Can anything be better then FireFox 3?


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I guess so.

I hear on the radio this morning that I guess something was leaked about A google browser. Everybody was waiting for google to release the beta. After a Press Conference today it finally got released

Google Chrome - Download a new browser

Its pretty much 70% FireFox, but it did take some parts of Safari. (Its made to be for the newer internet, more for videos and sound)

Its only beta (meaning there are still bugs, its not perfect)

But man oh man! Its a good start. Really really fast for what I have seen (and I liked how fast FF 3 was).

lets see what Microsoft can do now.

(There is suppose to be some ads in the browser, but I haven't seen them yet).

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It looks like so far the biggest advantage over FF is that Chrome handles memory issues better and eliminates the leaks. A co-worker and I are experimenting today with Chrome, FF3 and IE7 to see how the memory issue looks after a day of browsing and shuffling tabs. I'll let ya know what we find :)

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Some sites it does seem like it checks spelling. But Some sites I can't seem to get it to work as well (Maybe I just spell the word so bad that it doesn't find any suggestions).

IE8 beta is out. It is a little faster, but nothing compared to FF and Chrome. So IE still has some work.

i love google, but dont use the toolbar. the search box is all i need.

Thats what is cool about Chrome, the address bar, and the search bar are now all one bar. Meaning as you type a web site, it is already searching google for suggestions. Either you can just use it to search or type in the address.

For me I have just been surprised at how fast Gmail, youtube and even just basic yahoo sites load. They seem a lot quicker!

You should try it!

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