was like taking chemo therapy if you don't have cancer. Red wine apparently shows some help with heart disease (one glass a day), but if you don't have heart trouble then don't. He also stated that the benefits of drinking booze for heart health is not outweighing the risks of alcohol dependency.

Christiaan Barnard in his book: 50 Ways to a Healthy Heart said similarly the same thing. A glass of red wine is good for your heart, but if you don't drink, don't start.

Noted though, the author of the Men's Health article stated that prescribed medicines from your doctor do the same thing as wine would do, without the risk of being hooked.

In a recent Barbara Walter's special on longevity she asked a longevity specialist if drinking red wine was healthy? Yes he said. Then he asked if she knew how much. A glass a day was her reply. He then answered, to get the needed amount of flavanoids from red wine to be of a healthy benefit, a person would need to drink 1000 bottles a day. A little more than a glass. Not to mention the trips to the bathroom.

Men's Health apparently has forgotten their previous article on alcohol, they are now promoting the health benefits of beer. Apparently it is good for you: weight gain (they claim beer helps you lose weight), drunk driving and spousal abuse aside.

I think indeed we are now living, and have lived in a time when coniving men (and women) are promoting their evil designs to get us to do things that aren't good. And certainly it extends beyond the use of alcohol. (Remember when chew was the "safe" tobacco?)

I'm sorry this is such a long post.


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Thanks Over43.

Just wanted to add that my husband's research group (chemists) are conducting a study regarding the "beneficial" ingredients in wine.

They have found that the benefits are not from the wine, but rather they're from the grape...So you would get the same benefits from drinking that amount of grape juice everyday.

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Thanks Over43.

Just wanted to add that my husband's research group (chemists) are conducting a study regarding the "beneficial" ingredients in wine.

They have found that the benefits are not from the wine, but rather they're from the grape...So you would get the same benefits from drinking that amount of grape juice everyday.

Isn't that a commercial on TV???:D:D:D

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I dunno...But now I want to see it! What company is it??

My hubby's group was being paid by a wine company to do the study. The results aren't really helping the wine company out. The lab gets boxes and boxes of free wine, the scientists only have to use a few cups from each batch to do what they need...they get to drink the rest. It's everyone's favorite project. ;)

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Thanks Over43.

Just wanted to add that my husband's research group (chemists) are conducting a study regarding the "beneficial" ingredients in wine.

They have found that the benefits are not from the wine, but rather they're from the grape...So you would get the same benefits from drinking that amount of grape juice everyday.

That is what I have heard before also. I am pretty sure this is true, but I am wondering why do they make "Red wine pills"? If it is just the grape, eat some grapes, why would you need a red wine pill?

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