Fullness of Times / Second Coming


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Um.....'babe' prophet? Would you elaborate a bit..please. I am unfamiliar with this....is this scriptural or LDS lore?

I think if Hemi were a D&D character, he'd have a 28 Lore skill and a shelf in his kitchen dedicated to "Potions of Insight" :D

I've never heard or read of any "babe prophet" scripturally or otherwise. That doesn't mean that one doesn't exist.... But the only prophets I'm aware of that have anything to do with the last days are the two Lazaruses in Jerusalem. But on that note, I do have an interesting interpretation of Revelation 8: 5 - I think I looked up "voice" in the TG to get a better understanding of what that verse meant and when I found Joel 2: 11 it all clicked.... I think when the seventh seal is (or was? :D ) opened, that the world will be filled with prophets and prophecies great and small - something akin to the state of Jerusalem ca 600bc when there were several prophets all declaring repentance.

Oh, on a side note - on the same verse in revelations where the angel took the censer and cast it into the earth - I think Hebrews 9: 13 is an interesting cross-reference.

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A quick web search for "LDS babe prophet" returns:

LDS Babes

1000's of Pictures & Videos of Beautiful LDS Singles. Join Free!

So the "babe prophet" is a hot chick! Sweet! I am so down with that! I wonder if she's single....

Hee hee :)

When I search on LDS.org, every result with "babe" is an allegory with Babe Ruth or about the baby Jesus. And most of the results with "prophet" are about Joseph Smith. But nothing about a "babe prophet".

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Guest The_Doctor

Not in a couple of years but there are several items that need to be accomplished. Even the 'babe' prophet [i believe was born in 87] that will usher in the Second Coming needs to grow in the Gospel of Christ prior to reaching that pinnacle of receiving the mantel.

Then I could go on and on and on....:)

What is the "babe" prophet and where is it mentioned?

Edit: Sorry about posting this question again. :( I hadn't read to the point where everyone had started posting this question.

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I concur....this not doctrine but personal. Does not constitute the current policy of the Church.

Opination: When we read the OT - especially the last minor twelve prophets, they speak of two prophets in the last day, both of which will have the name of David; one at Mount Zion and the other, the old Jerusalem. [Joseph Smith, Bruce R. McConkie]

The two prophets mentioned bv John are two Apostles of the church that will be sent to Jerusalem in the last days - that was from President Spencer W. Kimball. A question I asked the President years ago.

Edited by Hemidakota
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Temple Statement for Utah South Mission

April 1987

by Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone

The season of the world before us will be like no other in the history of mankind. Satan has unleashed every evil, every scheme, every blatant, vile perversion ever known to man in any generation.

Just as this is the dispensation of the fullness of times, so it is also the dispensation of the fullness of evil. We and our wives and husbands, our children, and our members, must find safety. There is no safety in the world. Wealth cannot provide it, enforcement agencies cannot assure it, membership in this Church alone cannot bring it.

As the evil night darkens upon this generation, we must come to the temple for light and safety. In our temples we find quiet, sacred havens where the storm cannot penetrate to us. There are hosts of unseen sentinels watching over and guarding our temples. Angels attend every door. As it was in the days of Elisha, so it will be for us. "Those that be with us are more than they that be against us."

Before the Savior comes, the world will darken. There will come a period of time when even the elect will lose hope if they do not come to the temples. The world will be so filled with evil that the righteous will only feel sure within these walls. The Saints will come here not only to do vicarious work, but to find a haven of peace. They will long to bring their children here for safety's sake.

I believe we may well have living on the earth now, or very soon, the boy or babe who will be the prophet of the church when the Savior comes. Those who will sit in the Quorum of Twelve Apostles are here. There are many in our homes and communities who will have apostolic callings. We must keep them clean, sweet, and pure in an oh, so wicked world. There will be greater hosts of unseen beings in the temple. Prophets of old, as well as those in this dispensation, will visit the temples. Those who attend well feel their strength and companionship. We will not be alone in our temples.

Our garments, worn as instructed, will clothe us in a manner as protective as temple walls. The covenants and ordinances will fill us with faith as a living fire. In a day of desolating sickness, scorched earth, barren wastes, sickening plagues, disease, destruction, and death, we as a people will rest in the shade of trees and we will drink from the cooling fountains.

We will abide in places of refuge from the storm. We will mount up as on eagles' wings. We will be lifted out of an insane and evil world. We will be as fair as the sun and clear as the moon.

The Savior will come and will honor His people. Those who are spared and prepared will be a temple-loving people. They will know Him. They will cry out, "Blessed be the name of He that cometh in the name of the Lord. Thou art my God and I will bless thee. Thou art my God and I will exalt thee." Our children will bow down at His feet and worship Him as the Lord of Hosts, the King of Kings.

