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Everything posted by kona0197

  1. I will not read them. Nothing "Christian" about vampires.
  2. Anything is better than those novels written by Stephenie Meyer.
  3. Bring back Billie Piper and I will be happy.
  4. Fail. In and Out rules. Almost as good as a Triple Whopper.
  5. You started this by bringing up my living situation. Chill out. I used the missionaries as an example. Maybe that wasn't a good example but my point was there. Don't assume all people living together are sinning. By the way I don't ruin threads. I just speak my mind. You choose to be offended.
  6. Dr T: Her original post said this:
  7. You assume I am not practicing chastity. However this thread is not about me nor do I wish it to be. Carry on.
  8. So I guess all the missionaries are sinning? Oh and please watch the language. :)
  9. Who you talking to Pale? I can't see anyone there. Must be one of those people on my ignore list.
  10. No motivation? I feel for you. Welcome to my world,
  11. Quit using my slogans Palerider. Grow up.
  12. Remember I work at Walmart. It angers me when you all say things. Our Walmart only stocks oil filters from Fram, Mobile One and a generic type that I have personally used for years with no issues.
  13. Crime pays. Getting caught does not. Pretty sure that drug dealer makes more money than I do.
  14. Just goes to show that other countries know more about our history than we do... Sad...
  15. You all can sneak your snacks in if you like. I prefer the theater's popcorn with so much butter it drips.
  16. You answered 22 out of 33 correctly — 66.67 % Now if the test was about WW2 I would have done better...
  17. I would reject a calling if it involved talking in front of the congregation. I don't do things like that.
  18. Why are some here saying to not question the calling? Question everything. That's how you find truth.