Should i know the church is true


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Hello back my LDS friend,

I have zero personal revelation. My understanding of the concept is that I believe God used men ( old testement ) to reveal what God wanted to be known.

Are you suggesting that ALL LDS have had personal revelation and thus KNOW it is true?

God bless,



But I am suggesting more than that. I am saying that every one of the human family may receive personal revelation thru the Holy Ghost. We believe that God always intended for man to talk to him and for God to talk back! It is the same today as it has always been.

"Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you."

"But the comforter, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you the truth of all things and bring to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you."

PS. I should have read Pam's post. Sorry Pam. I am saying that such is possible for any member of my church or yours.....not that everyone will seek such a blessing.

Edited by Misshalfway
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Totally agree with you Miss. Everyone, no matter the religion, has the possibility to receive this. I was just responding to his question literally I guess as to whether or not ALL LDS have had personal revelation and know it's true.

We were on the same page...just responded differently.

Hope that answered your question on this ceeboo.

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And now, behold, is your knowledge perfect? Yea, your knowledge is perfect in that thing, and your faith is dormant; and this because you know


I do believe there are things that we have a knowledge of but do not necessarily comprehend in fullness. For example, I know God has used messengers to speak to people when necessary, but I'm sure I can barely comprehend actually having such a visitation myself. And I think someone in church history once said we will be quite surprised to see how familiar Heavenly Father's face is when we see him, though we can imagine it only vaguely now. But none of this detracts from our knowledge "on that thing."

ceebo, we believe that the Holy Spirit is the testifier of all truth, concerning all things personal and spiritual, and that each one who seeks it, may have personal revelation on the things in their own personal lives or on spiritual matters of concern to them.

We also believe that one may have the Holy Spirit as a constant companion and not just "on occasions," and this we call the "gift" of the Holy Spirit which comes through repentance and baptism and the laying on of hands by those authorized to do so.

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I would like to add something that is only slightly off topic but came about because of ceebos interest.

I believe many people receive personal revelation without even realizing it. This is more of a personal belief of mine and certainly not a specifically taught doctrine. But I surmise that since the Holy Spirit is the testifier of all truth concerning all things that this would concern secular things as well. For example, I personally believe that Einstein's discoveries were given to him by the Holy Spirit because of his sincerity and effort. This takes nothing away from his own intellect, as he would have had to work through all of his theories himself and most importantly, would have had to have the capacity to comprehend that "aha!" moment when something profound finally hit him. I, for one, do not have such a mental capacity. However, I have often had those kinds of moments myself as a computer programmer, when all my tons of hours of work have reached a long standstill and I suddenly see a clear solution, of which I know was not of my own thinking. Some would say that it is just our brain working subconsciously and cogitating all the things over in our mind and then spitting out it's own solution, and that's fine, I choose to believe otherwise (BELIEVE, not KNOW haha).

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