They will bathe His feet with their tears and He will weep and bless them for having suffered through the greatest trials ever known to man. His bowels will be filled with compassion and His heart will swell wide as eternity and He will love them. He will bring peace that will last a thousand years and they will receive their reward to dwell with Him.

Let us prepare them with the faith to surmount every trial and every condition. We will do it in these holy, sacred temple. Come, come, oh come up to the temples of the Lord and abide in His presence.

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Temple Statement for Utah South Mission

April 1987

by Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone


I believe we may well have living on the earth now, or very soon, the boy or babe who will be the prophet of the church when the Savior comes. Those who will sit in the Quorum of Twelve Apostles are here. There are many in our homes and communities who will have apostolic callings. We must keep them clean, sweet, and pure in an oh, so wicked world. There will be greater hosts of unseen beings in the temple. Prophets of old, as well as those in this dispensation, will visit the temples. Those who attend well feel their strength and companionship. We will not be alone in our temples.




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Sorry for being at times - HARSH - but people generally want it without working for it.

One night, leaving the TV on, I was awaken by a touch. For the next half-hour, for what I did remember, I did watch from 2005 to XXXX years as it was unfolded before me. At first, I laugh, figuring it to be one of those gospel according to the Discovery Channel. After a given time, I fell back to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I had the same impression of what I seen last night and put it down as nothing to be concerned about. Well, the first thing that I did witnessed was the flooding of New Orleans as shown on TV. I remember back to the show I watched and started to put two and two together. Then I went back to research on that same channel to see if there was a show xxxxxxx. Well, to my surprise, there wasn't.

The Lord at times may use non-familiar tools to show His servants on what is coming. We just need to ponder on those received enlightenment until it does come.

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Sorry for being at times - HARSH - but people generally want it without working for it.

One night, leaving the TV on, I was awaken by a touch. For the next half-hour, for what I did remember, I did watch from 2005 to XXXX years as it was unfolded before me. At first, I laugh, figuring it to be one of those gospel according to the Discovery Channel. After a given time, I fell back to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I had the same impression of what I seen last night and put it down as nothing to be concerned about. Well, the first thing that I did witnessed was the flooding of New Orleans as shown on TV. I remember back to the show I watched and started to put two and two together. Then I went back to research on that same channel to see if there was a show xxxxxxx. Well, to my surprise, there wasn't.

The Lord at times may use non-familiar tools to show His servants on what is coming. We just need to ponder on those received enlightenment until it does come.

I totally believe you. So, when do I pull my $$ out of the bank? :lol:

...only halfway kidding...


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Very cool Hemi. :)

I have wondered what would happen to the saints around the world, and also those that are righteous that have yet to hear the gospel.

I pray about it - like when there are natural disasters, knowing that there are good people suffering... but haven't really gotten an answer yet. And the stuff going on in Darfur...I just really hope that God is there with those people with his arms wrapped around them.

There are so many well-meaning people out there who have done the best they know how and I want them to be just as blessed and comforted (whenever calamity happens) as promised to the saints.

Hopefully that made sense.

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Bahahahaaaa...yes! I know. Shocking. I had stop counting on what I had been collecting. I wish I had the memory abilities as Hugh did [Nibley].

As the brethren plainly said - BUY NOW and STORE NOW. There is lengthy discussion and we have those experts here on this forum. For me, go with what Joseph remarked....and I know the church tries to prepare for the masses but I would not count on the church after the first year. The real problem are those members where the land will return to its normal location.

Getting back to N___O___. I would not rebuild or buy property their.

[Disclaimer - this is not coming from the church as an offical]

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7 years is a LOT of food, but well worth it, I think, considering what can happen. And considering what, in my opinion, is likely to happen and increasingly happen as we draw closer.

I'm of the mindset "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for the rest of his life." While having food storage is essential, I think it's also essential to develop and practice good survival skills. This would include hunting, fishing, shelter building and other skills that will allow you to live off the land should Wal-Mart cease to function. I also think that "food storage" includes general preparedness items such as tents, sleeping bags, rope, good hiking gear, and all those other Boy Scout essentials. Military surplus is a great way to go :) and a LOT cheaper than REI.

I'm grateful to have been raised and taught these skills. I feel fully prepared to be left in the middle of nowhere as I am and be able to survive, perhaps even to live well. Yes, I have started a fire by rubbing sticks together. And I honestly think someday I may need to use that ability; and hopefully many others can benefit from it.


Speaking of military surplus - MREs are a great idea for food storage. They're healthy balanced meals individually packaged and easily stored for decades. Buy them by the case if you can. They'd be a great supplement to your flour and beans :D

So um... the babe prophet isn't a hot single chick? Sad day...

Edited by puf_the_majic_dragon
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